Harry Potter and the Necromancer

Inferi 368 Guges School on Chongming Island

Regulus Black has a baby! Such a shocking headline suddenly appeared in the Daily Prophet.

The horror is not due to the content of the title, but the font of the title. Just like a comic, certain patterns have directional meanings, allowing people who see it to know what it means at a glance.

The font and pattern used in this title represent a kind of horror. This must be something done by Rita Skeeter, a woman seeking death. Obviously she is very concerned about Regulus Black having a child. .

"I'm seeking death again! I'll make you pregnant again!"

At the headquarters of [Hundred-Armed Giant Guges], Regulus Black threw the coffee-stained Daily Prophet into the trash.

Unexpectedly, I just mentioned it to Connery Fudge yesterday and could report it today. The leak was too fast.

Sure enough, a secret that is known to more than two people can no longer be considered a secret. This makes perfect sense.

"Who do you want to get pregnant?"

Lucy Piddle walked over with a bulging belly, holding documents. As Regulus Black's agent and lawyer in the Muggle world, Lucy was already a very outstanding and high-end talent.

"I told you not to worry about pregnancy. It's not good for the baby."

Regulus Black immediately stood up and gave up his seat so that his secretary could sit down.

"It's okay. It's just that the browsing of some documents will not affect the children. However, you need to pay more attention to the mothers of your other children. They have no plans to rest and are planning to shoot a movie. I have already warned them. ”

Lucy Piddle mentioned several other actresses and couldn't help but become really worried. None of them were worry-free.

"This may be related to their long-term wearing of scarlet jewelry. You know that scarlet can increase people's energy."

Of course Regulus Black knew this was the reason. This was the effect he added to the formula back then, which increased energy.

Jennifer Connelly, Charlize Theron, and Naomi Watts, the three actresses who followed Regulus Black earlier, are all pregnant this year, and Regulus Black can clearly feel it. There is a trace of magic in fetal movement.

In other words, at the end of this year, four mixed-race little wizards will be born in the Black family, and among the girls who have graduated, even more are pregnant. During this time, Regulus Black has been circling around the earth, and there is no day. Spend all night visiting women living in various places.

It was simply comparable to the process of seeking scriptures in the West. Even if those women were pregnant, they did not want Regulus to take advantage of other women. They would rather use their hands and mouth to obtain the true essence.

To this end, Regulus Black took a lot of head-touching photos.

Even so, Regulus Black still never stopped his classes, teaching at Hogwarts and work at the Ministry of Magic. He also built his own power very solidly, and the place where women lived was also well protected. .

Many times, when happiness comes, it is often when the enemy is serious and weak, so you must be more careful than usual.

For this reason, both the wizarding world and the Muggle world have a high regard for Regulus Black's image as a good man.

The headquarters of [Hundred-Armed Giant Guges] is in China. When this country just started its economic construction, the behemoth [Hundred-Armed Giant Guges] rushed in. This group can be seen in all walks of life. shadow.

While receiving a large number of preferential policies, the entire group has also become a leader in the country's construction.

The film and television group has shot many high-quality movies and TV shows, and more than half of the actors who want to join the group come from acting schools.

However, Regulus Black feels that the most successful thing he has done here is to cultivate copyright awareness and the film and television season. After correcting the idea that piracy equals taking advantage of the entire industry, film and television companies pay more attention to quality, and the film and television season The distinction has also made winter and summer vacation schedules a habit.

In addition, they also encouraged the management department to formulate regulations regarding lip-syncing violations, so that false three-dimensional stars that may appear in the future will disappear.

Of course, these are not the most important things. The most important thing is the establishment of a magic academy in this eastern country.

This ancient oriental country also has wizards. Warlocks who served the king in ancient times, witch doctors who existed among the people, fortune tellers who read fortunes, geomancers who searched for holes and pulses, and even some tomb robbers. Although there are many swindlers, they There is no doubt that some of them have wizard qualifications.

There have been many well-known figures in history, but because they were more willing to participate in rebellion and revolution, they fell into history early. The wars of this century have treated the country's wizard collective as so-called superstition. blow.

However, Regulus Black believed that after a period of peace, the country's wizarding community could still be established.

After all, Zhang Qiu could be selected into Hogwarts in England. If she had lived here at that time, she would have absolutely no chance of becoming a wizard.

Regulus Black painstakingly found hundreds of qualified children throughout the country.

Some of them are children who participated in the fish feast. After all, even after eating those mutated tuna, children are more likely to mutate. Those seemingly superpowers are actually just the effects of magic.

Chongming Island, this area next to the financial city, is a huge island with only some local farmers living on it. However, after the [Hundred-Armed Giant Guges] came, he occupied the entire island. Come down.

Regulus Black's school was built on Chongming Island. The entire island was covered up by magic. The memories of relevant insiders were modified. Even the location of the island was not on the map. The wizard was so willful.

The first magic school opened with Zhang Qiu as the principal and members of Nymph as professors.

Parents were originally worried about such a boarding school in such a remote area, but when they saw a Chinese-faced principal like Zhang Qiu and more than 30 foreign professors, they were moved.

ah! Not because they are beautiful, but because they bring their children with them to study together.

Zhang Qiu’s explanation to the outside world is that this situation is conducive to the integration of these professors into the country’s culture, and it is also convenient for the children who come to the school to learn foreign languages. After all, there are so many language courses taught here that parents begin to worry about their children’s ability to Keep up.

Regulus Black took out his wand and pointed at a wall in the school hall. There were hundreds of newly made-up school mottos.

"I am the supervisor of this school and will come to the school from time to time to conduct inspections, including the quality of teachers' teaching and the quality of students' learning and life. We implement a 7-year teaching system here. After graduation, children can go to college. But in fact, the teaching courses here include university components, and elite education is implemented here. If your child cannot keep up, we are sorry! We offer free tuition here, and even allow students who drop out to transfer to another school! So...do you still have any questions about the above?"

Regulus Black spoke very quickly, with a strong British accent, and what he said was a bit awkward, but the parents still understood it.

This is an elite education with free tuition. The 7-year education includes university courses. If your child can’t keep up, get out!

"If parents do not plan to take their children home, then I only welcome all students on behalf of Guges."

Regulus Black gave the other party enough time to think, and then welcomed the parents and students who were unwilling to withdraw.

"So! Next, I will take the parents to visit the school. Each of you will take a copy of the school rules and copy them. The classroom is over there."

Regulus Black pointed to the classroom next to him, where school rules, white paper, and quills had been placed on the desks.

For these children, Regulus Black had no intention of tricking them. Even if they were proved unable to learn magic in the end, Regulus Black would let them leave this school with the entire university's knowledge in their minds.

After that, students were transferred to other schools almost every year. Guges’ explanation for this was that they violated school rules. However, anyone who is interested knows that these children have learned knowledge far beyond their years, but they don’t remember it. I have learned magic myself.

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