Harry Potter: I Have A Proficiency System

Chapter 383: Take A Step Back

A series of questions kept coming to the forensic doctor's mind.

He was thinking about what had just happened to him and what had happened to him.

Then he slowly began to recall the feeling just now.

It felt as if I was immersed in a dream.

I can clearly feel that my consciousness is still alive.

My body can still move, but my own consciousness cannot control my body.

This feeling is as if your body is being controlled by another person.

It was so terrifying that it even made my body and soul feel like they would die.

The forensic doctor told the captain in front of him what he had just felt.

The captain slowly lowered his head. After thinking for a while, he shook his head gently and said.

"Arrange two people to chase this liquid.

Don't let anyone come into contact with this thing, and follow it wherever it goes.

Once another person is bewitched by this liquid.

If something like this happens to Stika just now.

Just slap that person awake as soon as possible, and I'll call professionals to handle it. "

With that said, the captain began to call for support.

Indeed, things like this are no longer something he can solve.

If only he could solve such a thing.

Then he can basically enter the Tegu Bureau.

Put your phone number in a certain magical courtyard.

Tislt, who had just recovered at this moment, slowly answered the phone.

After hearing the voice on the other end of the phone.

Then I heard again, the captain told me that strange thing, his face was full of interest.

To him, it must be something very interesting.

This place is not like Western Europe, which completely separates the Muggle world and the magical world.

The worlds on both sides are just two worlds, with not much overlap.

But it's different here. There are still many people here who will interact with the magical world.

Even Tisilt has been stationed in the Magic Court here for so long.

He was still a little unaccustomed to it.

After the voice on the other end of the phone ended.

Thistle nodded. He believed that he would definitely not be able to handle such a matter by himself.

In the magic courtyard, other people seemed to have missions.

After thinking for a while, he nodded gently.

It seems that at this time, it is time to find someone for help, even if that person is not from the Magic Garden.

But according to that person's strength, dealing with such a thing should be a piece of cake.

On the other side, Carlos was drinking tea and paying attention to the nearest flight.

But he found that the nearest flight was not available at all.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to return to Western Europe for the time being.

Carlos really didn't expect it, or he couldn't understand it at all.

I was just out for a trip.

Why can't I go back all of a sudden?

Just when Carlos searched for every flight.

A familiar figure walked over from beside him.

Although scars can still be seen on that familiar figure, and even his legs are still a little lame.

"Hey! Tislt, you still know how to live. The last time you repaid me, you tricked me very badly. Do you know?"

Tislt listened to what Carlos in front of him said to himself.

Wait, isn't Carlos a serious Western European boy?

Why all of a sudden, he seemed to be an oriental boy, speaking in such a weird and sinister way.

Shaking his head, Linte sat in front of Carlos.

After ordering a cup of coffee, he slowly spoke.

"Hey, come on, man, I don't want what happened before to happen, right?

Besides, I don’t know about that person being a spy for the Redemption Organization.

Who knows, you called him over and handed the staff to you, but he came over directly with danger and murderous intent.

Besides, didn't you survive safely? Don't worry about it so much. "

"I see, I can survive as long as you don't even look at it.

My survival is not a function of any of you.

Hey, since you call me buddy, can I put my leather shoes in your face?"

Carlos crossed his legs leisurely and looked at Tislt in front of him.

His eyes were full of calmness. If you agree, just say that.

The next moment, I will take off my leather shoes and hit you in the face.

Tislt couldn't help but be slightly startled.

He still really believed that Carlos in front of him would definitely do this, or that he would definitely dare to do this.

When Carlos dealt with the group of people from the redemption organization before.

There was no hesitation at all, let alone just myself.

Although I am not a member of those evil organizations.

Tislt sighed leisurely, and then he told Cass about what he had encountered before.

As Carlos listened, a trace of calmness appeared on his face, and then he slowly spoke.

"Remember when I gave you a guy covered in weapons?

That guy escaped and he came to this hotel yesterday.

And it has been injected with experimental materials by the laboratory, and then became a real body.

You should have seen it before, when we were on the plane.

I saw that 763 lizard man whose whole body was covered with scales.

He is exactly the same as that person, but of course there are differences. He should be stronger. "

Carlos said, then looked at Tislt in front of him.

He wanted to see what Tislt had to say?

Tislt drank coffee quietly, then raised his head, looked at Carlos in front of him, and said with a serious face.

"A few days ago, the Magic Courtyard was attacked.

The guy you handed over to us was temporarily arrested because he attacked the magician, that is, you.

After all he was just a common criminal.

In the future, we will transfer him to an ordinary cell.

So we didn't lock him in a more important place.

Then, no one thought that a group of lunatics would actually show up in front of us.

He directly robbed the cell, of course, I can see it.

The original purpose of those madmen was not to kidnap him, but to kidnap another guy.

The lizard man we caught on the plane.

Yes, that's the guy.

However, they didn't seem to find that guy.

Then, they seemed to take a step back and didn't know why.

Then, he actually kidnapped the guy with the weapons all over his body. ".

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