Iron is insoluble in mercury. In the Big Bang, only three elements were synthesized, about 75% hydrogen, 25% helium, and most of the rest were lithium, which did not contain mercury.

Theoretically, elements with a mass higher than iron should be produced after massive supernova explosions, and so should mercury.

Although gold is noble, it does not have the ability to absorb many metals like mercury.

If you put pure mercury into the dichromate solution and touch it with a rust-free iron nail, it will form a magical reaction like a heartbeat.

This phenomenon is called "mercury heartbeat", which is caused by the superposition of the reduction reaction of the metal and the change of the tension of the liquid.

Now "sun gold" is beating in mid-air like mercury with a "heartbeat".

It can leave the treasure room by itself, and even move around the colonnaded atrium and the courtyard behind the atrium.

When Pomona saw the yard for the first time, she was so shocked that she had no words to describe her feelings.

It's not particularly big, about two-thirds the size of Anfield, but in the courtyard there is a pool filled with a mercury-like substance, with a tree in the center of the pool.

"Sun Gold" flew around it, and the scene was very fantastic, reminding her of the hibiscus tree in oriental legends and the sunbirds living on it.

Every day, the ten suns take turns driving their chariots away from the eastern sea to perform their duties.

However, one day they intend to break this rule, and the ten suns appear in the sky together.

The earth became dry and the weather was extremely hot. A hero named Hou Yi shot nine suns with a bow and arrow, leaving only one.

In order to reward his merits, the gods gave him a bottle of elixir, but the bottle was eaten by Houyi's wife Chang'e, and then she floated to the moon and lived in Guanghan Palace.

In addition to the sun gold, there was also a dark gold bow in the treasure room, which Severus was holding up now.

The pool with the Pluto sculpture should have cast a spell such as the Mind Acceptance Curse. Severus was proud of his performance in the fifth-floor maze just now. After all, not everyone can hit those people with the Wandless Silent Confusion Curse in the dark. An extremely fast backstab.

But of what use is the bow to a wizard with a wand?

I'm afraid I'll leave it to Severus to figure it out for himself, and now Pomona's problem is how to trick that bad-tempered "Sun Gold" into the bottle.

There is a story about Aladdin’s magic lamp in the Middle East. The lamp god promised Aladdin to fulfill his three wishes. That lamp god may be the same devil who was tricked into the lamp by a cunning wizard like "Sun Gold".

It is not surprising that the devil is deceived. In Venice, a devil was deceived by a witch, and he is still waiting for her to fulfill the contract by the bridge.

"Whoosh" sound.

A puff of gas was shot from the bow in what appeared to be an arrow.

Instead of being attracted by gravity to form a parabola like a solid arrow, it went straight forward and finally hit a sculpture in the courtyard.

"What are you doing?" Pomona glared at the old bat.

"Try it," he said, holding up his new toy. "I just tried to imbue it with magic as a wand."

"And then?" Pomona asked.

"You see." Severus said, looking at the sculpture in the distance, "I can't shoot that far with a wand, and it's still powerful."

"It looks like you got a nice treasure."

Severus looked visibly displeased.

"All wizards in the Middle Ages are like this. Look at Nadia." Pomona motioned Severus to look at the two people in the courtyard. "A sword in one hand and a wand in the other. This bow can replace the wand... ..."

"I don't think it's going to go unnoticed in the street with a bow on your back!" Severus said angrily.

Pomona didn't bother to pay him any attention.

She looked at the "sun gold" dancing on the "sea" and continued to worry about it.

Not long after, Xenophilius also came out of the treasure room. He first glanced at Pomona, then at Nadia and "Lyle", and finally chose to walk towards them.

The treasure he had chosen was less conspicuous than Severus's.

"A rock?" Severus frowned at what Xenophilius was holding.

"Don't forget that the resurrection stone is also a stone." Pomona said indifferently, "gems are also hidden in ore stones, and Rowena Ravenclaw also has a sapphire on his crown."

"You think that gem is natural?" Severus asked with a smirk.

"The gemstone is not as magical as the magic stone, but it has magical power!" Pomona argued, "Don't forget the gemstones used in the defense of Hogwarts, which will turn into ashes every time the energy is used up. "

Pomona thought of the Bloody Baron, chasing the daredevil Draco all over the school.

Although Draco was not stabbed to death by Barrow's knife, he was severely beaten by Lucius. Even when Lucius took him to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks, the relationship between the two fathers and sons was very tense.

Narcissa spoiled Draco, and Draco had never been beaten since he was a child, although Lucius only hit Draco two or three times.

In a sense, Lucius and Arthur are similar. Arthur has a good temper, and Fred lied to Ron to make an unbreakable oath that really pissed Arthur off.

Lucius was used to posturing, he felt that his hands were not elegant, but wizards had to use wands to "fight", and it was precisely because of this that his strength was not ranked high among Death Eaters.

"What do you think the Dark Lord would want?" Pomona asked. "A new wand?"

Severus was so absorbed in fiddling with the bow that he didn't seem to hear her question.

Pomona will not ask a second time.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Maybe the treasure Voldemort got is not the best, but it is the most suitable for him, and the "best" may not satisfy him so much.

"I'm sorry for what I said," Pomona said. "I shouldn't have said that about Lily."

"Do you think now is a good time to say these things?" He put down the bow and threw it into the shapeshifting lizard skin pocket.

"I don't know." She frowned depressingly, "I just feel that if I don't take advantage of the present, I will miss the best time."

"You want me to forgive you?" Severus asked enigmatically.

"What did I do wrong?" she asked back.

Severus was angry now.

"You can't get over her!" Pomona said accusingly. "Do you know how hard it is to put up with having another woman in your heart?"

The most important thing is that Lily has forgotten him, but he is still paying for her, even though she is dead.

"I hate Lily." She looked into Severus' eyes and said "you made me into someone like Petunia, are you satisfied now?"

The perfect Lily is not liked by women of the same age, because she is too good in every aspect.

"Are you jealous of her?" He had bright eyes and a weird smile on his face.

"Jealousy is human nature." Pomona said pretending not to care.

"You're jealous of her." He repeated the same words, only in a different tone.

"I don't suppress my nature like Remus," Pomona said, looking him in the eyes.

From childhood to adulthood, both parents and teachers teach children that it is not good to be jealous of others because they are good.

In order not to appear immeasurable in front of others, even if they are obviously jealous, the children still have to pretend that they are not jealous.

This approach is to use morality to drive "natural evil" to the root of the tree, that is, the body.

If the roots are broken, what good fruit can grow?

Even Hera, the queen of heaven, cannot escape the torture of jealousy, but men ask women not to be jealous for their own purposes.

The young mistresses of Louis XV provoked Jeanne, who was indifferent to the mistresses who would soon disappear from the king's side.

She is indeed not jealous, because she doesn't love Louis XV that much, she still has Rococo and salons, and maintaining these needs money, is this the life that men envy?

Now that Severus was so happy because of her small belly, she decided it was a good time to say something else.

"There once was a young man," she whispered, "who had no money to study, so he made a deal with the genie in a bottle. The genie gave him a piece of magic cloth with which he could get a lot of wealth, so that his personal troubles were gone. But the devil he let go is doing evil everywhere..."

"Shh." He put his hand on her lips "Don't let it hear you."

Pomona looked at the "sun gold" in the distance, which is inaudible to humans.

"It said it could grant me a wish," she trembled. "For a moment, I wish it could erase Lily from your mind."

"Stop it." Severus rubbed the back of her head. "Be careful it's real."

"We were wrong from the beginning, we are all sinners."

"I told you, neither of us is a good person." He said deadpan, "I'm a sinner, and so are you."

She couldn't say that Severus Snape hadn't committed a crime.

"That thing, I think it should be the source of power for this maze." Severus looked at the distant sun and said, "Without it, this maze can't continue to support, it should not appear easily, I I was thinking about bows before, tell me, what were you thinking about before?"

She didn't know how to speak.

"Forget it, if you don't tell me, I will know what complicated problems you can think of."

"You said I was stupid again." She muttered depressingly.

"Maybe that's why it chose you to deliver the message." Severus looked at her again "Do you think that woman would be jealous of you?"

Pomona glanced at Nadia, she was talking to Xenophilius, and everything seemed normal.

"It chose me because I was stupid?" Pomona was so angry that her chest heaved violently.

"Tsk." Severus looked at her disappointedly, "I already knew that, but I'll say it again, you're a fool different from ordinary fools."

"Is that why Anna gave me the bottle?" Pomona frowned, and then her forehead was knocked.

"Are you really clueless or just pretending?"

She didn't really understand, but she felt that she was the key to the puzzle because of her desire to save Severus.

Before she knew it, she also played the role of Hermione once, except that Hermione was the one who fiddled with the time-turner and helped Harry go back in time to save Sirius.

But Pomona fiddled with something else.

Never did the sons of Cronus grant to mortals a day without pain.

Joy and sorrow are like the wheel of time rolling to everyone.

Even like stars in fixed orbits.

Therefore, some people believe that they can find the trajectory of fate if they understand the secrets of the movement of celestial bodies, and the horse people call it the star of fate.

She loved the pleasure of looking up at the stars, so she also wanted to go back to the house with the brass telescope at the foot of the mountain, although it was a Ravenclaw house.

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