There was an emperor in the history of Rome, his name was Caracalla, which was not his real name, "Caracalla" was the name of a Gallic cloak with a turban, and his name was Lucius Septimi Us Basilius, was renamed Marcus Auresius Antoninus by his father when he was 7 years old. His father hoped that by changing his name, his son would not be a provincial citizen. And the status of a knight affects succession to the throne.

According to the records of Machiavelli, the author of the Theory of the Monarchy, the tyranny of Caracalla was astounding. He actually executed most of the Roman residents and massacred all the residents of Alexandria, so he was hated by the whole world, so that he finally He was also killed by a centurion who had a vengeance against his brother.

But such a selfish and cruel monarch once issued a decree:

God controls the law of the operation of all things. As the emperor of Rome, I am subject to the blessing of God and have escaped the doom of my fate. I will lead the subjects of Rome and lead Rome to prosperity in gratitude to the greatness of the immortal god. Therefore I grant Roman citizenship to all free men in Rome, in order to demonstrate the greatness of Roman citizenship. But those despicable people do not deserve this right. I and my subjects should share the blessings and suffer together. Since then, everyone on the land of Rome has enjoyed the right of Roman citizenship, and only Rome is superior in all ages and in all over the world.

Dionysius pointed out in "Ancient Roman History" that Caracalla's policy was mainly to promote the increase of taxation. He granted Roman citizenship to everyone in Rome, ostensibly to honor them, but in fact to increase his own income, since foreigners were not required to pay most taxes.

In ancient times, population was a resource. During the reign of Caracalla, the number of legionnaires doubled compared with that of his father, and it was the citizen taxation he expanded to support his Panda military expenditure.

Slaves do not need to pay taxes, free people do. Free people have their own property, such as cattle, sheep, horses, farm tools, houses, etc., while slaves have nothing. To engage in agricultural production, farmers themselves have to invest in costs. The price of 20 francs per quintal is easy to calculate, such as British and French There are no serfs and slaves in other countries. But in the United States and Russia, slavery still existed, which made their production costs much cheaper than the grain grown by native British farmers.

If a large amount of foreign grain is imported, British farmers will go bankrupt, which will make the British food security completely dependent on foreign countries, so the corn law is not only to protect the interests of the land aristocracy.

The poor harvest of grain in the Baltic Sea has caused the price of grain in the UK to rise, and because of the "Bread and Blood" movement, foreign grain cannot enter the British market, so that the price of grain in the UK cannot fall, but the UK has a "poor tax", which means that even if The poor in Britain can't afford bread, and they can still receive government relief, but the food they can receive has been reduced.

This is in line with Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" mentioned that when the price of food rises, the people at the bottom will reduce their grain expenditure.

The traditional British dish is fish and chips. It is not as difficult for the British to eat potatoes instead of bread. Since Ireland has taken it back, it will not let that piece of land be vacant. Potatoes were grown as in "history".

However, although eating potatoes alone can solve the problem of hunger, it will cause malnutrition. Meat is also relatively expensive in the UK at this time. The poor in Britain can live with malnutrition on relief funds, so even if the price of grain is higher than that in France, British farmers cannot sell it. At this time, exporting has become a way for British farmers to obtain wealth.

The price of transporting heavy goods such as grain by water is cheaper than land transport, but it also has costs. After the weather warmed up and the canal began to return to normal, Spain's two million quintals of grain began to be shipped, and the first batch of grain arrived in Paris There are 19,000 tons, and rising water and low water also limit water transportation.

The land route is better than the waterway paralleling it. Although the cost of animal power will be higher than that of steam locomotives, British steam engines will not be exported at will.

It was the French who took the British as their teachers, so they could go to the British factories to learn secretly. After the signing of the "Amiens Peace Treaty", the people of the two countries communicated with each other, and French industrial spies were also sent out by taking advantage of this opportunity.

Fewer people eat better and more people work better. Not only the Bruges Canal in Belgium needs to be dredged, but also the channel of the Somme from Amiens to the sea. The accumulation at the mouth of the wide Somme has over the years taken a toll on commerce in Saint-Valéry.

The plan is to dig a canal along a straight line leading to the port of St. Valery. A lock will be erected on the canal to clear the sediment. In addition, a towpath will be built to use horses instead of manpower. The Saint-Valery River in Amiens is estimated to generate 900,000 livres, a small sum compared with the 30 million francs of the Saint-Martin Canal.

That's why Napoleon couldn't find anyone to fund the dredging of the canal from Bruges to the sea. The French prioritized French interests, and they didn't realize that Belgium was already French land.

What's more, Belgium, a place of the Fourth World War, cleared the canal port of Bruges today, and changed hands tomorrow, so the money will be for nothing. The last time Austria issued public bonds in Belgium, the Austrians lost the public bonds and became waste paper. The Belgians did not expect that they could be exchanged at a par price. Talleyrand was ridiculed when Belgium bought these bonds in large quantities and sold them to him. Those people found out later, and all of them regretted it.

Lyon, the second largest city in France, has frequent people-to-people exchanges with Paris. Even passenger transport is enough to make money, let alone when the canal is blocked.

If the transfer of the operating and construction rights of the railway is a loss, it’s okay. If it makes money, Napoleon will be scolded as a traitor who betrayed the interests of the nation. This is how public opinion is.

If you want French bankers to pay, you have to give them full confidence. Louis XVI sent troops to North America to assist the United States in completing the War of Independence. Soldiers were dispatched, and accidentally the island five thousand miles away was "Waterloo."

Sometimes there is no human nature in war, and even the mercenaries in that kind of living hell are unwilling to go. Who else is so brave to go?

During the ten years of the French Revolution, many people died, and they were men in their prime. This led to the fact that there were more women than men in rural France. Polygamy was not a permanent solution, nor was it allowed by the Christian world. That’s why Charles was born. Garnier's policy of granting pensions to the widows of the National Guard and their orphans.

Only when a man has no worries about the future when he fights outside, can he concentrate and be consistent, even if he sleeps on the battlefield one day, he will have no regrets.

Napoleon himself enlisted in the army not to save the country like the French, but to realize his own ambitions. However, he has been infected in such an environment for a long time, and he is already a little confused which country he is from.

Even Georgiana herself is not as familiar with England as she is with the mountains and rivers of France. She doesn't know how many railways there are in Britain, and she doesn't know the iron bridges on those rivers, and then she can't help calling herself and herself "we". French too.

What is a foreigner? What is a native?

Marie Antoinette pinned her hopes on the Austrian army and used foreign troops to suppress French civilians. She was an Austrian woman.

But the French love the Louises, the great Louis XIV, the carefree Louis XV, the tragic Louis XVI, each has endless stories to tell.

However, without Louis XI, the subsequent series of Louis would have no time to be great, to be happy, to be miserable.

France, which was handed over to Louis XI, experienced a weak country and poor people after the Hundred Years' War with England. Although it was in the generation of Louis XI's father, Charles VII, that France recovered most of its land, but the scorched-earth policy of Yingjun during the battle made the country weak and poor. The French people's livelihood is in decline, and the economic system has completely collapsed.

Without people's livelihood, there would be no taxation. The French royal family was really poor at that time.

So much so that when Louis XI married Princess Margaret of Scotland, he had no money to hold a serious wedding.

The relatives of the princess who came from afar were driven away in disguise after watching the ceremony in the church. There was no dinner, let alone the carnival of the Duke of Burgundy for several days and nights when he got married.

Margaret from Scotland is a typical medieval princess. She is pious, beautiful and kind. She has never read any useful books except the Bible and some love poems. Therefore, the French nobles call Margaret a "little doll". Not only because of her small stature, but also because she is very delicate, and the attitude towards her is as casual and disrespectful as a rag doll.

Georgiana was also very small, and she was spoken to directly and sometimes disrespectfully, and Madame Tarien sometimes teased her, but so far no man except Napoleon Bonaparte had dared to tease her.

After the count got up and left, Georgiana asked Julien Ufral to stay. In order to avoid leaking the news, Georgiana asked Matilda to also withdraw. She wanted to talk to the provocative professor about the lottery But he didn't seem to want to talk to her at all.

He first chatted with her about literature, and asked her if she had read Montesquieu's Persian letters. After learning that she had read them, he actually called her "Anaïs, the immortal", and she waved her hand to him in a hurry. A slap in the face.

As a result, he was beaten and laughed even more happily.

Who is Anais the Immortal? She was one of the wives of Ibrahim, a Persian. According to the local tradition, she and Ibrahim's other 11 beautiful wives were locked in the house and were not allowed to go out at will.

But she longed for freedom, and she said to Ibrahim, if death is the only way to break up with you, then death is a happy thing for me.

So Ibrahim fulfilled her and stabbed the woman's chest with a knife.

Then, she went to heaven like a decent woman before her death, enjoying a happy life with new ideas every day. The point is that there are two beautiful men serving her, undressing her, bathing her, and anointing her with fragrance. Essence, holding her in his arms, let her enjoy the joy like madness.

Georgiana is still angry when she thinks about it now. She regrets not burning Julian to death with the dragon's breath.

In this case, she felt that it was necessary to tell Bonaparte that he would either transfer Julien Ufral to another place or cut off his head.

So after dressing up in disguise and putting on a hooded cloak, she asked Phyllis to prepare a humble carriage and return to Paris.

Lawless speculator, daring hypocrite!

But such a person is still much better than the ultra-conservative banker in Paris.

She looked at the flying scenery outside the car window, and by chance a little girl appeared in front of her. She was being led by her well-dressed parents, holding a ceramic doll from the Sevres ceramic factory, and was also looking at her carriage on the side of the road. .

Their eyes meet briefly, and Georgiana doesn't look back until she's out of sight.

The girl looked to be almost 11 years old, time for her second stage of education.

But she soon smiled wryly, how could a girl in the 18th century be eligible for the second stage of education.

If she hadn't read so much, she might not have been insulted like this, so ignorance is a blessing.

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