Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 331 Arthur’s funeral. My condolences.

"Miss Fox was recommended not long ago and became the Chief of Staff of the Auror Department. This time her father was killed, which became a pressure on the Auror Department. It seems that Miss Fox did not find anything, so she lost her composure like this. ”

Ginny Weasley, seeing Regulus Black chasing Judy, explained it to her family.

"Miss Fox's position is all based on Mr. Black's recommendation. It is said that the relationship between the two of them started very early. Do you know, Ginny?"

Percy Weasley secretly asked Ginny. After all, his sister liked a harem partner. Although the other party also recommended him, his sister was more important.

"Percy, don't worry. I've met all of Regulus's women. Even if I haven't met them, he will introduce them frankly."

Ginny Weasley knew Jodie Fox just as she knew she existed.

"So I won't say much. I hope you can be happy in the future. If he makes you unhappy, I will definitely stand by your side."

Percy Weasley ruffled his sister's hair and then walked to his mother Molly.

After losing her husband, Molly was still sad, even though the children around her were comforting and persuading her. After all, they had been married for decades.

Regulus Black caught up with Judy and raised his hand to release his yacht tent. The 'Muggle Expelling' curse and the 'Apparition' curse were released to cover the yacht tent.

"kiss Me!"

As soon as Jodie Fox was carried into the tent by Regulus Black, she started tearing off her clothes in the corridor, and then started tearing off Regulus's clothes. Within a few moments, the two of them hugged each other openly.

This whole affair was earth-shaking, and several guest rooms in the yacht were messed up. It wasn't until Jodie Fox completely lost her strength that the two-person fight ended.

In the swimming pool on the bow of the yacht, the fatigue and sweat stains on the body were washed away, and then the two of them lay on the fixed water.

"It seems that your friend Lucius will become the new director. What a great irony. After death, your opponent will occupy your position. It simply feels like you were killed by your opponent."

Although Jodie Fox was just guessing, she was close to the truth.

"If it was Lucius who did it, then he would avoid this position to prevent others from suspecting him. But now it seems that this is more like a sign of gloating. He has always wanted to become a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic, but he has never been able to do so. It was a rare opportunity for him to have this position available, so he had no reason not to apply for it, not to mention it was the position of an old rival. If the application was successful, he might even come to mock him, but the Ministry of Magic wouldn't agree so quickly! His application?"

Regulus Black closed his eyes and rested his mind. The exertion just now was too great. Although he was in the body of the Inferi and his physical strength was basically unlimited, such strenuous exercise still made his body feel exhausted, even if he could still do this now. Once again, this temporary feeling is unavoidable.

Listening to Judy's guess, he casually twisted the facts, but when he thought of Lucius Malfoy coming back to seek death, even Regulus himself couldn't sit still.

"It shouldn't be so soon! Unless he has given huge benefits to the Ministry of Magic."

Through her last tenure, Judy Fox learned the fact that for capable people, there is nothing impossible in this world, only things that can be done.

God knows what kind of dirty deals Lucius Malfoy would make with the Ministry of Magic for the sake of the position of Director.

The two people immediately packed themselves up, left the yacht tent, and walked quickly towards the Burrow.

"I came to attend Arthur's funeral. After all, as a colleague of the Ministry of Magic, his departure is a huge loss. We no longer have to worry about someone coming to our house in the middle of the night to search for dark magic items, nor do we have to worry about modified items. Muggle vehicles hit themselves from the sky."

As expected, Lucius Malfoy got the position of Director of the Department for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Articles, and rushed to attend Arthur's funeral as soon as possible. However, everyone could see that this was due to provocation and To show off.

"you give me……!"

Molly Weasley was so angry that she was just about to scold her and leave when Regulus Black took Judy back to the Burrow.

"Lucius! You are now the director, so you should have the demeanor of a director."

Regulus Black held Lucius's shoulders and forced him to turn around.

"Of course! As a director, you should have a posture befitting your status."

Lucius Malfoy looked at Regulus Black for a moment, then gave up his challenge to the Weasleys.

"Then! I'll give Arthur a bouquet of flowers, and then I'll leave."

Lucius Malfoy turned his head and glanced at the angry Weasleys behind him, who smiled hypocritically.

"My condolences, everyone!"

With a wave of the silver cane in his hand, Lucius Malfoy walked out of the Weasley house.

"If Mr. Black hadn't come, I would have thrown the knife in his face."

Ron said excitedly.

"It's a good thing you didn't do this, otherwise Percy's position might not be safe."

Regulus Black walked over and took a look, and sure enough, Ron was holding a table knife, and his fingers were turning white.

"As the director, I can recommend Percy to this position, and another director can also make Percy leave this position. Do you understand?"

Regulus Black took out his wand and touched Ron's hand. The stiff fingers relaxed as soon as he left, but what followed was a tingling pain in his muscles, which left Ron speechless for a long time.

Regulus Black's words also shocked Percy Weasley, after all, it was related to his position.

"Everyone, calm down! Everyone, calm down! There are a lot of guests here today, and there will be some for everyone. Calm down!"

Percy Weasley waved his hands repeatedly to comfort his family.

"In the Ministry of Magic, Percy Weasley's existence is good for the Weasley family. With him, you can avoid a lot of troubles and problems. Don't think that Percy has done anything to regret the Weasley family. , Such an idea is very naive. If Percy can achieve the position of director in the future, things like today will not happen at all. Have you seen Malfoy's attitude towards me? "

If you don't understand Regulus Black when it comes to this, his IQ is really worrying.

But it’s okay! Everyone seemed to understand the meaning of these words, and they were not said in vain.

Leaving Judy Fox to continue chatting with them, Regulus Black walked out of the Burrow and came to Arthur's grave. Lucius Malfoy was indeed still here. It seemed that he had something to talk to him.

"I have to say! You provoked the Weasley family so much, but it cleared your suspicion a lot."

Regulus Black and Lucius stood side by side. Arthur's graveyard was just outside the Burrow Farm. This side of the fence was full of life, but the other side became a cemetery to bury the dead.

"I didn't think too much, I just followed my feelings, but thinking about it afterwards, I did do the right thing."

Lucius Malfoy gently put down the flower in his hand. His attitude was not like that of two old enemies, but rather a kind of sympathy for each other.

"The Dark Lord is preparing to deal with you, what will you do?"

Lucius Malfoy has received orders from the handsome Harry Potter, and the next person to deal with is Regulus Black.

"The Dark Lord considers you his greatest traitor, second only to Snape."

When Lucius Malfoy said this, he suddenly wanted to sympathize with Regulus for a second.

"Thank you for the reminder. It seems that I have to avoid the limelight first. After all, there is someone taller above me. Dumbledore is not dead yet!"

Regulus Black said easily.

"Encourage the Dark Lord to adjust his strategy and scare away the people around Dumbledore, like me. When the old man is alone, it's time to deal with him."

Regulus Black's words are very easy to understand. It is nothing more than to eliminate Dumbledore's wings, and then directly deal with this long-lived headmaster. This is the birthday boy who has dominated Hogwarts for half a century!

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