Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 139 The Wizard’s Teeth Problem

The group came to the backyard of the Leaky Cauldron, passed through the magic arch, and walked into Diagon Alley.

Wende led the way. He was holding Lu Wei's dog leash that Wright had just handed over to him. He was looking at the strange scenery in Diagon Alley with great interest. From time to time, he would talk to him when he was standing there. Jane next to her said a few words with laughter.

Last year, when Hermione started school for the first time and needed to buy various magical school supplies, Wende also took his baby daughter to Diagon Alley once.

But when faced with those strange wizards in the magical world who were unaware of their appearance, Wende, as an ordinary person, always felt that he was somewhat lacking in confidence. But this time he was holding a dog as big as Lu Wei, which really gave him a lot of confidence. It is precisely for this reason that Wende is now interested in watching those scenes that are extremely novel to the couple.

The three children, Wright, Chang Chu, and Hermione, followed behind the Grangers.

Chang Chu seemed to have recovered from the embarrassment just now, and was currently talking to Hermione in a low voice. When Wright wanted to hear what the two girls were talking about, he was pushed away by Chang Chu with a blushing face.

"Wright, can I ask you a question?" Wende, who was walking in front, suddenly twisted his neck and asked Wright.

"It doesn't matter, uncle, you can just ask." Wright replied.

"Well, that's it." Wende slowed down and walked side by side with Wright, "As I walk along, why do I feel that most wizards' teeth look quite bad?"

"Um..." Wright was shocked by the strange angle of the question and couldn't react for a moment, "I'm sorry, uncle, what are your and aunt's occupations?"

"Jane and I are both dentists, so even when walking, we pay more attention to the dental conditions of the pedestrians passing by. It can be regarded as a kind of occupational disease." Wende glanced at his wife, and then said to Wright He said with a smile, his eight straight white teeth shining brightly in the sun.

Jane also set her sights on Wright at this time. Like her husband, she wanted to know what was going on.

"I'm not very clear about this, and I haven't found any relevant records." Wright scratched his head in distress. If Hermione's parents were dentists, then they would have been allowed to drink when they were in the bar. Is the mead a little off? Dentists should prefer sugar-free drinks, right?

Wright shook his head, throwing this trivial matter behind his mind, and then continued: "But after you mentioned it, I seem to be aware of this problem. It seems that among the wizards I know, most people's The condition of the teeth is not good."

Wright recalled the people he knew in the wizarding world. Leaving aside the young wizards, their bad teeth might just be due to tooth replacement or something like that. But when it comes to adult wizards, it cannot be explained by changing teeth.

In Hogwarts Castle, from Snape, the dean of Slytherin House, to Filch, the administrator of the castle, a large number of adult wizards seem to have very bad dental conditions.

No, that's not right. It should be said that the teeth of adult male wizards don't seem to be in good condition. The teeth of several female professors are quite neat.

Could it be that Wright suddenly felt that he had discovered a big secret? Gilderoy Lockhart was able to win the "Wizard Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award five times in a row because he had brilliant teeth?

At this time, Chang Chu and Hermione, who were standing behind the three Wrights, also heard their conversation and joined the discussion.

While Wright and the others were discussing the problem of wizards' teeth, Harry on the other side stumbled out of the Borgin Bock store in Knockturn Alley.

Because he didn't pronounce the words clearly when using Floo powder, Harry did not follow Ron and his family to the Leaky Cauldron, but to Knockturn Alley. Not only that, but Harry had just seen Draco and his father handling some real prohibited items in Borgin's Bock shop, not the toys that Filch had banned students from playing with.

Before Harry could find his way out of Knockturn Alley, a ghastly-looking old witch suddenly appeared in front of him, holding a plate of something that looked like a whole piece of dead man's fingernail. She squinted at Harry, showing her moss-covered teeth, and he took a few hasty steps back.

"Harry! What are you doing here?" Just when Harry was about to take out his wand and hit the aggressive old witch, Hagrid suddenly appeared in the alley. He shouted and walked towards Harry. come over.

The old witch immediately disappeared into the crowd the moment Hagrid appeared, and her reputation as the gamekeeper of Hogwarts was evident.

Hagrid took Harry directly to Diagon Alley outside, brushing the soot off Harry's body vigorously along the way, making a series of thumping noises.

Whether he was choking on the soot or being distracted by Hagrid's slap, Harry kept coughing.

Soon after, Harry and Hagrid arrived near Gringotts, which was Harry's idea. Because whether it is Hermione or Ron, one of the places they will definitely go to today is Gringotts.

And just as Harry expected, Wright, Chang Chu and Hermione's family had already reached the white steps of Gringotts. Lu Wei smelled Hagrid's scent from a distance and was wagging his short tail. Wright followed its movements and looked over, and immediately saw Hagrid's mighty body, which was much taller than others.

"Hermione, there, Hagrid and Harry." Wright turned to Hermione and said.

Hearing this, Hermione stopped going up the steps, turned around and stood on tiptoe, and then she also saw Hagrid.

Hermione stood on the steps and waved in the direction of Hagrid and Harry: "Hagrid! Harry! Come here quickly!"

With that, Hermione ran down the steps towards Harry and Hagrid, her fluffy brown hair flying in the wind behind her. Wright, Chang Chu and the Grangers looked at each other and followed.

"Harry, what's wrong with your glasses?" Hermione stopped in front of Hagrid and Harry, and put away the smile that had been hanging on her face just now, frowning and looking at Harry's dirty and dusty glasses. The look of fluttering.

Hermione couldn't help but take out her wand, and the tip of the wand drew a standard circle in the air with the movement of her wrist.

"Cleaned up! Restored to its original state!" Hermione chanted.

Harry's robes that had not been slapped clean by Hagrid immediately became clean, and even the lens of his left eye that was accidentally broken when using Floo powder returned to its original state.

Harry took off his glasses, revealing his mother's emerald green eyes. He looked at the new lenses for a while, then smiled and said to Hermione: "I think I should learn these two spells by heart."

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