In the words of this archbishop, it means.

He believes that in this world, as long as there are such creatures as humans.

Then mistakes will continue to be born, and then mistakes will continue.

This kind of wrong bearing will start a little bit with the birth of life and continue to spread.

This is inevitable, after all, the errors in this world are caused by people.

After all, in a world where the jungle prevails, there is never anything wrong like this.

However, Delly didn't think so.

Although it is said that people have always been leading mistakes and guiding the changes of time.

However, in the same way, people are leading mistakes and giving birth to mistakes.

It also brings the right options and the right future to this world.

She shook her head and had no intention of arguing with the archbishop in front of her.

The magic in his hands gradually began to gather together.

A beam of light swung fiercely towards the Archbishop's body on the other side.

A thunderbolt exploded, and there was a bang, between flames and light.

It was as if there was a terrifying effect between gasoline and flames.

In the moment of contact with the light.

The flame bloomed with an extremely strong light.

It was like the rays of the sun, which gradually began to spread over the entire earth.

In the sky, this thunderbolt explosion magic was so fierce.

It hit the archbishop's body on the other side.

And that archbishop just stood there quietly.

He remained unmoved at all and looked at the figure of Delly in front of him.

Then, he smiled slowly, and under the burning flame, he began to say that sentence.

"You can't kill me. In my opinion, all the mistakes in this world are caused by people.

Then as long as people are destroyed, the so-called people are destroyed, mistakes will not exist.

I will no longer be a human being, but God, the omniscient and omnipotent God who dominates all things. "

Delly's eyes narrowed slightly. Suddenly, she seemed to have discovered something?

Turning around, I saw that I was at the back of the church, from every corner and every room.

Slowly walking out, one figure after another.

And those figures look exactly the same, their faces.

It's the same as if you carved it out of the same mold.

There was even a thin scar.

The scar was as densely packed as centipedes.

There seemed to be a trace of ashes, which seemed to be revealed in an instant.

When these figures appeared in front of Delly one after another.

Delly knew something was wrong, so she waved her hand suddenly.

Point the staff towards the sky above this moment.

There was a bang, and the shattering magic smashed through the ceiling.

Then, Delly grabbed the broom directly without any hesitation.

Heading towards the hole in the ceiling, it flew out fiercely.

However, the next moment, he found a net hanging from it.

Immediately afterwards, there were figures of archbishops one after another.

Like a dense swarm of ants, they surrounded Delly in front of her.

More than 20, more than 30, more and more archbishops appeared.

The speed is getting faster and faster, and maybe 100 of them will come out in less than a moment.

Is this the so-called God? Is this the so-called omniscience and omnipotence?

After Delly said these words in one breath, she suddenly.

He poured a sip of cold water into his mouth, and then looked at everyone next to him leisurely.

Especially, when she saw Carlos next to her.

She smiled slightly, showed a smile, and spoke politely.

Carlos, on the other hand, frowned and touched his chin with his fingers. Then he shook his head and said.

"In my opinion, the so-called gods in this world are just slightly powerful people.

In this world where mysterious power exists.

It is not impossible to explain the appearance of endless identical people like this々II.

Yes, Carlos had seen magic like this in an ancient book.

Shadow presentation, to put it simply, is to separate a part of your own shadow.

Each part of the shadow can become another self.

Then another entity owned by itself.

Of course, these possess physical alter egos.

There are very few actions they can make. At most, they can only catch others.

It is impossible to even punch someone.

However, it is precisely because of such people and such ancient books.

The same thing gave Carlos a lot of inspiration.

"Since he said that he is the word of God, then we turn it into a god.

Two days later, one leaflet after another slowly dropped from the drone in the sky.

The flyers in the unmanned helicopter seemed to fall down in an orderly manner.

Every ten seconds or so, 100 flyers would fall into the crowd.

The words written on the flyers are very interesting.

Curranthio became a god.

That's right, it's such a simple sentence, it seems like it is.

On the entire street, it caused waves of uproar.

Those ordinary people, when they see this piece of paper, when they see this flyer.

There was no feeling at all, but there were only those gray-robed men one after another.

One after another, people who had gained strength thanks to the great leader.

When they saw this flyer, their faces changed.

In the end, it seemed like I was overjoyed.

Their identities were acknowledged.

Currens, Dior's identity is recognized, they seem to be in this world.

With their legal status in South Africa, they can then gain more power.

However, when Cullens and Dior saw these ten flyers. [056505203 Feilu 130092350]

His face changed slightly because he knew.

Bad things were coming, generally speaking, as Cullen Dio had an idea.

(Wang Dehao) That is to develop one's own power in secret and silently.

It is a very simple thing to make those ordinary people who do not believe, or are half-convinced, completely believe in them.

After all, in this world, there are many, many people who think they are smart.

But once, when his mysterious identity, or in other words, when his plan is exposed.

Those who did not believe in him from the beginning will learn his name.

At the beginning, I held the same attitude of distrust.

This distrustful attitude and psychology continued to extend in my heart.

So the first thing ordinary people will think when they see him is, oh, this is a liar.

In other words, this is a conspiracy, a very simple conspiracy.

Although people are all lucky, they should be able to know in advance.

After a person’s identity, what kind of liar he is.

Then that person will naturally be wary in advance. .

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