Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 330 Malfoy’s only applicant

"After Barty Crouch, the second most senior person in the Ministry of Magic, Arthur Weasley has passed away!"

The biggest news of the entire summer break is out in the Daily Prophet.

Since there was no Death Eater's Dark Mark at the scene, the Ministry of Magic deemed the incident an accident, another accident.

A senior official of the Ministry of Magic, an adult wizard, was beaten to death because of an unexpected encounter with a gangster.

Can this matter be explained more reasonably? The Ministry of Magic still needs to be shameless! What does the Auror Department think about this?

Questions came one after another, but no amount of questions could make the Ministry of Magic change its attitude. However, there were many changes within the Ministry of Magic.

First of all, there is the issue of commuting to and from get off work for minister-level personnel. The Auror Department has sent a large number of personnel to escort senior officials of the Ministry of Magic to and from get off work in shifts. However, there are also senior officials who directly go on strike. Hiding at home will definitely reduce the chance of being killed, right? !

After applying the 'Loyal Secrecy' charm, you become the keeper of the secret. Not to mention anyone who wants to harm you, even the Aurors cannot find your home.

Nearly half of the senior officials in the Ministry of Magic have taken leave to rest. Sick leave, personal leave, and various reasons are not repeated.

"Regulus! It's such a coincidence that you come to work at the Ministry of Magic today. It's really valuable."

Lucius Malfoy started running for office after the death of the Daily Prophet. This is also normal. After all, no official position will remain vacant for a long time after the death of his predecessor. As long as someone is interested in this position, No matter how many problems and troubles we have to face after taking the position, we will work hard to obtain this position as soon as possible.

Lucius Malfoy has been a frequent visitor to the Ministry of Magic for a long time, but the senior positions in the Ministry of Magic are these ministers and directors. He doesn't like him when the official position is low, and no one directly recommended him when he resigned, so although he He has a lot of energy in the Ministry of Magic, but he has always been an idler who can neither achieve high nor do low.

Now, a high-ranking official has passed away, and there is no designated successor, and no one else is competing with him. Not everyone has the courage to compete for this position at this time. This is a very rare opportunity for Lucius Malfoy. , and this opportunity was given to him by Regulus Black.

Without his plans and encouragement, Lucius Malfoy would never have imagined that he could become a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, the price is also high. Lucius Malfoy needs to return to the ranks of Death Eaters and be an undercover agent. Just like Snape, it is very dangerous just thinking about it.

"Actually, I don't want to come, but the Minister of Magic strongly urges me to continue working. Even if it's just a gesture, this is support for the Ministry of Magic, isn't it? It has a calming effect."

Regulus Black looked helpless, as if he came to work because he had no choice but to refuse.

"But I'm fine! The Minister of Magic requires me to come to work often, not every day. Besides, I have classes at Hogwarts, and the time I come to the Ministry of Magic is uncertain every time, so I have to be safer. Some."

Regulus Black's reason is simply irrefutable. The commuting hours are not fixed, which is definitely an advantage that makes the enemy uncertain.

"After you said that, I also want to serve in Hogwarts."

Lucius Malfoy said with envy.

"Forget about me for now, how are you! How is it going?"

Regulus Black suddenly lowered his voice and asked. As for what this question refers to, only the person involved can understand.

"I am working for this vacant official position. If you can help me a little, it will give me a lot of support. After I obtain this position, my status will also rise."

Lucius Malfoy gave a look that you know, yes! Once he becomes a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic, the tide will naturally rise when he is with the Dark Lord. If he makes good use of this status, he can do many things for the Dark Lord and himself.

"Then, I would like to congratulate you in advance! As far as I know, you are the only applicant for this position."

Regulus Black had arrived near his office, while Lucius Malfoy was going to the Minister of Magic's office.

The two people separated, but of course the good people saw this situation in their eyes, which gave them a hint.

Lucius Malfoy is about to become Director of the Department for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Articles, and has the support of Director Black.

This is simply officials protecting each other!

Dolores Umbridge is poking at paper in her office again, like a cat ripping paper, leaving scraps of paper all over the floor.

But this still doesn't change the fact that she is a big toad, not even a fat cat.

Arthur Weasley passed away. As Regulus Black, who was very close to the Weasley family, was bound to attend the funeral.

"Regulus! Dad is dead! Ginny doesn't have a father anymore."

As soon as Regulus Black arrived at the Burrow, he was thrown into Ginny's arms, but there was no tenderness or sweetness in it, only sadness.

Regulus Black planned all of this, but he would not expose himself. The only person who knew that he was connected with this matter was Lucius Malfoy, but this attack was proposed by Lucius, so Lucius would not blame this on him.

"Cry if you want, but don't be too sad. You still have your mother to take care of. Molly must be more sad than you."

Regulus Black gently touched Ginny and let the little girl go.

"Mr. Black, you're here!"

"Mr. Black, thank you for coming."

All the Weasley children were present for this funeral, including the eldest Bill Weasley and the second oldest Charlie Weasley. Percy Weasley, who works as the Secretary to the Minister in the Ministry of Magic, was also present. , simply attending the funeral on behalf of the Ministry of Magic and himself.

Fred and George procured a Scottish organ from nowhere and waved the wand to make the organ play its own funeral dirge.

The scene of the funeral was very sad. After all, for a person with such a big family like Weasley, if one person cries, the others will cry too. Just after comforting the other person, the other person starts crying again, and then affects the others. This cry has never been heard before. .

No amount of persuasion worked, and Regulus Black had to give up and talk to others.

"How is the Ministry of Magic's investigation? After all, this is the second high-ranking official. If there is another one, I will take a long leave."

Regulus Black came to the side of Judy Fox, the representative of the Auror Department this time, the Chief of Staff of the Auror Department, and placed a hand on the other person's hip in a position invisible to others.

Judy Fox turned her head and gave her a wink. It was really not the right time to do such a thing, but it was so exciting.

"The Auror Department went to the scene to investigate. There was indeed the use of magic, protective shields and Muggle expulsion spells. However, this may also be a spell released by Arthur himself. After all, from his purpose of going to the scene, we know that he is I went there on my own initiative.”

Judy Fox endured the strange feeling coming from her buttocks and spoke about the findings.

"But this doesn't explain why Arthur was beaten to death by Muggles! After all, if the effect of the Muggle expulsion spell fails, it will be trouble for the entire Ministry of Magic, and the entire wizarding world will be exposed to Muggles."

Regulus Black's hands gradually took on a little magic. I have to say that magic is a good thing. You can create any effect you want. Not only can you create magic with special effects, but you can also create whatever the body wants. a feeling of.

The numb and crisp feeling went from the buttocks along the spinal cord to the forehead, which almost made Judy Fox scream with pleasure.

He couldn't help but turn around and look at Regulus Black. His eyes were watery, and he didn't know whether it was sadness or excitement.

She escaped from the clutches of Regulus Black by turning around, but the aftertaste of the impact just now was still lingering in her mind. Judy Fox just wanted to find a place immediately to have a good intimacy with Regulus Black. Fan.

"Am I useless?"

Feeling like she was losing control, Jodie Fox ran away crying.

"She has just taken office not long ago, and the pressure on this matter is a bit too much for her. I'll go take a look."

Regulus Black explained to the Weasleys and followed Judy in the direction she left.

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