Harry Potter: I Have A Proficiency System

Chapter 308 Inside The Shrine

The sound of sizzling was also accompanied by the roar.

The sound that also sounded was like the constant wailing of these shadow people.

Their wailing sounds were so shrill and tragic.

But hearing these wailing sounds at this moment, the magicians next to them one after another did not show any emotion at all.

They seemed to be lifeless machines, looking at the scene in front of them with only endless peace.

Maybe for the magicians around me, it doesn't matter if it's Carlos or Kachia.

They don't care at all about any other life except their own.

Of course, this is human nature, and Carlos had to admit it.

He just watched quietly, watching their bodies being gradually eroded and corroded bit by bit by his own potion.

Finally, it slowly began to leave tiny pits one after another on the skin.

Those monsters that had already escaped one after another.

At this moment, under the power of the potion, they all turned into corpses and fell to the ground.

Carlos shook his head gently. This kind of thing was just made using the similarity of potions, but it had such a big reaction.

Putting away the remaining potions, Carlos glanced at the other people next to him, and then spoke slowly.

"The magic power in the bodies of these shadow people has basically been swallowed up by my magic potion.

It is precisely because of this reason that their magic power has been almost reduced.

As a result, their bodies lost their breath and their lives.

But I'm looking forward to it. How did these guys get to England?

How did you get into our town?"

Carlos was really weird about this, and he wanted to know the answer to this.

Next to him were Khaki and Loya, both of whom looked at each other.

The Schloki tribe will prepare to investigate behind these shadow people again and again.

They were ready to uncover the backs of all these shadow people.

The problem is also the dark and corroded areas, all of which are exposed to shadow and sunlight.

Kachia smiled softly and looked at Carlos in front of her. What else did she want to say?

Loya next to him smiled softly and spoke first.

"Speaking of which, Carlos, don't you want to visit the Schloch family?

Come on, let’s go together. Our family also welcomes you to visit us, right?”

Carlos nodded. To be honest, he really wanted to visit the Sloach family.

The characteristic is the Schloch family, a legend in the magician society.

The Stone of Evolution, it is said, is where the King of the Demon Realm begins to reign in this world.

During that period of time when he acted recklessly in this world.

In order to kill the royal family of the Demon Realm, a group of people transformed their bodies into the shape of demons.

Only after turning into the shape of a demon can the magic power in their bodies increase several times.

To put it simply, with the magic power of ordinary magicians, under the circumstances at that time, there was no way to deal with the King of the Demon Realm.

There was only so much magic at that time, mainly combat and defensive magic.

Unlike now, all kinds of magic into geometry are growing up to now.

You know, although there are tens of thousands of magic now, you have to know that it was 20,000 years ago.

At that time, when there was no magic academy, there were only a few hundred magicians in the society of magicians at that time.

There are only attack magic and defensive magic, but it's different now.

So at that time, it was basically supported by magic and the intensity of magic.

During the period when the human race was demonized, the magic power in the bodies of the human race's heroes.

It began to expand continuously, using that powerful attack magic.

To the extent of launching an attack on the King of Demon Realm, under constant bombing.

Only then did he successfully kill the demon realm. The so-called demonization was the original evolution stone.

At this moment, it is placed inside the Sloqi family.

At this moment, Carlos really wanted to see what kind of charm the so-called demonized stone had.

What kind of effect can it actually give people a demonic body?

It can even increase the magic power in a person's body by geometric multiples.

This is what Carlos wants to know most.

Loya was very excited and "agreeed to Carlos's ten requests."

In his opinion, this request was reasonable, and Carlos himself was a potion genius.

0…please give me flowers…0

In Carlos' eyes, he can see many things that others cannot.

Although the Schloqi family has owned the Demonized Stone for almost ten thousand years.

However, from ten thousand years ago to now, this demonized stone has never seen any movement.

It's as if this one has lost his original ability.

Even the Schloch family has owned it for such a long time.

I can't tell what the purpose of this stone is, or what's special about it.

I don’t understand where the switch is, but it’s different now.

In Loya's opinion at this moment, if Carlos is allowed to enter the Schloch family residence.

If you go to see this, maybe Carlos can see something.

Of course I don't want to go now.

No matter what, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the Schlochi family or the Losifer family.

They are two of the more famous families in the magician society now.

Under such circumstances, if the important people in the two families meet each other casually.

If you visit casually, you will be afraid of being laughed at by others if word gets out.

Naturally, they must visit the Schloch family with noble etiquette.

To put it simply, the Lucifer family wants to attend the appearance party of the Schloch family as a noble.

It also means a banquet. Of course, this is a very normal behavior.

For example, the same was true for the Lonia family at that time.

They also want to spread their reputation among the four major pure-blood families.

Like the major magician families, like those declining magician families.

To convey his voice, he specially held banquets one after another.

I just want all the declining families to attend the banquet and at the same time pass the message to them.

But the same is true, if Carlos really wants to go to the Schloch family by normal means.

Then we have to go to the Schloch family in the name of the family.

This is the best way and the best performance.

When Carlos thought for a while, there was South Africa on the other side.

At this moment, in the canyon, a moon figure slowly kneels on the ground.

Their eyes contained confusion about the people in the highest shrine above. .

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