Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 332 Occlumency Negative Emotions

The handsome Harry Potter is sitting in his room. Now that Cousin Dudley has been dealt with, the Death Eaters under his command have beaten the Dursleys and his son to pieces.

Aunt Peggy was the only servant in the entire Dursley family. The handsome Harry Potter felt that this was normal. He had been here like this before.

Moreover, keeping Aunt Peggy alive would allow the bloodline protection on her body to continue to take effect. Now this was not only protecting Harry Potter, but also protecting the fragment of Voldemort's soul that was integrated with Harry Potter.

The handsome Harry Potter is deep in thought, thinking about how to deal with his enemies.

Dumbledore is cunning and cunning. He seems to have done nothing, but always intervenes at critical moments and wins the final victory.

If those former Death Eaters and later traitors were full Voldemort, they would be completely eliminated.

And now this handsome Harry Potter is considering letting them all return to him if conditions permit.

Lucius Malfoy is the best proof. Lucius Malfoy, who was accidentally discovered by his subordinates, gave in shortly after meeting, and proposed a plan to kill Asia for his own personal gain and to take credit at the same time. Weasley is a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

He did it, and it was successful. His actions were indeed recognized by all the Death Eaters, and it also allowed the Death Eaters who participated to vent a lot of their grievances. After leaving Azkaban, they pent up their resentment in Deth. Li family, it's really hard for them.

Death Eaters are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of being forgotten, so Death Eaters need a little big move to boost morale and achieve a certain goal that is beneficial to themselves.

After thinking for a long time, the handsome Harry Potter finally thought it through.

"Lucius! I need a piece of your memory, the last memory about Arthur Weasley, from your perspective, and you can't show up."

The handsome Harry Potter made a request to Lucius Malfoy. For an adult wizard like him, it is not difficult to modify some memories, and it is commonplace to keep his own memories secret.

"Professor McGonagall, this is an urgent message from Harry Potter. He requests to return to Hogwarts during the vacation."

Dumbledore received a letter from the handsome Harry Potter. Harry Potter, who lived in the Black Mansion, began to have trouble sleeping every night and was often awakened by nightmares. The dreams he had in the past few days were particularly terrifying.

Harry Potter dreamed that he was standing aside, looking indifferently at Arthur Weasley, who was beaten to death by several people in the parking lot. The whole process was extremely bloody, but Harry Potter just watched, nothing I couldn't do anything, but did nothing. I was obviously helping in the dream, but every time I watched the end indifferently.

Sirius Black also sent a letter, the content of which was almost the same as what Harry Potter said, and he hoped that Dumbledore could check it for the handsome Harry Potter.

"This shows that the Dark Lord in Harry Potter's body is affecting him. Since the last time Potter was attacked by a dementor, the seal on his arm has disappeared. This must have affected Harry Potter. ”

"Yeah! I think so too. Between the two consciousnesses in one body, it's hard for outsiders to see who has the upper hand. But judging from the content of the letter, when Arthur Weasley's incident happened, haha Lippert was probably there."

Dumbledore pushed up his half-moon glasses and said, the flash of wisdom flowing on the glasses.

"Could it be that at some point, Harry Potter's body will be controlled by Voldemort! How will this child face the Weasley family in the future?"

Professor McGonagall couldn't imagine that Harry Potter and his men beat Arthur Weasley to death. In this case, even if it was the Dark Lord in his body who did it, this bad debt would be attributed to Harry Potter. on the body.

What was originally Lucius Malfoy's on-site memory was slightly modified and turned into Harry Potter's memory. Voldemort's consciousness also gave up the initiative and allowed his body to be controlled by Harry Potter. As expected, this boy The memory soon became unbearable, and he demanded help, and the person most likely to help him was Dumbledore.

"Headmaster Dumbledore! What happened to me?"

The handsome Harry Potter was directly taken to Hogwarts by Professor McGonagall. As soon as he met Harry Potter, he burst into tears. He probably became Voldemort and led someone to kill Ron's father. The fact almost made him collapse.

"The facts are still unclear. This may just be an illusion created by the Dark Lord. The purpose is to pass it on to you to make you have a mental breakdown, so that he will have more opportunities. If you are depressed, it will make the Dark Lord in your body The devil has more chances."

Dumbledore patted Harry Potter's head, comforting the traumatized boy.

"Principal, I heard you were looking for me?"

As usual, Snape floated into the principal's office like a ghost. He was surprised to see Harry Potter and Professor McGonagall returning to school early. This was a matter for Gryffindor. Call yourself Slater. What is Dean Lin doing here?

"Severus! There is a task assigned to you, and only you can do it. Let Harry Potter learn Occlumency."

Dumbledore gave this very important job to Snape, because only he could achieve complete Occlumency, otherwise he would not have become a spy for the Order of the Phoenix among the Death Eaters.

Snape picked up the reluctant and handsome Harry Potter and walked quickly back to his laboratory. Pots of potions were burning. No wonder his expression was not good when he was called by the principal. It looks like milk is boiling on the stove at home.

Taking a breath, Snape waved his wand to adjust the heat of the cauldrons.

"Your consciousness is most likely connected to the Dark Lord's, so you will know what he does or thinks, but you need to distinguish between what is an illusion, what is reality, and what is an illusion."

After Snape finished dealing with the potion, he turned around and looked at the handsome Harry Potter as if he were looking at a dead person.

"In fact, I don't think you can practice Occlumency because you have too many emotions. How can a child who likes to cry manage his emotions and thoughts well?"

Snape waved his hand to stop the handsome Harry Potter from trying to defend himself.

"I will use Legilimency to attack you. You must maintain your inner strength to resist this attack."

After Snape finished speaking, he assumed an attacking posture. From the beginning to the end of the conversation, he had no intention of communicating with the handsome Harry Potter, but only regarded him as an object of complaint.


Snape pointed his wand, and the handsome Harry Potter suddenly fell into memories.

The fragmented memories are not organized, and memories from childhood come one after another. The curiosity when entering school, the friendship between classmates, the joy during Quidditch, the sadness during the Goblet of Fire, and the guilt about the Arthur Weasley incident. .

"You must hold on to your consciousness and don't let me get your memories at will. It makes me sick to watch."

Snape stopped the attack and made a profound summary of the effect just now, disgusting!

"Don't say that to me. I don't allow you to say that to me."

No one would agree with being told that one's life is disgusting, but this is what Snape did to make Harry Potter have a rebellious psychology, so that he can practice Occlumency faster.

It is impossible to practice Occlumency without strong mental support, and the strongest mental support does not come from positive emotions, but from negative emotions, being insulted, bullied, ridiculed, losing faith, losing Love, lose hope, after all these experiences, this person has not been driven crazy, then his mental strength will naturally be extremely tenacious, and nothing will disturb him.

Snape used this empathetic approach to educate Harry Potter on the spirit of resistance.


Without taking any rest, Snape waved his wand and attacked Harry Potter again. This time, the effect was even worse than before. Harry Potter was not prepared at all. Voldemort appeared in every memory fragment. figure.

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