Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferno 198: Twelve Years' Birthday Gift

Sirius felt like he had won a battle today. The dealer from the Nimbus Competition Broom Company was simply a Gringotts goblin, extremely greedy, cunning and shameless, but still not as good as his uncle Sirius.

From the price of 10,000 gold galleons offered by the other party, through arduous negotiations, without losing the face of the Black family, Sirius felt a chill go down his spine and turned to look at Regulus Black beside him, and received an encouraging word from the other party. Smile.

Without losing face to the Black family, Sirius finally reduced the price to 6,000 gold galleons. It was originally stuck at 6,500 gold galleons, but after finally revealing that it was to be given to his godson Harry Potter, he repeatedly After mentioning Harry Potter's outstanding performance in Quidditch and his status as the savior who defeated Voldemort, the price was reduced to an acceptable level.

The payment of 6,000 gold galleons did not make Sirius feel any pain. On the contrary, it made him feel that he, the godfather, had fulfilled his responsibility.

Regulus Black watched from the side as Sirius stroked the Firebolt repeatedly, and couldn't help but sigh that it was a good thing that he had become the boss of this company, and the money fell into his own pocket.

"I'm going to give it to Potter right away. Right now."

Sirius held the Firebolt in his hand and muttered, of course the birthday gift must be given out on his birthday!

Remember Harry Potter’s birthday is at the end of July!

Regulus Black also remembered it at this time, and it seemed that the advice Sirius had given him next semester would be ignored.

But let it be! This will cheer him up.

After a month of intensive tutoring, everyone passed the exam. Except for the graduating students, Harry Potter and other students who want to continue studying are enjoying their last happy time. There are no classes, only days of fun.

Everyone had prepared their luggage and gathered in the hall. When they were about to take the train to leave Hogwarts, an owl flew in from the skylight, with a long package under its talons.

As all the students watched, the owl dropped the package into Harry Potter's hands.

"Harry! Open it quickly and take a look. It's almost a holiday. Who will give you something?"

The Weasley twins immediately crowded over from elsewhere in excitement.


The students who were watching let out a cry of exclamation.

"This is the Firebolt, the latest flying broom, and the price is negotiable."

Ron is very knowledgeable about anything related to Quidditch. Naturally, he also knows the important props of Quidditch and the replacement of flying broomsticks. There is no shortage of fashionable reports about Quidditch in the wizarding world.

"Look who gave it to you."

Harry Potter's gift was naturally confirmed by Harry Potter, and the little wizards who were watching were very well-behaved while marveling.

Harry Potter indeed found a note in the package.

"To my dear godson, the Firebolt is the gift I owe you over the past 12 years. I hope you get good results in Quidditch."

Although there was only one sentence and there was no signature on the card, everyone knew from the words that it was a birthday gift from Harry Potter's godfather, Sirius Black, and it was in 12 years.

All kinds of envious looks made Harry Potter feel a little dizzy.

"Harry! Sit on it and try it. This should be the fastest flying broom."

Seeing Harry Potter caressing the Firebolt, Ron said with excitement, "Hurry up and fly away!"

The onlookers cheered in unison, and Harry Potter could no longer hesitate. He clenched the broom with both hands and flew out with a "Whoosh!"

This speed, this feeling, it's so exciting, isn't it?

Harry Potter's laughter came from the sky, and people on the ground could only see the figure flying faster than usual.

"Now you are satisfied! Remember to get married and have children this year, otherwise I will have to cast a curse."

In the castle, Regulus Black and Sirius were at the scene, watching the gifts being delivered to Harry Potter, and watching him happily test flying. Sirius's wish was finally fulfilled. What should we do next?

Sirius couldn't help but start to worry about himself. Regulus Black was urging him to die!

Before sending the Firebolt, Regulus Black easily subdued Sirius and extracted a tube of his blood.

The purpose is naturally clear. If he does not get married and have children, then he will find a surrogate witch for him, which also means that Sirius can only live until the child is born.

But Sirius, who had just met his godson, didn't want to die!

what to do! what to do?

Sirius was anxious, but he didn't dare to express it.

"I have already obtained your blood. From now on, you can stay wherever you like. Of course, the door of the old house will always be open for you."

Regulus Black naturally knew what his stupid brother was thinking, and those things were written on his face. He was so simple and stupid that he had no hope for his marriage.

"Oh! By the way, your friend Professor Lupine has completed his mission as a substitute teacher. After all, although his werewolf identity has not been revealed, he still insists on leaving. The salary of a professor at Hogwarts is estimated to be enough for him to live for a while. He is also leaving Hogwarts today, aren’t you going to see him off?”

Regulus Black inadvertently provided information about his teenage friend that Sirius had ignored.

In terms of the concept of friends, Sirius Black was only closest to James Potter, followed by Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew simply ignored him.

This is also the reason why Sirius attaches great importance to Harry Potter. Even after his death, all his property was given to Potter, but he ignored the difficult and embarrassing life of his friend Lupine.

Regulus Black couldn't help but think of what Sirius once said. Harry Potter's father once said that he would rather see Sirius appear in the form of the big black dog of Animagus, which means that he might He just treats Sirius as a pet rather than a friend.

And the sad and stupid Sirius didn't know that he was affected by his Animagus form. There were many dog-like things in his temperament. He simply regarded James Potter as his master.

Thinking about it this way, we can better understand Sirius's mentality. James Potter is the master, Remus Lupin is the playmate, and Peter Pettigrew is just a smelly mouse toy.

A pitiable person must be hateful, and vice versa, a hateful person must be pitiable.

"Oh, by the way! Lupine is also leaving Hogwarts. I should see him off."

Sirius seemed to have some strange idea, and this time he took the initiative to find Lupin.

Regulus Black didn't want to see their brothers farewell, so it would be better to ride with the girls in the car to increase the intimacy.

Sirius was now considered free. After all, no matter how big the family dinner was, there was always a time after the family banquet when he could find witches of the right age to choose for him. Regulus Black had worked hard to find them all. .

Then Sirius was diligent and wrote all the letters from the witches with handwritten receipts. Some time ago, Black's old house became a post office.

I just don’t know how effective it will be to sow a lot but reap a small harvest. According to the original work, Sirius was single until his death. Even his friend Remus Lupine found a wife. In terms of relationship, she was still the relative of Regulus Black. niece.

I remember it was a disguisemagus named Nymphadora Tonks. She had already graduated when Harry Potter first entered school.

Regulus Black was sitting on the Hogwarts Express at this time. There were still those girls he admired in the carriage, but trouble would arise unconsciously when there were too many women. Regulus Black was sitting on the Hogwarts Express at the same time. Dealing with three different chess games and answering questions from the girls who asked questions from time to time, it was so busy.

Those adoring glances and ambiguous smiles made Regulus Black feel bittersweet.

However, as a man, it is still possible to deal with these little girls. Under their exclamations, he won all three games and asked the girls who were looking for answers to record a lot of answer notes. The effect originally derived from love chocolate has already been It was transformed into admiration by themselves. If Regulus Black was a big star, then they were starstruck.

The long British summer holidays are coming.

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