Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 189 Ravenclaw Rita Skeeter

Snape's attitude was basically ignored by Regulus Black, because he knew that although the Snake King said so now, he would definitely give a fair testimony when he went to court, even if he really added personal activities to the testimony. It didn't matter, Regulus Black would have other ways of neutralizing those effects.

For example, now, Regulus Black is preparing to tell Snape some bad news.

"Sirius has already recognized Harry Potter. After all, they are godfather and godson, and Sirius also hopes that Harry Potter can live with his godfather in the future, and it seems that Harry Potter agrees. "

Regulus Black looked at Snape, whose expression was already not very good, and then continued.

"If you, Professor, can help with this matter, I believe Harry Potter will definitely change your mind. Please believe that Lily's child is worthy of help."

Regarding Harry Potter's mother and Professor Snape, their childhood past is not a secret in the small circle. After all, Snape begged Voldemort for his 'enemy'. This is something that very few Death Eaters know. thing, an infatuated Potions Master.

But all this was nothing after Voldemort knew the prophecy about himself.

James Potter and Lily Potter were both killed by Voldemort, and then Voldemort fell into a magic trap and died.

The Potters exchanged their lives and the safety of Harry Potter for Voldemort's death.

At the same time, it also made Snape feel extremely guilty. Regarding Harry Potter's emotions, Snape felt that he had failed him.

Snape was very conflicted at this time. If he let Sirius go, Harry Potter would still be closer to his godfather, not Snape.

This is like when Lily married that annoying Potter, but Snape could only wish Lily happiness.

Snape was able to bear the unhappiness in order to make the people he cared about happy.

"I understand, the matter of testifying is at your discretion!"

Snape suddenly stood up, turned around and left the principal's office like a big black bat. Now he needs to face his pain alone. No matter how much he does, Lily will never come back. The same goes for Harry Potter. And will never be close to him.

"I originally thought that the person who would be the hardest to convince actually agreed so easily. Then it depends on the Wizengamot court. After all, the final judgment still requires a formal closing statement."

Regulus Black looked like he was preparing to formally discuss the details, which embarrassed Fudge, who had just been secretly cheering.

The conversation lasted until dawn. When Regulus Black, who did not need to sleep, left the principal's office, Dumbledore decided not to have breakfast and go to catch up on his sleep. Minister of Magic Fudge and Director of the Auror Office Rufus Scrimgeour still had to go to work at the Ministry of Magic with a pair of dark circles under his eyes. As for the few Aurors they brought, since they had nothing to do with them, they took a nap against other chairs. At this time, Escort Sirius back to the Ministry of Magic.

That day, the headline news on the front page of the Daily Prophet stated that Sirius had been captured by the Aurors after escaping from prison. The Wizengamot Tribunal will hear his escape from prison tomorrow.

"My godfather was wrongly accused. He was not responsible for what happened back then. There was another reason why he was imprisoned unjustly for 12 years."

When he woke up, Harry Potter found that Sirius had been taken away by Aurors, and he immediately screamed for his godfather in the school.

However, this time period happens to be at the end of the semester. Students are busy reviewing and preparing for exams. Who has time to listen to things that have nothing to do with them!

The professors were also busy tutoring students who were preparing for the exams. They could only express moral support for Harry Potter, but there was nothing else they could do.

Of course, all this happened at Dumbledore's prompting, because Harry Potter needed to vent and vent his voice to the wider world.

Who is Sirius? The rebellion of the Black family, the family member who was once expelled from the family.

This time, he first escaped from prison, then was exposed once. Finally, the Aurors captured him outside Hogwarts. His entire escape process is enough to fill a novel.

Rita Skeeter, a senior reporter at the Daily Prophet, was dressing up in the mirror. Today she got news from an informant in the Ministry of Magic.

Harry Potter and a number of witnesses will attend Sirius' trial, but she decides to get the exclusive news first.

Rita Skeeter is an outlaw animagus who transforms into a beetle and flies around, catching anything that gives her a fit. At the same time, she also has a dark green "shorthand quill" that can transform ordinary sentences in her interviews into unrealistic and extravagant sentences and automatically record them on paper.

She is an unpopular character throughout the Harry Potter universe, but for gossipy wizards, her coverage is certainly fascinating.

In fact, from this point of view, there is no difference between wizards and Muggles. They also like gossip and rumors. The upper elites of society and them, the lower class, are always like two races.

After Rita Skeeter made some preparations, she immediately came to Hogwarts in a carriage and obtained a testimony before the client appeared in court. It was definitely the most powerful one. As for whether she would make it up, Isn’t that the characteristic of her reporting?

It needs to be explained here that the reason why she does not use the magic spell of 'Apparition' is because not every wizard can learn all the school courses and master all the magic spells.

Although they graduated from school, there are many graduates with poor levels of magic knowledge, use of magic spells, and brewing potions. It starts after graduation. What you learned in school is just the basics. That's it. There are also many people who just got there.

So don't underestimate the teaching at Hogwarts. It is a systematic basic education. Once you step into the wizarding society, without the continuous study spirit and talent, you can only become a mediocre wizard.

There are currently more than 20 wizard servants of Regulus Black, all of whom are composed of such scum.

really. Rita Skeeter's application to attend school was denied.

Dumbledore's reason is very clear. The students in the school are currently in the stage of preparing for the final exams, even Harry Potter and the others who have to testify in court, so let's leave the interview in the Wizengamot Court!

"There is no place in this world that I can't enter."

Rita Skeeter's Animagus form is a ladybug. Since she has been rejected, she and her carriage cannot enter Hogwarts, but she can fly in as a ladybug. .

Naturally, she couldn't transform back into a human form during this process, otherwise Dumbledore would find out, and it would also be inconvenient for her to eavesdrop on the conversation. After all, what the interviewee said in person and what was discussed behind the scenes could be completely different. Don't.

Buzz! A palm-sized ladybug flew to Hogwarts, a place Rita Skeeter was very familiar with. She graduated from Ravenclaw and would never cause trouble to Ravenclaw House. The secret of Winclaw College, these are her principles and bottom line.

As a former Ravenclaw, Rita Skeeter devoted all her knowledge to the exploration of privacy. It has to be said that even she felt a little ashamed of Ravenclaw. educate.

Harry Potter is a Gryffindor, Ron is a Gryffindor, and Hermione was originally a Gryffindor, but now she has been transferred to Ravenclaw, so let her go!

Those two boys are enough. Boys usually talk more arrogantly... No! to be honest.

All it takes is a little provocation, and Ravenclaw has a proven way of provoking Gryffindors to do risky things.

The ladybug flew all the way, flying without having to circle around the maze of Hogwarts.

Soon, there was a portrait of the Gryffindor lounge right in front of him, and he only had to wait for a passing student to enter.

"Dark Vision! Bone Cage! I'm so lucky today. I caught a rare creature as soon as I went out."

Regulus Black appeared at the corner, reaching out and holding a palace lantern-like bone cage in his palm.

Gloomy Vision: Curse the enemy and plunge it into darkness. This curse surrounds the recipient in a realm of absolute lightlessness and soundlessness, thus blinding it.

Bone Cage: Summons a bone cage that traps enemies and increases the damage effect of all Necromancer spells.

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