Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 191 The Minister Auror and the Order of the Gray Knights

Harry Potter and others came to the Wizengamot Court. The Wizengamot Court of the Ministry of Magic is arranged in the form of a circular parliament. The person being judged will stand in the center and accept questions and interrogations from all directions. This is The so-called strong onlookers.

If you don't have the mentality of a big star that attracts all the attention, few people can bear to be watched by others. Even if the person is not a Muggle but a wizard, a panicked performance is considered good, and a person who is questioned on the spot until he goes crazy is not. No.

"Today! We will hear the case regarding Sirius Black's escape from prison."

A female judge sitting in the courtroom glanced at Dumbledore on the left and began the most important and only case hearing process today.

Without Regulus Black's warning on the road, Harry Potter might have been eager to express his position, but now Harry Potter has learned to restrain himself and quietly wait for his turn to testify. moment.

"Sirius Black, do you admit to your recent escape from Azkaban?"

The female judge picked up the document and started asking questions. This is a normal process. Each question should be marked on the document in advance and will not be changed based on personal thoughts. Only after all the answers are obtained, the court will make a ruling based on the answers of the parties. .

The method of trying Death Eaters in the early years is no longer applicable, not to mention there are many outsiders present today. Sirius's case has attracted a lot of attention, which can be seen from the fact that the Wizengamot courtroom is packed.


Sirius seemed to be in good spirits today. After all, he had done everything he could do, and now he was waiting for his destiny.

Or rather, it was the arrangement of his younger brother Regulus Black.

"Excuse me, regarding Sirius's escape from prison, this statement is not true."

This was the first court question, and it was interrupted by a strong question.

Rufus Scrimgeour looked at Sirius Black with a sullen face, like a lion. It was a fact that this bastard escaped from prison, but he didn't expect that he would have to protect him now.

It seemed that Regulus Black, who was in the audience, thought of the consequences if he didn't do this. The Auror department would inevitably be held responsible for Sirius's escape from prison, and Sirius' unjust imprisonment was made worse by the real Auror department.

So, no matter how awkward it felt at the moment, Rufus Scrimgeour had to go on with the scene.

"Mr. Rufus Scrimgeour, Sirius Black's escape was reported by your Auror department yourself. Do you want to deny this statement now?"

The female judge put down the document and turned around to ask questions. She knew that the formal process could no longer continue, so she could express herself freely at this time.

Then it was Rufus Scrimgeour's performance time, telling how Sirius Black was wronged in Azkaban, and how this matter was specially approved by the Minister of Magic, and was guaranteed by Regulus Black. Finally, under the premise that the three parties jointly used the tracking spell, part of Sirius's memory was modified, making him think that he had successfully escaped from prison...

Bits and pieces of incredible details were put together so perfectly that everyone present could not find any flaws.

The audience felt dizzy, especially the female judge. This matter seemed so unreasonable no matter how you looked at it, but when everything was presented, it felt real.

Everyone was thinking about a philosophical question, maybe Rufus Scrimgeour was crazy, or maybe I was crazy.

"Mr. Rufus Scrimgeour, I can't comment on everything you said, and you've gone into so much detail that I don't seem to have anything more to ask. So, Your Excellency, Rufus Scrimgeour." Jie said that this matter has received special approval from the Ministry of Magic. Is this true? "

The female judge could only ask the Minister of Magic Fudge first. Compared with Regulus Black, the client's biological brother, Fudge's words were more credible.

"Oh...! Yes, yes, when Regulus and Rufus came to me, I was quite surprised by their plan to release a prisoner from Azkaban, which I had never done before. Going by precedent, as the Minister of Magic, I could have refused, and I could have completely shied away from the matter."

Fudge pretended to talk, and watching Rufus Scrimgeour's performance, Fudge's desire to perform was also aroused.

"But! We have to make an assumption here. What if Sirius is wronged! We went through a very dark period before. When that period ended, we were busy cleaning up the remaining evils. Among them, the Ministry of Magic and The execution method of the Wizengamot was inevitably rough, so I reviewed Sirius’s trial files at that time, and in fact I have to say that a lot of details were missing.”

Minister of Magic Fudge is a very responsible minister. For some mistakes made by the Ministry of Magic, Minister Fudge has the courage to take responsibility for the mistakes and correct them. Minister Fudge took out a document from that year, which contained the trial of that year. Record.

The female judge ran through the crowds of thestrals in her mind, and for a moment she wanted to greet Minister of Magic Fudge with NMB.

It turns out that the original dossier was with you. I wonder why I can’t find it!

The staff passed the file to the judge's bench, and several judges quickly flipped through the documents.

"Actually, even if there was such and such evidence to prove that Sirius was innocent, I couldn't let him go easily at that time. However, Mr. Regulus Black provided a slight possibility to make this matter possible. Smoothly."

Minister of Magic Fudge shifted the topic to Regulus Black, and this was the detail that was finalized that night.

First, Rufus Scrimgeour spoke, and Special Advocate pushed the matter onto the Minister of Magic, and then Fudge narrated, not only showing that he was a responsible Minister of Magic, but also diverting everyone's attention through the topic. On Regulus.

"Mr. Regulus Black, what role did you play in this matter?"

The female judge read the file first, and she was already sure in her heart that there was another hidden story in Sirius' case back then.

"I never thought Sirius was guilty. Everyone already knows that I was by the Dark Lord's side, representing the Black family's support for him, but I was still killed. And I can be sure before I die, little Sirius Black is just a hostile person and cannot be a Death Eater. As for the other person who was accused by my stupid brother, I am very sure that he has joined the ranks of Death Eaters."

Regulus Black still looked at Sirius with an expression of contempt, as if having such a stupid relative would be a shame to the Black family.

"Who is that Death Eater you are talking about?"

The female judge asked questions knowingly, but this is also the procedure of the court. The purpose of asking questions is to let everyone present know.

"A filthy stinking rat, Peter Pettigrew! As far as I know, he was once a member of the Order of the Phoenix. His identity is not the same as Snape's. He is an undercover agent!"

Regulus Black said and glanced at Dumbledore who was present. The old bee was a little embarrassed. Although he knew in advance that it was his turn to speak, he just felt awkward!

"No! The Order of the Phoenix has never sent Peter Pettigrew to join the Death Eaters. Snape as an internal agent is enough."

Dumbledore immediately denied such suspicion, and everyone present already had a clear idea in their minds.

"Mr. Regulus Black, you haven't told the court yet what method you used to get the Minister of Magic to agree to the special approval."

The female judge didn't want to see the chief judge of the Wizengamot being embarrassed.

"It's just a simple spell, the 'Gray Knight Order'. It can be used by several people at the same time on the same target. The effect is to track the opponent's actions. When the target completes the task, the effect of the spell will disappear naturally. It is a contract-type spell."

God knows whether this so-called 'Gray Knight Order' curse is true or false, but too many miracles have happened to Regulus Black. The people present seemed not to have considered that this was a lie, but were in high spirits. Listen carefully.

"Me, Minister Fudge, and Mr. Scrimgeour jointly used this spell on Sirius, and then modified part of his memory, and then released Sirius."

Regulus Black adjusted his sitting posture gracefully and gave Sirius a mocking look.

"Actually, Sirius had Aurors following him throughout his escape from prison."

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