Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1014 Star Transformation

Pomona is lucky today, there are no clouds in the sky, maybe because it is located in a deep mountain, the stars in the sky are extraordinarily bright, and many constellations can be seen even without a telescope.

Apart from the five planets and the moon, the brightest star in the night sky is Sirius, so bright that it obscures the light of its companion star.

Sirius is actually a binary star system consisting of two stars, one of which is the brightest star that can be seen in the night sky, Sirius α, and the other is the companion star Sirius β.

A telescope is necessary to observe Sirius Beta, and Pomona was hesitating whether to take out her own telescope when Severus appeared.

He only showed one head, reminding her of him catching people everywhere in school and deducting points, she giggled inexplicably.

"What are you doing here?" he asked sternly.

"I'm observing the stars!" She pointed to the sky and said, "If a centaur encounters doubts, he will observe the stars and look for guidance."

"You've stayed with the centaur for too long." The old bat didn't persuade her to get off the roof, but turned onto the roof himself.

"Where's Felix?"

"Rest." He sat beside her.

"Can he enter that hell entrance with his strength?"

"I don't know." Severus said, staring at the sky, "What do you see?"

"Not yet." She bent her legs and put her chin on her knees. "Sinista told me that as long as we think that we see the same constellations as the ancients, we feel that we have a mysterious connection with the ancients." .”

"She also said that Cancer was a dung-pushing scarab in ancient Egypt."

"Why do you always destroy my dreams!" she yelled angrily. "First the unicorns, now the constellations!"

"Well, that's a scarab, are you satisfied?" he said grimly, gritted his teeth.

It didn't work at all, and once the concept was formed it was very hard to get out of your mind.

There is an ancient Egyptian cultural relic in the Louvre, which was blown up by the French from the Temple of Dendera in Egypt, so it is called the Dendera Constellation Plate.

During Napoleon's expedition to Egypt, the French army discovered a large number of ancient Egyptian cultural relics, two of which are the most famous. The first is the Rosetta Stone, the treasure of the British Museum, and the second is Dendera. Horoscope board.

This constellation plate was accidentally discovered by the French army when they walked to the ancient Egyptian city of Dendera. It was located on the dome of the main temple of the city.

The constellation board is inlaid on the dome and cannot be removed at all, so the French can only copy the constellation pattern on the stone board and bring it back to Paris.

Not long after, the British chased Napoleon and came to Egypt. Basically all the cultural relics unearthed in France were taken home by the British, which is why the Rosetta Stone is now in the British Museum.

After 23 years, the French returned to Dendera and savagely used dynamite to blow up the constellation board from the dome and carried it back to Paris. The reason why they are so unscrupulous is that after the manuscript of the constellation board was brought back to Paris, it immediately attracted the attention of the whole people, and the popularity could not be lowered at all. Astronomers, scientists, and religious scholars from all walks of life were studying it.

The 12 zodiac constellation system first appeared in Mesopotamia civilization, and then slowly spread to Egypt, and then spread from Egypt to Greece.

In this horoscope board, Cancer is represented by a scarab, which represents the morning sun in Egypt. The ancient Egyptians found that in July of the solar calendar, when the sun and Sirius rise on the horizon at the same time, the Nile River It will start to flood.

In a fixed season, Sirius disappears from the sky, and then rises from the eastern sky again before the sun rises into the sky, so the Egyptians used the scarab to represent the first month of summer.

However, not everyone can accept that the dung-pushing bugs are worshiped in the sky, although crabs, like dung beetles, are also scavengers.

Egyptian civilization fell, and crabs replaced dung beetles as constellations in the sky. Whether it is crabs or dung beetles, they are all part of nature.

Life is born out of decay.

"There's a solar eclipse next month, and you know how the Egyptians understood solar eclipses?" Pomona asked.

"They knew it was the moon that blocked the sun," Severus said. "The goddess Isis held the tail of the baboon, which in Egypt represented the moon."

"I thought it was Horus."

"The total lunar eclipse represented by the Eye of Horus, have you even forgotten this?"

"I'm giving you a chance to show off."

Severus sneered and ignored her.

"I was thinking about that maze." She started another topic. "Do you think it will work like the one I designed?"

"The drunk man only went in for less than a minute and came out the same way. He didn't know much."

Pomona recalled that the maze she designed was actually a spiral, like a spinning galaxy.

"Those kids didn't feel the beauty of that maze at all." She said, looking at the starry sky sadly, the players in the Triwizard Tournament were so busy running madly in the maze, no one stopped to analyze its laws.

"With Harry Potter's troll brain, he certainly can't figure it out."

Pomona had nothing to say.

Harry is an indecisive person, but he can listen to other people's opinions and get help from people like Hermione and Luna.

"If he wasn't famous as the savior, those silly girls wouldn't even look down on him."

"You can't say that, Ginny likes Harry very much." Pomona defended, "Although it is very old-fashioned, it really works."

"You think she likes Harry Potter because he saved her?"

"Isn't it?"

The old bat smiled smugly, showing his not-so-white teeth.

"What bet?"

"I don't gamble!" she said alertly.


"You have been by Harry Potter's side all the time, so of course you know more than me."

"Neville Longbottom spends more time with you than I do. What's wrong with you?"

"Um..." She began to recall, what could be wrong with Neville?

"Cedric Diggory, he asked me one day, Neville and Harry were both born in July, and his father, Frank, had a feud with the Death Eaters just like James Potter, you paid so much attention Is it because of this reason?" Severus explained kindly, "Longbottom is a student of the outer school, you pay more attention to him than your own school, and he is not outstanding, it's hard not to let him go." Doubtful."

"You mean Cedric and Neville had an affair?" she asked in surprise.

"It's not a holiday, Cedric just feels very uncomfortable."

"Just because I follow Neville? Also, why did he ask you?"

"Because I'm a Death Eater, he didn't ask me, did he ask 'Mad-Eye'? I remember he demonstrated the Unforgivable Curse in Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"Oh, what did he think?" Pomona sat up straight.

"His father was in the Ministry of Magic, and people always like to gossip."

"Sybil didn't tell anyone about the prophecy again."

Except for the eavesdropping guy in front of him.

Pomona glared at him. If he didn't tell Voldemort the prophecy...

"That's right, that's it." Seeing Pomona come to his senses, Severus smiled and said, "The boy born at the end of July mentioned in the prophecy, we searched the birth records of babies all over the UK and found two that fit On condition, the Dark Lord doesn't have time to pay attention to the birth of every baby, do you know where Lily gave birth?"

"St. Mungo's Hospital?"

"Alice is in St. Mungo's, and Lily chooses a Muggle hospital. In fact, many Muggle wizards will choose a Muggle hospital to deliver babies, unless they encounter magical diseases. They have a deep-rooted concept that waving a wand cannot cure diseases. , your last name, Sprout, there's a doctor named Strout at St. Mungo's, and his mother used to be a nurse in the hospital, what do you think they're related to?"

"What else do you know?"

"Harry Potter was the chosen one, he was Albus Dumbledore's favorite, the Chamber of Secrets incident didn't kill anyone, but it caused panic, when everyone knew it was Ginny Weasley's fault Everyone ostracizes her, although not to the extent I used to in Slytherin, do you know what the boy who has everything looks like when he walks up to the ostracized poor thing?" Severus smiled weirdly" It's like a prince going to Cinderella."

"Harry has everything?"

Severus looked at her and shook his head "You're such an idiot."

"Harry is an orphan!"

"But he's rich. The Longbottoms aren't as rich as the Potters."

"What does it matter?" she yelled frantically.

"Think about it slowly." The old bat got up and left without sympathy.

"Stop, speak clearly before leaving!"

"Who didn't want to bet just now?"

Pomona wanted to kill him.

"What are you...how..."

"Not helpful?"

"That's right! Why aren't you helpful!"

"I've already told you that Ginny doesn't like Harry because the hero in the Chamber of Secrets saved the beauty."

"Then she likes Harry because he took the initiative to approach her when everyone pushed her aside?"

Severus laughed again. "Beauties have loved heroes since ancient times."

"Not all women like heroes!"

"I know, you are one of them." The old bat habitually wanted to wrap himself in a cloak, but found that he was wearing a Muggle coat, so he changed his hand, "You are a weirdo."

"Who would say that about his wife!" she said angrily. "Who would marry a weirdo?"

"I got all your attention, I won," he said triumphantly. "Cedric is still too young after all."

Pomona drew out her wand.

Avada Kedavra's mantra was circulating in her mind.

"Are you really going against me?" He smiled and asked confidently.

"You think I dare not?"

"I like living in seclusion because only I can touch you, do you know how hard it was for me to convince myself to let you come out to work?" He said in a dark, hissing voice, "Don't make me do something I regret. "

"I don't want to be a vine parasitic on you." She looked at him not to be outdone and said, "Money is the only power a woman has..."

"I can let you manage money like Naxisha."

"You don't understand, what I want is the feeling of truly mastering my destiny!"

As a housewife, this feeling seems to have disappeared. Those who have children are surrounded by children, and those who do not have children are surrounded by husbands. She no longer feels the feeling of being really alive and burning.

"That's what you want? Grab fate?"

Pomona met his dark eyes, which were not nearly as bright as Sirius's.

"You continue to look at the astrology and see what enlightenment you can get." Severus said indifferently, "Remember not to be too late, we have other things to do tomorrow."

"You won't go in tomorrow, will you?"

He ignored her and turned away. The slope of the roof was very steep, which reminded her of the road from the castle to the forest farm. It was also so steep.

That day, after killing Albus, he had walked that road with Bella and the others.

Harry's heart-piercing yell echoed throughout the castle, and everyone heard it, but no one dared to leave the gate.

"Coward, you coward, fight back!"

Pomona lowered her wand.

Today is not a full moon, but the moonlight is still bright, only this time, it is difficult for her to raise her wand to attack him again.

June 30, 1997 is the 26th of the lunar calendar, which should be the waning moon

March 16, 2005 happened to be the seventh day of the lunar new year, and what I saw was a half moon, and the brightness was different.

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