Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 300: Becoming the Great Demon King is just around the corner

Dolores Umbridge began to act unscrupulously, and the main thing was to focus her firepower on Harry Potter.

"Mr. Potter! Get up and answer this question."

"Mr. Potter! What is your answer to this question?"

"Mr. Potter! Please recite the article from the previous lesson."

"Mr. Potter! You will be expelled if you behave like this!"

"Mr. Potter! Keep your clothes on and be polite."

"Mr. Potter! This dormitory is not a candy store. Put away your snacks."

Dolores Umbridge has simply become a mother-in-law, taking care of Harry Potter from top to bottom, inside and out.

The handsome Harry Potter naturally lived up to the expectations and quickly became an excellent student.

But privately, the handsome Harry Potter is still very resentful of this pink toad.

"Harry Potter does this! Harry Potter does that! Harry Potter what you should do! Harry Potter what you shouldn't do!"

In the Gryffindor common room, the handsome Harry Potter complained loudly about the treatment he received. The entire Hogwarts could see that Dolores Umbridge was here for Harry Potter. Came here specially.

"Harry! I sympathize with you, but you see, this may be the result of the last time you went to the principal's office to cause trouble, and you were targeted by her."

Ron Weasley already had some regrets about the previous troubles. After all, he was the one who organized the troubles at the Salvation Army.

Harry Potter is just a name, a mascot for the Salvation Army.

Now Dolores Umbridge is being targeted, focusing her fire on Harry Potter.

"It's okay! If it's just a matter of study, I can still adapt to it so far."

After complaining, you still have to face reality. The handsome Harry Potter doesn’t want to drop out of school yet. Dolores Umbridge often talks about dropping out of school. God knows if she will really do that. Do.

"Don't think too much, come and play chess with me. I have a lot of games every holiday now!"

Ron Weasley will be very proud when he mentions his chess game. It is the best choice to get rich and start a business, especially since he likes such activities. Maybe chess can be developed as a lifelong career, unless he Be more talented at Quidditch.

The difference between checkers and wizard chess is that there are no moving pieces to crush the opponent. Compared to the violence of wizard chess, checkers is more quiet.

A girl from Gryffindor looked at Ron crazily. She liked the way Ron Weasley looked when he was playing chess. He was full of thinking and wisdom, making Ron more mature and leading the team. Ron, who went to the principal's office to cause trouble, seemed very childish.

People in the lounge discovered this. When Harry Potter was playing chess with Ron, he looked up several times and could see the girl looking at Ron infatuatedly instead of looking at the chessboard.

Regarding the happiness of good brothers, Harry Potter sincerely wishes them both.

Just falling in love at school was considered very bad behavior by Dolores Umbridge, and orders from the Ministry of Magic began to be issued again.

Taking small steps, Dolores Umbridge walked through the school. When she saw those in love, she separated them with a wave of her wand. When she saw those who were disheveled, she straightened them up with a wave of her wand.

Although many of them were small things, Dolores Umbridge's unpopularity in the entire school quickly increased by constantly brushing up on these small things. She still felt very proud, as if she was an angel.

"If you gain reputation, you can gain a negative number. This pink toad is also unique!"

Regulus Black didn't know how many times he had seen the other person walking along like this, gaining reputation and losing reputation.

If everyone plays online games like her, then becoming a big devil is just around the corner.

"We can't just study theory without any practical ability. After graduation, are we required to use theory to release magic?"

"If this continues, we will not be as good as those top students in Ravenclaw! I heard that they can get guidance from Professor Flitwick."

"And the girls around Mr. Regulus Black, they can also get direct practical guidance."

"Professor McGonagall won't break the rules, so we're on our own."

"Actually, training guidance is not a problem. The problem is that we don't have a place to train."

Gryffindor students are very dissatisfied with the current courses that only allow learning theory. This actually stimulates their desire to learn. Since the toad doesn't teach practice, then they can practice on their own.

All opinions have been unified, so now there is a lack of a training location.

"Maybe I can think of a way, just ask one person, leave this matter to me!"

The handsome Harry Potter said cool words, which surprised his classmates.

"How do you know I will definitely help?"

Regulus Black stirred the coffee in the cup. Coffee was a powerful energizer for wizards.

"Please, Regulus! We really need a place where we can train. Let's use your office. It won't affect your current life."

The handsome Harry Potter was right. The allocated office was not gathering dust all year round, but Regulus Black occupied a room near the headmaster's office. It might as well be reused.

"Ding-ling-ding-clang! Ding-ling-ding-rang! Ding-ling-ding-rang!"

With the stirring of a small spoon, black cocoa powder and white pure milk are mixed, and a cup of coffee is born.

"Okay! But it's not convenient for you to train in my office after all. I will make arrangements for you."

Regulus Black remembered that he still had the pair of vanishing cabinets in his hands. It felt like a waste, so he took them out for use this year.

When it comes to repairing a magic prop, Regulus Black is not a dabbler like Draco, but even a dabbler like Draco took a while to repair the Vanishing Cabinet.

Then, Regulus Black placed a vanishing cabinet in his office and another vanishing cabinet in the Shrieking Shack, so that there would be two escape routes, either to or from the disappearing cabinet, or Coming back from the tunnel of the Whomping Willow.

Moreover, Regulus Black also arranged the disappearing cabinet to be very hidden. The desks, chairs and utensils piled everywhere in the office would form obstacles when walking into the office. The disappearing cabinet is behind a pile of obstacles. You cannot see the disappearing cabinet from the doorway. door so children can't be seen entering or exiting the disappearing cabinet.

By the way, two more magic spells were added to the disappearing cabinet, one is the 'traceless stretch' spell and the other is the 'organ trap' spell.

The former spell can guarantee that everyone will be let in at once, and the latter spell can ensure that when one of the disappearing cabinets opens the door, the other disappearing cabinet is in a normal state, unable to teleport people, and cannot feel anything. The effect of the traceless stretch' spell.

After the arrangement was completed, Regulus Black took the handsome Harry Potter for a walk.

"Remember! Only when everyone comes in at one time can the door be closed."

Regulus Black took Harry Potter into the Vanishing Cabinet, which was as big as a dark and empty room.

"Close the door! Then mentally count 123 and open the door! We have arrived at the Screaming Shack. There is enough space for you to practice here."

The entire Screaming Shack is divided into two floors. The lower floor can be connected to the tunnel. The upper floor is a large room with piles of furniture that look like no one has been there in several years.

However, Lupine lived here for a while not long ago, and now he was called to the Black Mansion to take care of Sirius Black.

"You have been here before. If you find that the disappearing cabinet cannot be used, it means someone on the other side has moved it. Then you can still leave from the Whomping Willow, double insurance."

Regulus Black pointed at the disappearing cabinet and warned.

"But after you come here, you must ensure that the door of the disappearing cabinet is open to prevent anyone from coming from the office. I can only pretend not to know about this matter. You discovered this secret yourself, understand!"

"Thank you! Regulus, this is enough."

The handsome Harry Potter hugged Regulus happily. At this time, he completely felt that he was the original Harry Potter. It seemed that the fragment of Voldemort's soul had no effect on him.

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