Harry Potter: I Have A Proficiency System

Chapter 384 Can It Still Be Like This?

Carlos's face was full of confusion. What kind of ghost is this?

Is it unintentional to plant a willow tree?

Without continuing to say so much, Carlos looked at Tislt in front of him and spoke again.

"What I want to remind you is not this. Have you ever thought about it?

That green liquid you just told me about.

Maybe it came from the laboratory.

There is also the body that was fished out of the sea.

He may also be an experimental material in the laboratory.

Didn't you tell me? The blood in his body seemed to have been drained out.

So let me give you a little reminder now.

Generally speaking, no matter how the body dies, there will always be some blood left in it.

This blood does not only exist in blood vessels.

It's in the muscles and under the skin.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to put it into a person's blood.

So here comes the problem. What you told me is that there is no blood in that person's body.

Including his skin tissue, including the inside of his body, right?

So what does this mean? His blood is not drained.

But it was swallowed by something.

Something was placed inside his body, and then began to swallow his blood bit by bit.

The purpose of Carlos saying these words was to want Tislt in front of him.

No, I actually wanted to attract attention to the magic courtyard behind Tislt.

Let them pay enough attention to that laboratory and the so-called rescue organization.

After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, no one knows the purpose of this redemption organization.

Moreover, no one knows the strength of this redemption organization.

So for Carlos, there is only one way to solve this so-called redemption organization.

That is to say, this so-called laboratory and the rescue organization will be completely destroyed.

But with Carlos's power now, he can't find where that thing is.

Although Carlos is confident that he can break into a so-called real room alone.

But if he can't find where the laboratory is, it will be of no use.

The Magic Garden is within the entire Muggle world and the wizarding world.

A relatively powerful organization and a powerful force.

They have rights and can be in this world.

In the Muggle world, find where the laboratory of the so-called redemption organization is.

Yes, they have such ability, so Carlos wants to arouse Tislt's vigilance and attention.

Tisilt obviously paid attention to what Carlos said in front of him.

After all, in his opinion, even if he does not need to pay attention to what other magicians say.

But Carlos is truly recognized by the entire magician society as the youngest potion master, a magician.

"So, do you want to come with me to see that thing?

As for the laboratory you mentioned, I will try my best to find it, don’t worry.”

The green liquid is constantly wandering on the road along the river bank.

There seemed to be endless thoughts on the green liquid.

The two eyes that were opened were constantly looking to the side.

Behind the green liquid are two staff members.

Right and left, guarding the direction of the liquid.

Their eyes stared at the liquid warily from time to time.

He looked around from time to time, wary of anyone approaching it.

But obviously, there don't seem to be many outsiders on this road.

Same thing, obviously, with the green liquid.

It seems that already, I can feel that my body consciousness is anxious.

He could tell that the two staff members behind him were very vigilant.

It is impossible for me to confuse the two of them like a forensic doctor in one moment.

So for now, I can only find other hosts and inherit their bodies.

It's a pity that I don't know what is going on with this road.

Not a single passer-by came.

This made the green liquid feel irritated and unwilling.

He only felt that the unwillingness in his heart was about to swell more and more.

Perhaps, he should be prepared to find an opportunity to forcefully occupy a staff member's body.

But at this moment, it suddenly saw it.

There were two people walking leisurely towards him.

One of them looked very young.

When the two people came over, they could feel the green liquid inside their bodies.

That kind of vitality, the majestic breath, is constantly surging.

It seemed to keep telling myself, go up, go up, swallow them both up, parasitize them both.

Then you may become the most successful real person.

The staff member saw two passers-by walking over from the opposite side.

I wanted to stop them, but suddenly.

They found that standing behind the two people, their captain slowly waved to them.

That, it seems, prevents them from doing so.

Although the two staff members were confused, they still stopped in their tracks.

This time, the green liquid became even more excited.

He rushed forward with excitement on his face, preparing to parasitize him first. He looked that age.

When I only had the body of a 19-year-old boy.

But he found that the moment his body got a little closer.

All of a sudden, it seemed like I couldn't move at all.

That feeling is like an endless sense of oppression that is constantly being born in oneself.

Carlos slowly came to the green liquid.

Then he knelt down and looked at him.

The next moment, Carlos took out a bottle of magic potion from his bag.

There are also disposable gloves. Put on the gloves and put the red potion on your gloves.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed the green liquid, which was so frightened that it stayed in place and shivered.

Carlos only felt that his (money) hands were slippery for a while.

Of course, it was because of Carlos's strong sense of oppression.

So this green liquid makes the body slippery.

But he still couldn't escape Carlos's grasp.

Not even the slightest bit brave enough to do so.

It only felt that its body was constantly shaking and sinking heavily.

It felt like he would be killed directly by Carlos in front of him anytime, anywhere.

Carlos smiled softly and grabbed the green liquid's hand.

Then, he gently lifted it up, looked at the liquid body in the air and said.

"`々What am I saying? No living thing can escape the coercion and innate fear of themselves.

In my Potions class, I developed a kind of east-west rule some time ago.

A linking circle called a creature. For example, the balance between creatures is expedient. Look, this is what it looks like. ".

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