Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 138 The idea of ​​buying a house

What Wright is talking about now is not a temporary idea. Ever since he sold the two unicorn tails he unexpectedly obtained to the old man who made the staff in Ollivander for six thousand galleons, he has been thinking about it. Thinking about this. Especially after apparating back to the Leaky Cauldron from France last night, the idea of ​​buying a house has been lingering in Wright's head.

Although the location of the Leaky Cauldron is very good, as it is the gateway where the wizarding world and the ordinary world meet, it is close to Diagon Alley and can also go to the ordinary world outside at any time, and the owner of the bar, Tom, treats people very well. But no matter what, it was never a very good idea to rent a room in the Leaky Cauldron after leaving school.

After all, while the location is superior, it also represents a serious lack of confidentiality.

Especially for Wright, he really hides too many secrets that cannot be told to others. As far as his identity as a time traveler is concerned, as long as others know about it, Wright will be wanted by the Ministry of Magic around the world in less than the next day. The time traveler can no longer be described as a prophet, he is omniscient.

In addition, Wright also needs enough space to conduct his alchemy and other training courses. Although some training can be completed in the broomstick workshop, it is still too inconvenient after all, and the Leaky Cauldron Bar II The space on the floor is still a bit too small.

Wright had considered several wizarding areas in the British wizarding world this morning.

The first thing to rule out is Hogsmeade.

Although Hogsmeade is the only village in the UK where all wizards are members and there is no need to worry about being exposed for using magic, the problem is that Wright doesn't want to go there at all. Because if he buys a house in Hogsmeade Village, Wright will at best change from a Hogwarts resident student to a day student.

What's more, as long as you live in Hogsmeade, it means that you are almost completely living under Dumbledore's nose.

Anyway, Wright couldn't imagine what kind of life it would be like.

In the same way, Fertile Plains and Godric's Hollow are not considered. The former is Dumbledore's previous home, and the latter is Dumbledore's current home.

So in the end, the only ones left are the completely unfamiliar Dingworth and...

While Wright was conversing with the Grangers, a ball of green flame suddenly burst out from the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron, and the attention of several people was instantly attracted to it.

Ron walked out of the green fire covered in soot, followed closely by Fred and George, Percy, a strange red-haired little girl, who should be Ginny, and the last couple who came out should be Arthur Way Sly and Molly Weasley.

Yes, and Ottery St. Catchpole, where the Weasleys live.

Wende and Jane opened their mouths slightly. Even though their baby daughter had been studying in the legendary Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for a whole year, the couple still rarely saw this kind of supernatural. The phenomenon. This is partly related to their working environment, but partly because Hermione is not allowed to use magic at home.

It's just that Hermione's appearance at this time is not much better than that of her parents. Although she has seen descriptions of the use of Floo powder in books, this is the first time she has seen a real one in real life. Floo powder usage. Sure enough, no matter how detailed and moving the writing is in the book, it is not as impressive as the scenes seen in reality.

Hermione calmed down a little and continued to look behind the Weasley family, but she didn't see Harry appearing, and she couldn't help but frown.

"Ron, where's Harry? Didn't he say he would come with you?" Hermione stood up from the chair and asked Ron, who was walking over and was slapping the soot off his body.

"I think you are Hermione?" But before Ron could answer, Mrs. Weasley said directly.

She was a middle-aged witch who looked a little chubby. She was carrying a handbag that looked a little older and had a slightly worried look on her face.

"We were the last ones to enter the fireplace. Harry seemed to have mispronounced the name when using Floo powder just now. He should be in Knockturn Alley now, but I don't know which one he will be in," Mrs. Weasley said.

"Knockturn Alley!" Fred clicked his tongue, "What a legendary place!"

"But mom never lets us go there. Even if we take a look at her, she will say a few words." George said, "But now Harry is there. Is there anything cooler than this?"

"Stop dreaming! George! Fred!" Molly frowned and looked at the two twins. Even after raising these two children for so many years, she still couldn't understand what was going on in their minds. What, Knockturn Alley is where kids their age should go?

"As long as I keep my eyes open, I will never allow you to walk into Knockturn Alley! Even half a step!" Molly said decisively.

"Sorry, but what is Knockturn Alley?" Hermione blinked in confusion. She only knew that there was a Diagon Alley behind the Leaky Cauldron, but no one had ever told her that there was another Knockturn Alley there. Is there any big hidden bookstore?

The twins looked at each other and immediately began to perform lively.

"You can find it walking through Diagon Alley, which is a dark, damp, cramped little alley."

"Almost every shop there has something to do with dark magic, and you can see a lot of good stuff that you can't find in Diagon Alley."

“We’ve all dreamed of going there!”

"But the adults never let us go."

As soon as they finished speaking, Fred and George made pitiful expressions at the same time.

"George! Fred!" Mr. Weasley also looked chubby, which should be the result of the careful raising by the mistress of their family day after day. However, the red hair on his head seems to be a little sparse. I don't know if he is worried about the family or because he is too worried about the work of the ministry.

But although Arthur Weasley always has a gentle temperament, he never lacks sufficient determination at critical moments: "What we need to do now is to find Harry first, and we can talk about the rest later. ”

"Do you need any help?" Wende asked Mr. Weasley.

"No, it's not necessary for the time being, sir." Arthur showed a smile and said slowly, "Harry was lost when he was with us. We should shoulder the responsibility of finding him."

Wende nodded without forcing it. But before he could remind the Weasley family to clean up the soot on them, Arthur and Molly rushed into the backyard of the pub with several children.

Shaking his head helplessly, Wende picked up the wine glass on the table, drank the last sip of mead in the glass, and then said to Wright and others: "Then let's go in together now, and go to the wizard bank first. It’s called Gringotts, right?”

Wright, Chang Chu and Hermione nodded at the same time.

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