Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 358 The female descendant of the werewolf clan

With the Virgo Demon as the center, this area of ​​100 meters forms a healing field, and traces of white smoke will appear on the ground in this area.

"Everyone's attention, except for the death-killing curse, the effects of other damaging spells in this field are halved, and they will heal quickly after being injured. Only non-harmful spells are more effective, and this effect affects both the enemy and ourselves. Effective."

After Regulus Black finished speaking, he retreated to the back. There was no need for him to participate here.

Facts have proved that Regulus Black's words did not lie. The damage effect of any offensive spells on both sides is halved, and the injured will be healed quickly. There are also Death Eaters to attack the Virgo demon in the sky, but All spells have no effect on it.

Regulus Black ran back and forth between the three battlefields, in the direction of the broken bridge leading to Hogsmeade, and the girls took turns using the keys.

It even turned the release of the Constellation Palace Demon into a tactic.

Aries, Taurus, Leo, and Sagittarius were put into the Death Eaters' team in turn, and then they wreaked havoc and interfered with each other. The girls also discovered that demons of different constellations have different attributes.

The agility of the Aries devil, the collision of the Taurus devil, the power of the Leo devil, and the precision of the Sagittarius devil.

As long as they are dropped into the right place, the attack effect will be very objective.

Regulus Black came twice, but the Death Eaters still failed to break through the defenses here.

On the other side of the lake, although Regulus Black only gave his two women the Zodiac Demon Keys, with these two Zodiac Demons, the geographical environment of crossing the lake, and the Aurors' The defense actually kept the Death Eaters out.

The battlefield at the main entrance turned into a melee. Soon both sides discovered that damaging spells could not be used, so various auxiliary spells were used on the scene.

Armor protection has become the standard for many people who are still standing, because wizards who have not cast this magic on themselves have been disturbed by other magic spells.

Basically, it can be said in a general way that in a maze with many obstacles, there is a group of people who are "Expelliarmus". They open their mouths with "big sticks in their front teeth" and make smiles like "Grinning and cheering". Dancing the 'Tarantella', they were all 'petrified'.

"This has just...become a farce."

Professor McGonagall didn't know how to describe the current scene. It was really difficult to describe.

"It seems we have won!"

Regulus Black walked here again. Although there were some unlucky people in Hogwarts, there were even more unlucky people on the Death Eaters side.

"There are still more than half of the Death Eaters not far away who have not attacked. Otherwise, this result would not be the result. This time they let werewolves and vampires take the lead, so the strength of the Death Eaters is still there."

Professor McGonagall looked outside nervously. Outside the realm of the Virgo Demon, a group of young wizards were waiting patiently.

"How is the situation over there?"

Regulus Black asked the other party in a loud voice, and everyone thought this was the beginning of a verbal attack.

"Now there are only members of [Hundred-Armed Giant] here, everyone else is in this circle."

A well-dressed young wizard bowed to Regulus Black and then reported the situation.

Regulus Black made a gesture of understanding and walked towards the battlefield of the wooden bridge.

"Regulus! What's going on?"

Professor McGonagall felt that she couldn't tell who was who and who was right. It turned out that the Death Eaters who had not followed the attack just now knew Regulus.

And what kind of organization is the [Hundred-Armed Giant] they are talking about? The Order of the Phoenix has never heard of it.

Of course, the Order of the Phoenix had never heard of it. As for the group of fallen wizards, namely the Hundred-Armed Giant and the Death Eaters, even the Death Eaters knew something about it. The Order of the Phoenix didn't get any information at all.

"They are a group of voluntary organizations. In order not to be used by the Dark Lord, they have to obey. They are a vulnerable group who never really wanted to do bad things in the first place...well!"

Regulus Black directly called the forces that influenced the outcome of this battle 'vulnerable groups'.

Professor McGonagall wanted to vomit blood after hearing this, and so did everyone around her.

On the wooden bridge side, most of the Death Eaters who were tortured by the four constellations of demons were werewolves, vampires and real Death Eaters.

[The Hundred-Armed Giant] once again completed the performance task of the extras beautifully.

"Girls, that's it! That's it! Please return the keys and leave the rest to them."

Regulus Black nodded toward the outside of the broken bridge, and the [Hundred-Armed Giant] immediately started cleaning up.

The injured were captured alive, the dead were packed up, and the scene was cleared in a short time.

The same was true on the other side of the lake at the end. Those who were dragged into the water and drowned by the Capricorn Demon and Pisces Demon were basically non-members of the [Hundred-Armed Giant] organization, and the [Hundred-Armed Giant] and the others became a model for those who refused to save people on the shore. .

"You take care of the rest."

Regulus Black recovered the two keys again, and then left across the lake with his woman.

"Regulus! What is going on? You owe us all an explanation."

Professor McGonagall was a little excited. In such an attack that could destroy Hogwarts, half of the enemies were lurkers who were not doing their job, and they all seemed to be related to Regulus Black.

"Professor McGonagall, isn't it good now? All possible enemies have been eliminated at once. There will be no more enemies attacking Hogwarts in the future. The dark forces have been truly eliminated. There is no need to worry too much about other things!"

Regulus Black was ready to fool around and had no intention of telling the truth to Professor McGonagall.

"Where is Principal Dumbledore? He didn't show up in such a big battle."

Regulus Black changed the subject and began to look for Dumbledore.

The observatory at Hogwarts was one of the elective courses in the fifth grade, and it was also the reason why students could go out for a night tour openly. Filch would not arrest them for class.

"Look! Less than half of the Death Eaters are turning to darkness, and most of the rest are also conflicted and hesitant."

Dumbledore stood high and could see the situation of at least two battlefields. Looking down from above, it was easy to distinguish which Death Eaters were the main force and which were cannon fodder. The situation on the battlefield was as clear as watching a war game.

But this was said by someone behind him.

Handsome Harry Potter was pointing his wand at Dumbledore from behind. For Voldemort, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Dumbledore was not on guard at all, but was more concerned about the development on the battlefield.

Seeing the Constellation Demon killing all around, Dumbledore couldn't help but sigh at Regulus Black's ability.

"Did you see it? He did it. What you need to take the trouble to snatch, he can get with just a few years of planning."

Handsome Harry Potter If he thought that Dumbledore was talking to himself before, he now definitely understood that he was talking directly to himself.

"As long as you die, Hogwarts will eventually fall into my hands."

The handsome Harry Potter no longer hid this time, but came directly to Dumbledore's side from behind.

"It seems that you have been controlled by Voldemort and can never get rid of his influence."

Dumbledore raised his hand, and the silver slime in the principal's office was summoned in front of him, with Voldemort's appearance on it.

And Harry Potter's appearance has shrunk into the image of a small skull, hanging on Voldemort's waist.

"Harry Potter is dead!"

Dumbledore was very sad. It would be great if this child was still the same as when he first appeared.

Curious, emotional, and adventurous, but unfortunately there is only cold murderous intent now.

"Dumbledore! After decades, you still talk so much nonsense."

The handsome Harry Potter showed a face full of ridicule.

"Expelliarmus! Avada!"

The handsome Harry Potter first confiscated Dumbledore's old wand, and then sent Dumbledore on his way directly.

"Wow......!" A witch belonging to the Nymph Organization gave birth to a female half-werewolf.

At Hogwarts, the Wolf King Fenrir Greyback suddenly fell to the ground and died.

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