Things like shrines have never existed only in the world of Eastern mythology.

They also exist in the Western mythological world, and they exist in this world in another form.

After all, the gods that people respect and respect generally exist in this world in the form of shrines.

Regardless of the form or what is placed in the shrine.

If it exists in people's visits, then the shrine will always be believed and respected by people.

At this moment, the strange-shaped shrine was placed at the top of the stairs.

I don't know what exists in the black shrine, but it is blown by the wind.

People can still vaguely see that there seem to be one or two bones placed there quietly in the shrine.

People knelt down and worshiped quietly at the bottom of the stairs.

Their eyes were full of "860" as they looked at the shrine and admired the mystery.

Their eyes were full of longing for the future.

At this moment, among the crowd, a man's face was full of excitement.

Kneeling on the ground with a face full of respect, and the next moment, suddenly.

The shrine suddenly swayed with the wind.

It seemed like something moved inside.

Immediately afterwards, a deep voice sounded from inside.

So it echoed in this valley, and this voice sounded like a ghost.

The depth of the voice seemed to accompany the shrine like a shadow of need.

Shaking and gradually, it began to pounce out continuously.

This shadow was huge, almost hundreds of meters high.

Just like this, it appeared directly above everyone's head.

The next moment, the faces of those originally full of devout believers suddenly showed fear.

They seemed to see their so-called dear and respected god standing in front of them at this moment.

But their eyes were full of all kinds of panic, full of fear of death.

At the top where the god was looking, the two priests slowly raised their heads.

Those two heads, originally normal heads, suddenly slowly split open.

It was as if there was a small crack in the middle.

The gap stretched from the top of his head to his chin.

Then there was a crashing sound, and their heads were seen, just like turning the pages of a book.

Open the gap from the middle to both sides bit by bit.

That's right, their skin and flesh burst open, revealing the terrifying face beneath the flesh.

At this moment, the two messengers looked down at the believers one after another.

Seeing them smile, the next step is when they have a full meal.

The two angels nodded slowly and quickly closed their eyes at the same time.

No one knew what the group of believers in front of them saw.

But in front of them, there was actually nothing.

There is only that shrine, and the so-called shadow of that shrine shining above the head.

The shadow, as if from the shadow of a tree, bloomed like this.

And then it was nothing.

At this moment, the two divine envoys next to the shrine smiled slowly, just after closing their eyes.

Everything around them seems to have changed differently. The eyes of believers who were originally invisible seemed to see what they wanted to see.

Some people saw a world of inexplicable fear, and some people saw one hand after another.

Shaking it in front of him, it was like a child's hand.

There was a woman who could feel her child.

In front of him, he kept urging himself to hurry up and accompany her.

That woman felt waves of anger, hatred, and fear in her heart.

But he never felt remorse in his heart.

It was as if all of this was just what she should do.

One after another, the children beside her were noisy and clamoring to drag her to hell.

At this moment, it was like a real ghost, without any pause.

Everything came so urgently.

Everyone in the surrounding crowd looks different.

After almost an hour, the believers slowly closed their eyes.

Their bodies seemed to have been drained of all their strength in an instant, and fell to the ground with a plop.

After their bodies fell to the ground, the two messengers who closed their eyes at this moment smiled slightly.

They stood up again and took a slow breath.

The power in the bodies of the countless believers in front of me was quietly sucked in by them in an instant...

Everything in their bodies, whether it is strength, energy, yang energy or essence, basically disappears in an instant.

Everything entered the bodies of the two messengers.

Through the bodies of the two messengers, they also entered the shrine at this moment.

The surface of that bone is attached to the will of God.

Inside the shrine, the two gleaming bones seemed to flash in an instant.

Meat strands began to grow one after another, followed by the appearance of meat strands and cells.

Those two bones actually appeared like lumps of meat in a very terrifying shape.

It was obviously just bones in the beginning, but at this moment it actually grew into flesh.

Almost an hour later, the believers arrived on the ground.

Slowly opening their eyes again, they suddenly sank with their bodies.

A feeling of weakness and powerlessness came over me.

Then, with a wave of their hands, they felt themselves out of sight.

It was as if some kind of confusion had occurred in an instant.

Shaking their heads, countless believers looked at Ah Shang's spiritual thoughts.

Kneeling on the ground again, but this time, they didn't see anything like before.

The two messengers also changed back to their normal appearance.

The two of them smiled slightly and narrowed their eyes slightly.

With a smile on his face, he shouted to everyone below and spoke.

"Get up, get up 4.2. Mr. Satan, I have seen your sincerity.

He has brought all the nightmares that have troubled you for many days back to hell.

As long as you stick to yourselves and continue to believe in Satan, you can still achieve the dream of immortality. "

The voices of the two messengers shone with light.

It reveals an echo, as if it is the true Sanskrit sound of the gods.

In the sky, there seemed to be a ray of light shining through the clouds onto the crowd below.

The fear and fear in the eyes of those believers suddenly dissipated a lot.

It was as if I had just seen the trouble in front of them and in their eyes.

All kinds of nightmares and all kinds of worlds have disappeared without a trace at this moment.

It was as if they had really seen all this being dragged into hell by Satan. .

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