Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Infernal Corpse 299 Three evil fires after the new official takes office

This year the Defense Against the Dark Arts class has a new professor, a pink toad named Dolores Umbridge.

All the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks have been changed this year. The new textbooks are cheaper. They are only sold at cost price, the real cost price!

Regulus Black also bought it for his harem, which would save them from spending such unjust money.

In fact, although the Ministry of Magic does not want students to learn practical skills, the theoretical knowledge in the new version of the textbook is still very rich. Just by reading this theoretical knowledge and following it, you can also learn the use and defense of black magic.

"Regulus! Why did you buy so many textbooks? There won't be enough left for the students."

Dolores Umbridge was a little embarrassed. After all, these textbooks were printed according to the number of students in Hogwarts. As a result, when Regulus Black came, he took away a few sets for each grade, and also Quantities vary.

"I've already paid!"

Regulus Black's words are justified. Why do you ask questions about the money I spent and the things I bought?

"No! I mean to give priority to the needs of the students. If you also need it, I can ask the Ministry of Magic to print it."

Dolores Umbridge laughed with her. This colleague's ability was highly valued by Connery Fudge.

"That's it! You don't have to worry too much. I'm giving it away. There are many girls in need who are waiting for my care."

Regulus Black didn't even look at the pink toad's expression after he finished speaking, and left with dozens of textbooks floating behind him.

Girls in need are waiting for care. This is such a shameless statement. Who in the entire Ministry of Magic doesn’t know that you have a harem at Hogwarts!

Dozens of sets of textbooks did not cost much, but when they were delivered to the girls, they still received warm thanks from them.

These are the girls who have been with him for 4 or 5 years. As for the juniors from the 1st to 3rd grade who were brought in by their seniors, they accepted the textbooks with some restraint. Although they came here because of their fame, they were not as familiar with Regulus. ·Assistant coach Black is not very familiar with him yet.

Everyone has their own goals, and some of them are even asked to do so by their own families.

After all, is there anything easier to get close to Regulus Black than a girl holding his lap?

"Mr. Regulus Black, on behalf of our sisters ourselves, I would like to pay my respects to you!"

The twins who were favored by Regulus Black before had already put on Slytherin clothes and thanked the teaching assistant who gave them books. However, they didn't dare to raise their heads, and they were obviously not very happy. .

"Aren't you also forced to come to me by your family?"

Regulus Black asked them with a smile. After all, there have been many girls like them who were forced to hold their thighs unwillingly in the past few years, but Regulus Black would not force anyone to do anything. , relying on their personal charm and academic strength, they easily conquered these little girls. So far, none of the people they have joined have left.

"The Donald family salutes you! I'm Maggie and this is my sister Maggie."

Since Regulus Black mentioned his family, the two children had to give their family names. Even if this was already a public matter when school started, it was still necessary to give them again out of etiquette at this time.

"Maggie Donald and McGee Donald, right! Welcome to Hogwarts and this little community."

Regulus Black did not say that this was his harem, which would make the two little girls uncomfortable.

Regulus Black always kept the girls who came to take refuge with him. After all, those families would not choose to embarrass their ugly daughters. Basically, the girls assigned here were not bad in appearance and had demons. If the medicine is suitable for conditioning, they will be more beautiful.

It's not that Regulus Black is the face-controller, but the whole world is based on looks. If he grew up like Filch, no matter how talented and powerful he was, there wouldn't be so many girls following him.

Filch, who has been single all his life, said that he still has Mrs. Rowlis.

The distribution of the entire new textbook went smoothly. It took Dolores Umbridge two days to finally get it done. It was really hard to count the money until my hands cramped, especially when faced with the currency exchange in the wizarding world. Galleons, Silver Sickles, Copper Nuts, these guys who came to buy textbooks all brought change, some paid directly in pounds, and they struggled with her over a little exchange rate issue.

1 gold Galleung = 17 silver Sickles, 1 Silver Sickles = 29 Copper Nats, the value of one Galleung is about 5 pounds, which is 7.33 US dollars.

Dolores Umbridge regretted not bringing a Gringotts elf to handle the finances, and Dolores Umbridge vowed to take good care of these children in the future. She hated children the most, especially like this Lots of bad boys.

Finally, the statistical results were pretty good, it seemed to be a little less, but Dolores Umbridge didn't have the energy to dwell on this matter anymore, even if she subsidized some herself, it didn't matter.

In the first few days after school started, Dolores Umbridge dreamed of piles of gold Galleons, Silver Sickles, and Copper Knuts rolling in, and her fat body was pressed underneath. No.

Since even she has nightmares, she must avenge such nightmares so that those children can have nightmares when they see her.

"Everyone, please memorize the content of the first lesson first, and then write a summary of no less than this text."

With a chilling smile, Dolores Umbridge announced a way of learning that students least expected.

"I hate reciting the text the most! We also have to write a summary, and the number of words must not be less than the text. Is this to improve our writing skills?"

Ron Weasley shouted loudly in the Gryffindor common room, hoping to get a response from his classmates, so that they could go to the principal's office to complain collectively, so that they could get the attention of principal Dumbledore, and it would be best to replace him This pink toad.

"Don't get involved in such things. I have read all the textbooks. The content of general textbooks is a combination of theory, practice, analysis, and guidance. It's just that this textbook has canceled the practice and guidance parts. , the theoretical and analytical parts have been strengthened, which is why this year's textbooks are very boring, but these are the most useful basic theoretical parts. After all, Hogwarts has 12 school governors, and they will not look at it. The Ministry of Magic is ruining children's learning by using poor teaching materials." Regulus Black's words were a very difficult thing to understand for the girls around him, but after thinking about it, they discovered the truth. That's it.

"Since this is the case, then everyone should just study with peace of mind as usual."

"Yes! Many things do not require our participation. We can just watch from the sidelines."

The leading girls were very cooperative with Regulus Black and stood up and followed his words.

Not all students would make trouble in the first place, and it would be nothing if the girls led by Regulus Black did not participate.

But there is one person involved who will drive Dolores Umbridge, who is a professor with a purpose, crazy.

"The Salvation Army! The Salvation Army! The Salvation Army!"

Harry Potter was pushed towards the principal's office by other students. In fact, he didn't want to go, but he couldn't bear the tug and pull!

Although the handsome Harry Potter looked reluctant, in the eyes of a certain pink toad, this was a dangerous sign.

Voldemort is going to be resurrected, Voldemort is going to form his own army, Voldemort is going to occupy Hogwarts.

As a representative of the Ministry of Magic, we must take action to attack him, deny him, and nip him in the bud.

Ministry of Magic Order No. 001, Dolores Umbridge became the highest inspector assigned to Hogwarts by the Ministry of Magic, responsible for investigating the teachers and students of the school.

Ministry of Magic Order No. 002, the use of new teaching materials is very important, students with poor academic performance will be forcibly dropped out of school.

Ministry of Magic Order No. 003, Hogwarts will implement new school rules, which will be reported to the Ministry of Magic by Dolores Umbridge for approval.

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