Look at your hands, what do you see?

Two hands add up to a total of ten fingers, so the decimal system was born.

In addition to the thumb, each of the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger has three knuckles, and the four fingers add up to 12 knuckles, so the 12-base system was born, and the Sumerians calculated from the 12-base system seconds to years.

In ancient China, the left hand was respected. For the left hand, the index finger, middle finger, and ring finger together form a nine-square grid. Except for the knuckle in the middle of the middle finger, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, and Kun are distributed clockwise from the lower knuckle of the left index finger. , Dui, Qian, and Kan are congenital gossip, a bit more complicated, using four fingers to represent the heavenly stems and earthly branches, which are also hollow, and the lower and middle knuckles of the middle finger and ring finger will not be used.

Pomona wasn't ruthless enough to use the Chinese Qimen Dunjia to deal with these young wizards, she just borrowed it.

Among the Qimen Dunjia, only Shengmen can reach the destination safely. The rest of the road is full of traps, which are not only dangerous but also impossible to reach the destination.

The maze of the Triwizard Tournament is reversed. There is only one road leading to the center of the maze. There will be many obstacles on this road, and there will be no traps on the other roads. Those who entered were trapped in the formation.

If you really can't get out, you can set off fireworks, and someone will ride a broomstick to rescue them, but this means that you will quit the game.

The real Qimen Dunjia even has fog in the sky, and there is no way to escape from it.

Luckily for Cedric, being blindsided by him, Harry took another direction, and he encountered many dead ends before finding the right one.

In the Book of Changes, there is no concept of good and bad, only good and bad. The concept of good and bad is added by people themselves.

Not encountering any danger is not a good thing, this false sense of security means wasting time, but encountering strange things along the way, such as sphinxes and oversized snails is a good sign.

Regardless of how Hagrid crossed a manticore with a fire crab, the manticore itself is immune to almost all types of magic. In the Middle Ages, a manticore went crazy. Wizards There is no way to deal with it, but to drive it into the mountains.

It was no big deal when he was young, but when he grows up, he is just like his parents, possessing super magic defense power. Its hard armor can even reflect magic. The most direct way is to bombard it with Muggle shells. to destroy it.

Cedric came across the Whelk and told Harry that the two of them had gone in the wrong direction to avoid it.

Walking towards danger is the simplest and easiest rule to discover. The more complicated thing is to identify the direction. Although Harry does not have a compass, he can spell it, and the wand pointed north to him.

The basic usage of the compass is to guide the direction, but Pomona doesn't know the advanced usage.

Just looking at the densely packed marks on the compass with three layers inside and three layers outside gave me a headache, and Pomona knew a little bit about the layout of the Triwizard Tournament.

Her own understanding of gossip is the joints of the fingers, three fingers form a group, the empty middle knuckles are yin, and the three knuckles connected together are yang. She can't understand the more advanced ones, and she is not very smart. , studying food magic is her interest.

The Order of Merlin (abbreviated as O.M.) is an honorary award used to recognize wizards for their great contributions to the magical society.

The Order of Merlin is divided into three different classes:

The first-class medal is used to commend "outstanding bravery or outstanding achievements" in magic. The color of the ribbon is green, which is considered to symbolize the Hogwarts Slytherin College where Merlin is.

The Order of the Second Class is awarded for "achievement or effort beyond the ordinary", and the color of the ribbon is purple.

The Order of the Third Class honors individuals who have "contributed to our knowledge or entertainment", and the color of the ribbon is white.

In 1957, Norwell Tonk posthumously awarded him the Order of Merlin, 1st Class, for his heroism in rescuing a Muggle child from the claws of a manticore.

In 1932, Tilly Tork and her family saved a large number of Muggles in the Ilfracombe incident in 1932, and used a large-scale oblivion spell to avoid exposure to the wizarding world.

Peter Pettigrew was posthumously awarded a First Class Medal for his courage in the face of Sirius Black after he was believed to have been killed.

Remus Lupine was also awarded posthumously, but Severus Snape's Order of Merlin has always been controversial.

Cornelius Fudge had promised to award Severus the Order of Merlin for capturing the supposed murderer, Sirius Black.

Fudge said Severus would have no problem getting a Second Class, and even said he'd find a way to get him a First Class. However, because Black escaped later, Fudge did not actually give him the medal.

The second time was after his death, as a well-known double agent and the murderer who killed Albus Dumbledore, even though he made a great contribution to the entire campaign, many people wondered whether he should get the medal there is controversy.

But Pomona believes he was denied the Order of Merlin for other reasons.

"You know that almost anyone who is favored by the Ministry of Magic can get the Order of Merlin." Pomona said after him, "Why do you like to be annoying so much!"

Severus ignored her, they were basking in the morning sun, wandering aimlessly in the forest near the ruins of the castle they had visited the day before yesterday.

"What exactly are you looking for?"

"Dungeon." He finally opened his mouth, "or any other place where slaves can be kept."

"What's the use of finding it?"

"Just look for it."

Pomona gritted her teeth.

After using the Marauder's Map and saying "The Mischief is Over", it will become an ordinary parchment. In addition, the creators also used a spell on it to prevent their lifelong enemy - Severus Snape.

Pomona made up her mind that the secret of the Marauder's Map would never be told to the Snotloff.

At the same time, she was also thinking about how to use the drawings drawn by the drunk to make a map similar to the Marauder's Map.

There are no student files here, and there is no Goblet of Fire, the only way is the "miniature simulation charm", which Remus used before.

Albino dogs are also known as ghost dogs. Although they do not represent death like black dogs, they are not a good omen either.

The sphinx who guards the maze asks each contestant this question:

First think about who wears a mask, behaves secretly, and tells a lot of lies?

Then tell me what to sew on, the middle of the middle, the tail of the tail.

And think about which word you blurt out when you can't remember it.

Connect them again and tell me, what's an animal you don't want to kiss?

The answer to the riddle was the spider, but Pomona was thinking about the first question.

Who wears a mask, acts secretly, and tells lies?

Is this a coincidence? There happened to be a maze at the bottom of the tiankeng, and there were masks made of human faces on the walls of the maze.

"Are we going to die?" She asked a little vulnerablely, and Severus, who was walking dully, stopped and looked back at her.

"We're all going to die," he said in a singing voice.

"Are you afraid?" She said incoherently, clutching her beating heart.

His dark eyes were fixed on her, and Pomona could almost feel him thinking quickly.

"What's written in that book?"

"Which book?"

"You put it on the desk in the office, the book used to press the blueprint of the maze."

"You mean, Zhou Yi?"

"Does it ever mention regret?"

"Yes, because there are different levels of good and bad luck, they are divided into six phases: auspicious, stingy, severe, regret, blame, and fierce. Regret represents worry and trouble, but this kind of good and bad can be transformed, and there is no eternal good or bad."

"How about you do a divination now? See if you are sure."

"No!" She immediately refused.

"why not?"

"I'm scared, Severus, what's wrong with you?" she asked in a teary voice, "You've been weird since last night."

He didn't speak, but still looked at her quietly.

"What potion can counteract the effect of the love potion?" he asked suddenly.

"Hate potions," Voldemort said in her head.

"It's the Hate Potion," she said, echoing Voldemort.

"But it's not the antidote to the love potion." Severus went on to say, "The feeling of love and hate is more tormenting than simply loving someone or hating someone. The smart way is to leave early, Lily and Jen After Tom is together, I can do it, but when you and Sirius Black are together, I can't turn around and leave, so, if the hate potion cancels the love potion, what effect does it cancel?"

"What an affectionate confession." Voldemort said indifferently.

"What do you want?" she asked terrified.

He suddenly cried, and the tears fell silently, but the corners of his mouth curled up, as if he was smiling.

"Didn't you say that Remus and Tonks, James and Lily are lucky to die in one day? How about we follow their example?"

She suddenly understood what he was going to do.

"I promised Lily to protect her child, but instead of doing it, I lured him to die because the old bastard said he was the last Horcrux. I thought it was over, but it turned out because of my carelessness , you have become what you are now, I can't implicate other people and take responsibility for my mistakes..."

"Do what you think is right." Pomona calmed down and stopped him from continuing "because it's right."

"Don't you regret it?"

"I'm just worried that you will regret it at the last moment. Have you ever heard of a Japanese monster named Qinggen?"

He jumped into the sea with his lover, but the monk regretted it at the last moment.

Severus stared at her, as if making up some sort of determination, and then swirled towards her in black smoke right in front of her face.

That black smoke really does look like Moran.

Pomona closed her eyes, felt herself embraced in a warm embrace, and rose into the air.

After a brief smooth flight, she felt the force of the descent, as if they had fallen into a sinkhole.

She remembered the song again and out of time.

Wise men say, only fools rush in

But I can't help, falling in love with you

It turned out that there had already been a sign that they would die together in a "falling" way.

"You hope I don't become a bad person, how am I doing?" he asked softly in her ear.

"You did a great job," she complimented.

"Stupid," said Voldemort calmly, not at all like at Hogwarts.

"And the fangs of the basilisk!" she exclaimed.

Too bad it was too late, it seemed that Severus Snape screwed up again.

Listening to this chapter written by Dante's prayer, this tiankeng plans to change its name to the Well of Despair

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