Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 359 The female descendant of the vampire clan

As early as half a year ago, Regulus Black asked Lu Wei to beat the Wolf King to the ground. With only a set of assassin's martial arts, he completely defeated the Wolf King, and then he was almost drained of his blood.

And today, when the Death Eaters attacked Hogwarts, one of the nymphs gave birth early, and a hybrid wolf girl came into the wizarding society.

The 'pregnancy curse' is absolutely effective. This is a conclusion that has been repeatedly verified by senior wizards from the Ministry of Magic. Even the premature death of the father's side can ensure the survival rate of each descendant. This is a very strict relative curse contract.

Wolf King Fenrir Greyback pounced, and absolutely no one could save him. Even if he was now in the realm of the Virgo demon, he could not escape the fate of death and exchanged his death for the survival of his child.

"Oh! My God! What a cute little baby!"

"Look at the furry ears and a tail. The other body parts are no different from those of humans."

"Just like what my Lord 'Kampe' said, this way the werewolves will get rid of their ugly appearance."

Several nymph members gathered around the mother's bed, watching the appearance of the newborn. Some of them were pregnant themselves, and when they saw their companions giving birth to a beautiful hybrid wolf girl, they felt much more relieved about the child in their belly.

"What name should I give?"

The face of the witch who had just given birth was full of motherly love.

"Didn't I say that? Use Fenrir Black as your surname, and your mother's surname as your first name."

"My surname is Hange, so the child should be Hange Fenrir Black."

Immediately, a nymph member next to him took a bracelet, recorded the name on it with magic, and then carefully put it on the baby girl's hand. The baby girl, who had not yet opened her eyes, was very unhappy with the foreign object on her arm and tried hard swayed.

"When our ten nymphs finish giving birth, there will be at least four more batches of pregnant women, so it will be up to the 50 of us to clean up the werewolves, for the sake of the purity of our bloodline!"

"For the purity of the bloodline!"

The surrounding nymphs shouted in agreement. If the pregnancy curse successfully gave birth to a hybrid wolf girl, then it would be necessary to clean up the original werewolves. There was not much room for werewolves in this world.

If there are a few werewolves who are also called werewolves and like to bite people and spread the virus, then for other mixed-blood wolf girls who cannot spread the virus, it is equivalent to asking them to take the blame, so although they are all Werewolves, but the two sides are natural enemies.

And before these hybrid wolf girls grow up, the nymph mothers who love them are already ready to take action first.

Regulus Black had already explained these principles and relationships to them in advance, so now they shouted slogans without any hesitation.

About forty nymph members directly attacked the werewolf tribe in a blitzkrieg, killing all the werewolves left behind by the Wolf King. However, they did not execute them easily, but detained them all and waited for thunder. Gulus Black takes care of it.

Including the werewolves killed and captured in the Battle of Hogwarts, basically all the werewolves in the UK are in hand, except for a few exceptions like Lupin, who are able to stay in their respective families because of their identity as wizards. .

But their death is only a matter of time.

In the future, there will only be people with complete wolf-like appearance and hybrid wolf women called beast mothers.

The former is a product of alchemy, a magical effect specifically designed to extend the life of elderly wizards.

The latter is a powerful blood race that combines with humans, but can only give birth to hybrid werewolf female offspring.

As for the interference of the moon to werewolves, it has become purely a matter of the stability and strength of the magic power.

Fenrir Black became their ancestor, and the portrait of the gloomy black-haired man was enshrined like a god.

He has also become the standard of admiration for half-blood wolf girls. Only men who look similar to Fenrir Black can win their eyes. This also means that the overall appearance of half-blood wolf girls has always been very high. Degree.

Werewolves can be adjusted by Regulus Black in this way, and vampires can naturally be adjusted in this way.

Through 52 cards of poker, Regulus Black established a system of 12 councils. The chief is the forever vacant seat of the Ghost King. Only clowns in the past have the qualifications to sit in that seat, and the clown is just the messenger of the Ghost King.

The seats in the Black Poker 12 Council are not fixed. If a big mistake is made, the clown will propose to replace it with another family.

Ghost King Black is naturally also called the co-leader of the vampire family.

It was at a regular meeting a few months ago

"So this is the thirteenth parliament of our Black Poker. Today I am honored to invite my master, the controller and founder of the Black Poker, Mr. Regulus Black."

A group of silver flames suddenly burst out from the decorative fireplace as tall as one person behind the main table, and Regulus Black walked out slowly.

The Joker gave up the main position and stood behind and to the left of Regulus Black.

"I'm glad that you all have chosen to be on my side. There is a new contract here that requires your approval. I am working hard to mediate some relationships, including those of werewolves. The same is true for this contract, which is to regulate vampires. "

Regulus Black handed a roll of parchment to the clown behind him, and the clown immediately distributed the contracts.

"Through this contract, I can slowly adjust the vampire's bloodline and habits. This will take a long time to achieve. I hope everyone here will fully support my plan. Now, who agrees! Who opposes!"

The contract is placed in front of 12 vampire families. These 12 families are stronger than the next 40 families. They are even the same in strength, wealth, and power. It becomes a result of 12=40. They represent half of the vampires. right.

The contract given to them by Regulus Black had clauses that they could not understand, but if they did not sign it now, the result could be imagined. The clown behind the main position beat them all by himself. A horror for all parents.

Under Black's control, the vampire family has tended to shift all its industries to medical treatment, health care, nutrition, food, etc.

The power of the Black Poker Parliament finally reached the point where it could adjust prices at will. To be conservative, it controlled half of the food and medical services in various countries.

Regarding vampires, Regulus Black also adheres to the policy of only giving birth to girls and not boys. In his contract with them, there are two contracts hidden, the 'Swan Essence Curse' and the 'Sink Curse'.

Swan Essence Spell:

The concept of magic comes from the story of an ugly duckling turning into a swan. It can induce people's desire to turn into wings, and transform into a beautiful girl under the self-wrapping of the wings. The evil person turns into a black swan, and the holy person turns into a white swan.

The Fallen Curse:

It allows a person to completely sink from mind to body and transform into a demonic creature with lawful evil attributes that can obey the original order.

The result is that when developing descendants, the male descendants will turn into ugly demons, while the female descendants will inevitably become beautiful and have angel wings.

This also made the vampires consciously develop female descendants. After the male descendants appeared a few more ugly ghosts, no family wanted any more male descendants.

Because he is so ugly, even Quasimodo in Notre Dame is much more beautiful than them.

However, this Sinking Curse was later used as an offensive black magic, and the effect was still very significant. Because of its irreversibility and the fact that it does not increase its strength even if it becomes ugly, it was often used by vampires to attack, which was very frustrating. They hate men who have good skin.

There have always been many such tragic cases, but Muggle public opinion believed that these people had cancer, ugly cancer.

Regulus Black also gave vampires the ability to give birth. Although the chance is not high, they can give birth to mixed-race descendants without angel wings. They only retain the fangs in their mouths and do not even have the desire to suck blood. Mixed breed.

If you come to the black poker meeting hall and look at the 12 angel wings sitting there, you will definitely think that you have arrived in heaven.

But in fact, the people sitting here will put people on the table and enjoy it together.

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