Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1123 The Party House

If on that day, Albus Dumbledore hadn't delivered the Hogwarts acceptance letter to Tom Riddle himself, perhaps, there would be another story in this world.

Pomona followed behind Voldemort, and under the guidance of "Reaper", she walked to the back of the hall, where there was a heavy golden door.

But when they approached, the double doors carved with oak reliefs opened by themselves, and inside was a cloister with the characteristics of Renaissance architecture.

There are many sculptures in the circular atrium in the center, and there are many rooms surrounded by black tulle doors.

These sculptures look like "Academy of Athens", except that many other races have been added, such as centaurs, goblins, and mermaids.

Those philosophers opened their mouths wide, as if they were talking loudly, and the dome seemed to cast a magic similar to that of the Hogwarts auditorium, except that there were no floating candles here, but countless stars providing light for the inner room.

Compared with the golden hall, the inner room exudes a soft light like moonlight. Pomona looked at those almost identical rooms.

"What are these rooms for?" asked Voldemort.

"They're all treasure rooms." Lyle said with a smile, "Choose one you like based on your feelings."

"Based on feeling?" Xenophilius asked.

"You can understand it as a natural instinct." Lyle said indifferently, "All those who can get here are researchers of natural instinct."

Xenophilius still didn't understand.

"If the contents inside have been taken by someone else..."

"When you drop the coin, the treasure room has already prepared what you want for you. You can understand that this is a house similar to the 'come and go room'." Lyle interrupted Voldemort.

Even without a body, Voldemort's red eyes lit up.

He walked eagerly between the twelve rooms, while the others waited patiently. Who would have the guts to jump in line before Voldemort made a choice?

Pomona tugged at Severus' sleeve.

"Sun gold." She mouthed silently, while everyone else's attention was on Voldemort.

He shook his head at her, continuing to watch as if Voldemort hesitated.

Some people might think she was stupid, she only wanted sun gold, made it into an unlimited time-turner, and then rescued Severus, she really had no desire for other treasures.

She touched the "wine bottle" that was in her pocket again. It was not so easy to open this bottle, as there were very complicated structures inside. Fortunately, Xenophilius helped her, otherwise she would not be able to open this wine bottle.

After all, he was also a Ravenclaw, and the eagle-shaped door knocker in their lounge liked to ask people hard questions. She hadn't seen an eagle that gave the answer directly.

Because they couldn't answer the questions and couldn't enter the study room, many Ravenclaws were trapped at the door, and none of them were as embarrassed as Severus. A Slytherin actually threatened to sleep at the door of the Gryffindor lounge .

Some things are not forgiven if you just say sorry, but unfortunately many people are used to the generous forgiveness from their lover, so that when they suddenly find themselves saying sorry but not being forgiven, they still feel that the other party is unreasonable.

Mother Teresa said: We think poverty is hunger, nakedness and lack of housing. But the greatest poverty is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for.

The people who loved and cared about you don't love you anymore and don't care what you did wrong anymore, even when you're successful and famous, surrounded by some false friends and some real enemies.

Lily chose her own way, and Severus chose his, one joined the Order of the Phoenix and the other the Death Eaters, and she didn't care what Severus did in the Death Eaters.

She had her own life, James, Sirius, and Harry Potter, and she lived happily until the day the prophecy reached Voldemort's ears.

It is incomprehensible to some that "not being needed" is a form of poverty. Sirius was eager to be useful, but his strength was insufficient, so he had to donate the ancestral house of the Black family to be the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

Severus is the chief of the Order of the Phoenix except Moody, but he does not participate in many operations of the Order of the Phoenix.

One is because of his status as a double agent, and the other is because Moody doesn't trust him.

"Not being needed" means being left on the sidelines. Before the Battle of the Ministry of Magic, Albus squeezed the last bit of value out of Severus, and his status, academic papers, and authority were all taken by Albus. Deal, what else could he do but stay at school with the kids?

In the eyes of the Death Eaters who escaped from Azkaban, Dean Slytherin is still that useless half-blood wizard, after all, they have stayed in prison for more than ten years.

If you are not needed, you will not find the meaning of your existence. This kind of "poverty" is what Mother Teresa called "poverty".

If this analogy is still difficult to understand, it is like soldiers in wartime. They were portrayed as heroes in wartime. In peacetime, they are no longer needed. They are replaced by various people, like the Beatles. Rock singers, business personalities, movie stars.

And how useful these people can be in war.

No matter how sharp the iron sword is, if you don't pay attention to maintenance, it will be difficult to defeat the enemy when it rusts.

Force is necessary, whether against wild animals or against enemies who invade your home.

Sometimes Pomona was a little disappointed to see the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw boys, who weren't as aggressive as the Gryffindor and Slytherin boys.

But they also have their own advantages, such as gentleness and tolerance, which happen to be the characteristics of women. Who are Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff women?

Badger Yard kids are generally not very ambitious, and they've long accepted that they're dumb.

But they still bite when they are provoked. Draco and the search team bullied the freshmen of the badger yard. He was turned into a slug by Hannah and the others on the train...does he deserve it?

"What are you thinking?" Severus asked, frowning.

"I'm trying to settle the score." Pomona counted her fingers and said, "Draco bullied the freshmen in our academy, and Hannah helped him get back. Are they even?"

"He was turned into a slug," Severus said. "A Malfoy turned into a slug!"

"Whatever Malfoy he is, oh, I have to apologize to Hannah when I go back, I blamed her wrongly." Pomona repented earnestly, "Although what happened to Draco later was very sympathetic, it's the same thing. One thing."

"You think he deserves that?" Draco's godfather hissed.

Pomona looked at the stars in the sky and thought.

"That's right, who told him to bully the weak." Draco's godmother replied after thinking, "That nasty little bastard."

Severus looked as if he wanted to discuss with Pomona whether Draco should be turned into a slug for bullying freshmen.

Just when he rolled up his sleeves and was about to list "10,000 reasons why Malfoy cannot be punished", Voldemort had already chosen the treasure room and entered.

"Would you like to choose a treasure room by yourself, or with me?" Pomona asked.

"I'm with you." Xenophilius said sadly, with Severus' wand up to his nose.

"Since when did you find it unacceptable for Malfoy to be turned into a slug?" Pomona smiled happily. "Don't you also think that 'peacock' looks silly?"

Looking at her smug smile, the head of Slytherin pursed his mouth angrily.

The sarcasm and eloquent old bat thought for a long time but couldn't find the right words, and finally took her hand and picked a treasure room at random to enter.

After passing through the black gauze curtain, what appeared in front of them made their eyes widen together.

"You are finally here!" said the flame-shaped liquid that emitted soft golden light in the armillary sphere-like magic circle, illuminating the entire treasure room, "Quickly let me out! As long as you agree to my request, I will satisfy you." A wish."

It made the sound of a child, as if it were a star that hadn't grown up yet.

"I think you are the golden sun." Pomona said after a while.

"That's right, it's me!" Taiyangjin urged anxiously, "Stop dawdling, hurry up! I don't want to stay in this place for a second longer!"

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