Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 199 Penelope Clivat's destiny

Penelope Crevat was the prefect of girls in Ravenclaw when Harry Potter first entered school. It seems that there are only female prefects in Ravenclaw because there are so many girls and there are almost no things for boys to do.

She is wise and smart, and very beautiful, but in the movie version of the original work, she is just a supporting character who only appears from behind once.

Originally, she was supposed to become Percy's girlfriend in the second year, when he was one year older than her.

In the original book, Ginny said that one day she saw them kissing in an empty classroom, and Percy stayed in the room all summer vacation just writing letters to her. Percy should have loved her very much, but this kind of love was destroyed by Lei. Gulus Black was intercepted.

In some fan works, she may have been sent to Azkaban by Umbridge's Muggle-born Registration Committee and died there.

Because she could be Muggle-born, or she could be half-blood, at least Hermione said she was half-blood.

Regulus Black was lying in bed thinking about these things. These were inner secrets that could not be revealed to others.

"What are you thinking about? Let me guess, is it Hermione? Is it Cho Chang? Or that Pansy? Or is it Daphne?"

Penelope Crevat had just experienced an extremely pleasurable experience, with Regulus Black, in her own home, from the bathroom to the bed, and from the bed to the bathroom, and now the two of them were Covered only by a thin blanket, he lay down to rest.

How could Regulus Black answer such a stupid question, and such a stupid question cannot be answered casually, otherwise it will reduce the intimacy, but this is another unavoidable problem for Regulus Black. The question, although the answer is very simple, after all, how can you have a harem if you can't deal with such a problem!

"I think you miss them. I'm very aware of the atmosphere in Ravenclaw. Is it because my sister is not used to it after being here for a long time and is not as vulnerable as she is today?"

In order to cope with the content of such a speech, of course, help is needed. But Penelo Crevat was already too weak to conquer, and even took a bath just now with the help of Regulus Black.

"When I was in Ravenclaw, I was very careful about my influence as a sister. After all, I am a prefect and I have to maintain my status."

Penelope Crevat hurriedly explained that although lilies were beautiful, she was not sure whether her lover would accept them.

And Penelope Crevat didn't want to leave a bad image for Regulus Black.

"Then let's change the question. Are you so sensitive only to me? Or are you also so sensitive to those sisters?"

As Regulus Black spoke, he scraped his fingers over Penelo Crevat's plump breasts, like drawing symbols, moving his fingers in a regular, purposeful and rhythmic manner, from the collarbone to the navel.

Penelo Crevat's body that had just calmed down, her fair skin turned red again as her fingers moved, as if a red snake was coiled around her body. When her fingers left her body, the red snake gave out dazzling blood. Light.

"Regulus! As long as I have you in my heart, it's enough."

Just now, under the touch of her lover, Penelo Crevat once again climbed to the top of the mountain and took a look at the refreshing sky.

"Do you regret joining the Black family?"

Regulus Black was describing a contract just now, a spell that can change one's identity. This is a spell that was learned and improved from vampires in the wizarding world. Those vampires who are unable to have offspring create them by exchanging blood. Descendants can also be given to other vampire families through contracts, and such a contract is used to ensure the loyalty of the descendants and allows other vampires to know which family the other vampire is a member of by feel.

"I don't regret it, it's just that it feels so strange, as if I have become your family, or a blood relative."

Penelo Crevat suddenly thought, wouldn't this make the relationship between the two of them become that of brother and sister?

"Theoretically, you are just my descendant and will feel very close. In fact, this will not change the blood relationship."

Regulus Black has never stopped looking for a way to have offspring. If he can't find it in wizards' books, he can find it from other races. Civilized races are not just humans. Vampires and werewolves are all made of humans. Transformed.

After extending their lives through transformation, they also continued the original human civilization and the evolved humanoid civilization. Their magic is of great reference value.

"But does this relationship between a biological brother and a biological sister excite you even more?"

Penelo Crevat, who felt that he had regained some strength, actually took the initiative to fiddle with Regulus Black's wand again.

"Penello! Your hands are beautiful."

Regulus Black looked at the polished wand below and held up Penelo Crevat's face. The wand was already wet as if it was oiled, and Penelo Crevat's hands could be smoother. Slippery rubbing the wand.

"Why when it comes to my hands, I thought you preferred them wet. Is it better to wipe them dry?"

I blinked, not understanding what my lover was thinking. I wetted my lover's wand for maintenance several times today, but I wasn't dissatisfied at that time!

"You are very tired today, let's talk."

Regulus Black pulled Penelo Crevat up, and Penelo Crevat took advantage of the opportunity to sit astride him, put the newly maintained wand into its holster, and then lay on Regulus's side. Les Black's chest, listening to the heartbeat of his lover.

"Say it! I'm listening!"

Regulus Black was a little helpless about Penelo Crevat's petty thoughts. It was very unscientific to listen to the heartbeat to identify lies! But fortunately, what I want to say has nothing to do with lies.

"Do you still remember the natal magic I explained to you girls last year?"

Regulus Black pulled the thin blanket closer and wrapped it around them both.

"The natal magic you mentioned! I tried it later! But it didn't work. I didn't even understand where to start."

Speaking of natal magic, when I first listened to Regulus Black's explanation, it felt very high-end. However, when I started practicing, I found that I didn't even have the same feeling as when I bought a new wand, let alone reproduce the magical effect. , and subsequent strengthening effects.

"Do you still remember the pattern you drew for me? That circle of overlapping arms seems to be protruding from the darkness, twisting and turning, endless. From a distance, it looks like the pupil pattern of the eyes, and from a close look, it looks like the entrance to hell."

Regulus Black tapped his fingers and outlined the image with silver lines in the air.

Penello Crevat stood up and crossed his arms across his chest to cover up a pair of jade peaks.

"That's the situation. But after you said about the natal magic, I can't reproduce the magic effect, and my feeling about this pattern is not as illusory as you said."

"You don't feel anything. That's precisely because this is your natal magic. It is the magic you are best at, the easiest to use, the easiest to control, and the lowest consumption of magic power. Do you know that there is a saying about the 'Hand of God' in religious mythology?"

Regulus Black began to use his magic power. Since the two people were in a state of in-depth communication at this time, the magic power easily penetrated into Penelo Crevat's body.

The intrusion of other people's magic power caused strong fluctuations in his own magic power. Penelo Crevat's magic power began to agitate, and a sense of crisis arose spontaneously that the magic power could become a squib at any time.

However, out of absolute trust in Regulus Black, Penelo Crevat controlled his magic power to adapt to him.

Penelo Crevat once again fell into the consciousness space of a mountain dome overlooking the sky. The feeling of relaxation and joy made people feel lazy and did not want to do anything.

But this time it's different. The sky is shattered, and a huge crisis is coming in an instant.

"I do not want!"

Instinctively, Penelope Crevat stretched out her right hand to fill in the sky. The side she had never cared about before, the area under the mountain top that she had never been able to see, were transparent arms like the ground. The spring gushes up, holding up the fragments of the sky and pushing them back. After pushing the fragments back to their original positions, they stick together like glue.

The sky was broken as quickly as it was repaired. In the blink of an eye, the sky was repaired as before, still giving people a refreshing feeling.

Only through this situation, Penelo Crevat discovered that there was something extra in the consciousness space, and a ring composed of his right hand rolled quietly in the sky.

When his consciousness returned to his body, Penelo Crevat felt that there seemed to be something different in his right eye.

Immediately he ran into the bathroom and saw in the mirror that the pupil of his right eye had been replaced by a ring formed by his right hand.

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