Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 190 This guess is getting more and more reliable.

In the palace lantern made of bones, the ladybug was moving restlessly, trying every possible way to find a way out.

However, except for some gaps in the pattern that it could not get out of, such a small space obviously had no loopholes for it to escape.

"I know you are Rita Skeeter, and I also know what you are doing here, but since you have fallen into my hands, you have very little choice. Either obey me or stay locked up."

Rita Skeeter probably never dreamed that her Animagus-transformed ladybug would be caught, and the person who caught her was obviously aware of her Animagus transformation form, so this capture was a trap, and the other party was waiting for her to fall into it.

Regulus Black was the last one to come out of the principal's office. Minister of Magic Fudge and his men had already returned to work, especially to arrange the trial of Sirius in the next two days.

After Snape left, Dumbledore had to give in to Regulus Black, sincerely saying that it was very hard for an old man to stay up late, and he needed to catch up on sleep in order to rush for the following matters. If he didn't even have the energy, Sirius's case might be delayed.

What a shameless old bee, but Regulus Black's purpose of tossing has been achieved. Seeing Dumbledore start to yawn, he stopped disturbing the headmaster to catch up on sleep.

But unexpectedly, as soon as he walked out of the headmaster's office, he saw a ladybug flying up. The head and the route that flew directly to the door of Gryffindor all showed that it was abnormal. It was very likely that it was the very famous Rita Skeeter in the original book.

Catch her! It doesn't matter if you catch the wrong one. The whole process is just a matter of two spells.

But after seeing the ladybug turn around in the palace lantern and stop, Regulus Black knew that he had not caught the wrong object.

Normal insects will not stop the process of exploration. Only she, who is Animagus, will show such a behavior of giving up.

The previous self in the timeline had already left the Room of Requirement with Hermione, and the current Regulus Black had no intention of going back. After all, everything in it was a secret to this voyeuristic reporter.

He came to the hall with the palace lantern, and Regulus Black was going to deal with her after breakfast.

It was still lamb chops and fish soup, with green vegetables and fruits. All of this was already very familiar to the school's house elves, but the way of making it would change slightly each time.

"Look at Assistant Black, he has a palace lantern."

Zhang Qiu, who had already confirmed his relationship with Regulus Black during the last Valentine's Day, recognized the white object as a palace lantern at a glance. After all, it was a product of Chinese culture.

The students of Ravenclaw began to discuss in a low voice what Regulus Black's palace lantern was used for. After all, this was Hogwarts, a school in the wizarding world. If you say that such a palace lantern, which is rarely seen in the UK, appears, it is just used as a lighting device. This is too disappointing.

"What do you think this lantern is made of?" Penelope Clearwater asked Zhang Qiu. Apparently, she didn't recognize the material of the lantern after looking at it. After all, there are only a few wizards who use skeletons to make props, let alone make such an exquisite lantern style. "White, smooth and delicate, no flaws, and it doesn't look like jade. Is it bone?" Zhang Qiu's intelligence is also top-notch in Ravenclaw. After all, the hard work of Asian students is deeply rooted in their bones. Otherwise, how could she first attract the male senior of Hufflepuff and later become Harry Potter's first love! However, all this is impossible. Due to Regulus Black's role in last year's Valentine's Day incident, the entire Hogwarts is still in a state of love disorder. Most of the girls have stated that they love the assistant Regulus Black, even if they have been rejected by the assistant, which makes many boys have to continue to be single dogs. Among the boys, due to the magic effect of the love chocolate, some greedy boys have made a lot of progress in their persistent pursuit. It is said that the two followers around Draco have found true love.

It must be said that true love also depends on family background. After all, Crabbe and Goyle have a deep family background. It is only a matter of time before the boys they pursue succumb. Draco is not surprised at all.

At the same time, he was very glad that he had kept all the chocolates given to him by the girls because of habit. If they were picked up and eaten by the two of them, Draco would ask his father to let him drop out of school.

Being pursued by these two foodies, this scene is too terrible.

Fortunately, they each picked up the Valentine's Day chocolates discarded by others, and the two lucky ones became their targets.

Back to the topic of the palace lantern, some sharp-eyed Ravenclaw girls noticed that there was a ladybug in the palace lantern.

Assistant Regulus Black created a new magical animal!

Assistant Regulus Black transformed a new magical animal!

Assistant Regulus Black caught a new magical animal!

Hmm! This guess is becoming more and more reliable.

Regulus Black completely ignored the discussion below in the teacher's seat and finished his breakfast slowly, with an elegant posture and no impoliteness.

After eating, he slowly tasted a glass of pomegranate juice in his hand, waiting for the other professors to finish.

Soon, most of the professors have finished their meals. Usually, the professors will leave first at this time, and then the students will go to their own classrooms for classes, which will be managed by the senior student chief.

But today is a special change. Professor Minerva McGonagall, as the Vice-Principal, has something to say to the Head of Gryffindor.

"Today! There are some changes in the curriculum. All Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions classes will be cancelled. The two relevant professors have important matters to deal with. These two courses will be made up tomorrow, and some professors will teach one more class today. courses, and relevant course change arrangements will be displayed on the notice board outside the hall.”

Professor McGonagall signaled the end by clapping her hands, and the students who had finished breakfast stood up one after another. They had to go outside the hall to see the new class schedule before they could know today's schedule.

"Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, the three of you will stay here for a while."

Regulus Black stood up and summoned them in a voice that only three of them could hear.

"What's going on? It seems like only the three of us can hear it."

Ron looked at the reactions of the students around him and immediately discovered the problem. None of the students seemed to have heard Regulus Black's words.

"There is a magic spell called 'Voice Loud', which is a small magic spell specially used at parties. The effect is to make one's voice loud enough to be heard by everyone present. It only needs to make some changes, such as If you restrain your magic power, you will naturally achieve the effect of Mr. Black."

Hermione's mind reacted quickly and she immediately thought of one of the possibilities.

"The analysis is very good. When you become familiar with a certain spell, you will also make some adjustments to make the spell serve you, instead of rigidly learning the spell. This is the way of a mature wizard."

Regulus Black waved to the three of them to follow. Professor McGonagall had already gone to the principal's office to urge people, while Professor Snape followed him like a big black bat with his windbreaker swinging.

There are not many opportunities to mess with the old bees.

Regulus Black followed them unhurriedly, deliberately holding back because he had something to say to the three children.

"Today is the date for Sirius Black's retrial of the case from 12 years ago. Harry Potter, do you want your godfather to be acquitted?"

Regulus Black asked incredulously.

"Of course~! Sirius is innocent. He was framed for what happened back then."

Harry Potter immediately responded excitedly. Before breakfast, the Auror ignored his words and just took Sirius away. Harry Potter was terrified in his heart. It was obvious that things were not as everyone knew, and that he could prove to his godfather Although he was not guilty, but facing the force department of the Ministry of Magic, Harry Potter felt the power of power and his own insignificance, even if he was called the savior.

"If you really want to save Sirius, then you should control your emotions in the Wizengamot court. I will remind you that Ron and Hermione will testify before you. Please be careful. Listen, there can be no contradictions or flaws in the testimony of the three of you, otherwise your testimony will be invalid, do you understand?"

Regulus Black's demeanor was quite gloomy at this time, even though he did not turn to face them.

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