Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 367 Blood Descendants of Regulus

What Regulus Black did to Aunt Peggy actually violated Ministry of Magic regulations on many issues. However, as a high-ranking official, he was not criticized at all. This was mainly because of his power.

Although Regulus Black did not occupy the Ministry of Magic like the Death Eaters in the original book, the forces he was able to influence were very wide. For such obvious violations of the Ministry of Magic's regulations, the Ministry of Magic was just waiting.

Regulus Black just owed an explanation.

"As you all know, Tom Riddle comes from the Gaunt family, a descendant of the legendary three magical brothers and the owners of the Resurrection Stone."

"As you all know, Harry Potter comes from the Potter family, the descendants of the legendary three magical brothers and the owners of the Invisibility Cloak."

"Then! After Harry Potter and Voldemort merged into one, I don't need to explain how pure this bloodline is."

"Do you think any witch is qualified to give birth to this child? Don't blame me blindly, please tell me the answer."

In an informal meeting, Regulus Black invited senior officials of the Ministry of Magic, Minister of Magic Fudge, directors and ministers of various departments, and Daily Prophet reporter Rita Skeeter, just to explain what he had done before the behavior of.

Applying a pregnancy curse to a Muggle and causing her to give birth to a descendant of a wizard is such an act.

Regulus Black is looking for answers, but no one among you can give them.

"You can ask all kinds of questions, point out all kinds of mistakes, and apply all kinds of laws and regulations, but no one can come up with an effective solution? Use the blood of a wizard to carry out a pregnancy curse. This blood has a shelf life. I have to wait until It was the last thing I did.”

Everyone was speechless. Blood does have a shelf life. Even Muggles understand this. The same is true for potion materials in the wizarding world. If a piece of blood is subjected to a 'pregnancy curse' that exceeds the shelf life, it will never succeed. .

"Well! Why not find other Muggles? I mean, if no witch is qualified to conceive, why should you find Peggy?"

Rita Skeeter, this damn woman, is really a typical example of someone who is not afraid of death and will only cause trouble to her man.

"This starts with the characteristics of the Gunter family. The Gunter family has been marrying members within the family for a long time. The result of incest marriage is that their bloodline becomes more and more pure, but this also makes their magic power particularly chaotic and weak. ”

"We have all seen the strength of Voldemort. The Gaunt family only produced such a hybrid, and its magical strength was fully reflected. It is like a concentrated perfume being diluted, from a concentrated stench to a fragrant one. fragrance."

"This is the reason why Muggles must be found to mix blood, and the reason for finding Harry Potter's blood relatives is because Peggy's sister is Harry Potter's mother. She belongs to the kind of person who has a chance of becoming a wizard, but has not yet become one. The qualities of a wizard are more suitable than those of ordinary Muggles."

"I need to use a Muggle to dilute the pure blood, and I need some kind of qualification to ensure that the person born is a wizard. Peggy is the best candidate. As for her blood relationship with Harry Potter, this situation is just right. Forming blood protection, I feel this from Harry Potter’s blood, and the blood protection spell from Lily Potter is still effective.”

Regulus Black had said all he could say, and sat back in his seat, minding his own business teasing the baby girl.

"Everyone, please express your opinion! From my personal point of view, Regulus Black's choice is not wrong, and overall, it is the most suitable."

Lucius Malfoy has long been a long-term ally of Regulus Black. He is now also a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic and the school governor of Hogwarts, and his words have a lot of weight.

After saying this, several senior officials expressed their support, and even Connery Fudge also agreed with it.

"There are still two problems. One is the child's custody. We have all seen that the child's biological mother Paige is obviously no longer suitable to raise this child. We need a foster family. The other problem is how should we announce this? something.”

Fudge, the Minister of Magic, said, turning his eyes to Rita and Skeeter, with a look that looked like you just had to figure it out.

"Should I report it truthfully? Or make up some lie?"

Every word Rita Skeeter said was rejected by Fudge, who shook his head.

"Regulus! Rita is your woman, and you are the one who caused this matter, so I'd better leave it to you to handle it yourself!"

Connery Fudge stood up with a smile, preparing to leave the meeting. Other senior officials also laughed when they heard Fudge's ridicule.

After everyone went out, Regulus Black hugged Rita Skeeter.

"Ms. Skeeter, let's do some in-depth research on how to report this in private!"

Regulus Black looked at his woman. Among all the women, only Rita Skeeter was the best at seeking death.

"Don't do this! Mr. Black, please let me go! I have to go back to the newspaper."

Rita Skeeter pretended to be innocent, but her eyes were filled with spring water.

"Your manuscript still needs polishing. It can only be announced after careful polishing."

With that said, Regulus Black picked up Rita Skeeter and started studying the announcement in depth directly on his desk.

Regarding Aunt Peggy's birth of Harry Potter's daughter, the Daily Prophet reported in detail the next day.

The Ministry of Magic expressed its approval. Without the timely intervention of Regulus Black, the bloodline of the three magical brothers' families might have been completely cut off last year. This would be a great loss to the entire wizarding world. Thanks Merlin!

Finding Aunt Peggy to conceive this child was a comprehensive result after considering various factors. Only Peggy is the most suitable in the world. It is because of Peggy that this ancient bloodline can continue. Thanks Merlin!

The three magical brothers and Merlin were shown on the entire front page, and one had to admit that this was very effective.

As for the child's name, it follows Harry Potter's mother's name, and the surname is a new combination of two family forms.

The child's name is, Lily Pogunt!

And this child would not be raised by Regulus Black, which was surprising to many.

The child was handed over to the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries to be raised, and St. Mungo's sent baby care experts to take care of it. The Wizengamot Court supervised the child's growth, education, and property, all until Lily Pongoant came of age. after.

Regulus Black had completely entrusted this child with both talent and wealth to the Ministry of Magic.

However, the Ministry of Magic also stated that according to previous habits, this child will recognize Regulus Black as his godfather, just like other children. Every child born due to the 'pregnancy curse' will recognize him as his godfather. Godfather's, a matter of habit.

The Ministry of Magic expressed some surprise at Regulus Black's decision to kill him first and then follow up. After all, having this child means having a lot.

However, Regulus Black also had a very reasonable explanation for this. After all, this child's bloodline came from the fusion of Harry Potter and Voldemort. Even his birth was due to the 'pregnancy curse', so he could not It was determined that the originally handsome Harry Potter could produce offspring.

Therefore, the research of the Department of Mysteries and the care of St. Mungo's should be able to grasp all the children's conditions and facilitate timely rescue and treatment.

If something uncontrollable happens to this child, this is not something Regulus Black can bear.

This statement has also been recognized by several parties. After all, if there are no children, then the ancient wizard bloodline will be cut off. But with such a descendant of the bloodline, if something happens, Regulus Black will definitely have to bear the consequences. This pot.

This is the best way to deal with it now, with three parties taking care of it, one godfather, taking into account all aspects.

"Regulus! You have worked hard for this child! When can you think about your own child!"

Connery Fudge asked with a sigh.

"In fact, some of my women are already pregnant."

Regulus Black had always kept this secret, and seemed to have no intention of telling it if Fudge hadn't asked him about it.

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