Delly still remembers the scene at that time, so to speak.

There are figures one after another throughout the cathedral.

They seemed to come out from various streets, intersections, and alleys in the distance just as they had agreed.

They were wearing gray clothes, or black and gray robes.

There are also two words tattooed on their robes, the word Satan.

It was as if they had made a contract with the gods.

As long as they dedicate their souls to that god, to Satan.

Then Satan will grant them the wish of immortality.

At this moment, groups of people gathered from various places.

Slowly, as if there was a tacit understanding, bit by bit, he pushed open the door of the church in front of him, and then walked inside.

Immediately afterwards, countless people began to stand in row after row.

It was as if they had already agreed on their respective positions.

After they all stood up, their hearts felt sad power one after another.

It was slowly emerging, they shook hands slowly, and then prayed.

In this church, on the archbishop in front.

What Delly saw was not the aura of a living person.

Yes 03, she did not feel the breath of a living person from the archbishop.

It seemed that the death-like aura and soul of death were constantly shining on his body.

At that time, Delly understood that the archbishop was no longer a living person.

Since he is no longer a living person, why does he have the power of a living person?

This is something that makes Delly feel very strange.

So, Delly made a decision.

Although, this decision may put her in danger.

But she made this decision resolutely.

Immediately after Delly's mass in the church this time, after one figure after another disappeared.

She started slowly, approaching the archbishop.

She walked out of the church door openly and openly.

Step by step towards the position of the top platform at this moment.

On the steps, her steps were light and slow, slow and heavy.

The sound of "dang-dang-dang" kept ringing on the steps.

It was like the hollow sound coming from a person's footsteps stepping on the steps.

The soul seemed to be constantly expanding inside her body.

Then I saw Delly walking to the top of the steps.

Her hand slowly grasped her staff.

She looked cautious, and then the moment Delly stepped onto the stage.

Suddenly, she found that the curtain behind her was suddenly pulled down.

The two curtains slowly came together at a very fast speed.

Delly's face changed slightly, and then it wasn't just the curtain.

When she was about to open the curtain and walk outside.

Only then did he realize that his hand seemed to have touched a piece of wood or iron.

It is so hard that there is no way for my hand to pass through the iron block in an instant.

Then he went out and turned around to see that figures one after another had come out of the curtains on both sides.

The faces of the figures one after another had urgent killing intent.

Looking at Deli in front of her, it was as if she had not concealed her death at all.

Deli's face sank slightly, because she found that inside the bodies of those figures one after another.

A huge magic power was slowly blooming.

That magic power did not seem to be the magic power of real magic.

It seemed to be the devil power of the devil.

In fact, in ancient times, people proposed a hypothesis based on the research of the tongue.

Twenty thousand years ago, there was a world where only the king of the devil existed.

Magic power did not exist in this world, so how did people at that time.

How did they use magic?

It was very simple. After they killed the devils, they extracted the magic calendar in their bodies.

They extracted their blood and shaped their bodies.

That was the demonization at that time. The magic power in the bodies of those devils at that time naturally transferred to the human body at this moment.

It has formed the current magic and magic mechanics.

On the bodies of these people one after another, layer after layer of black magic power was slowly lingering.

Perhaps when the black magic power finally spreads all into their bodies.

The bodies of these people one after another will become monsters like devils.

Dali just watched their bodies walk towards her little by little.

There was no pause, no slowness.

It was as if they would grab her whole body and devour her in an instant.

Without any hesitation, Dali held the hand of the staff.

Suddenly, she used all kinds of magic and smashed it hard.

As they smashed into pieces, they smashed over again and again.

The body of each demon on the opposite side was directly destroyed.

Of course, Dali realized that even if she destroyed the bodies of these demons one by one.

Their bodies seemed to be endless and walked out from behind the wooden platform.

Yes, it was indeed endless.

At the same time, Dali could also see that in the bodies of the demons in front of her.

There was no life, they were just puppets controlled by people.

No wonder they seemed to exist without any end and limit.

Dali did not hesitate at all, the moment she realized that she could not destroy all the puppets.

She had already decided to go backstage to destroy the so-called puppet maker.

The moment Contemporary Yang arrived backstage.

Her face darkened slightly. Puppet, no, no, it was not a puppet.

It was one person after another, one living person after another.

They gathered here, wearing one gray robe after another.

That's right, they were the group of believers who came to this cathedral to hold mass before.

And at this moment, they seemed to have made an agreement.

Entering the back of this church, "it seemed to be an agreement.

They swallowed the pills in the hands of the archbishop in front of them.

Then their bodies turned into magical, terrible puppets.

Without any hesitation, Daly stretched out her staff and roared at the archbishop fiercely.

"Let go quickly and surrender, otherwise, even if I kill you here, I will not make any mistakes.

"Hahahaha, I won't make any mistakes, stop joking.

In this world, as long as there is life, as long as there are people, people will make mistakes sooner or later.",

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