What is the concept of 19,000 tons of grain?

A Rouen shipping cargo ship has a load of 200 tons, and 100 such large ships can be filled. Based on 1 quintal of 100 kilograms, 19,000 tons is equivalent to 200,000 quintals, but Godoy promised to sell the grain to France one tenth.

The cargo ships transported from Rouen to Paris can only use small boats, and they can reach Paris in about eight days. These small boats have a load of about 30 tons, and more than 600 boats are needed. Rouen is near Normandy, and there are ships of different sizes and shapes, one-masted and three-masted. From Rouen to Paris along the Seine, the scene looks like a mess. In contrast, Nantes' grain ships were of uniform size, each with a mast and a square sail. They lined up in a row of five or six well-behaved boats and traveled along the Loire to Orléans. From the first ship to the last ship in these fleets, the sails shrink one by one in order, and there will never be any protruding and arbitrary, looking like little ducks swimming with their mother ducks.

Inland river transportation is not only food, but also building materials, fuel, wine, and other supplies. In order to make way for these grain ships, all ships have been moved aside. The wharf was in a mess. After unloading the goods from the ship, they had to go through the public scales. After the weighing was completed, they could be loaded into the carriages waiting to be loaded. This process caused congestion and jams, and it looked particularly hectic.

Marseille is next to the Mediterranean Sea, and the grain shipped from southern Russia will be shipped to Orleans along the Rhone River, but according to the data left by the old dynasty, the transportation volume of the Seine River is much higher than that of the Rhone River and the Loire River, that is to say Rouen is more important than Nantes and Lyon.

Napoleon's tariff policy is very pleasing to the people of Rouen. They work quickly, and with the exemption from toll taxes, they earn more. In addition to 19,000 tons of grain, the Rouen people also brought 1,000 tons of other groceries. In short, they did a good job on this trip. When they disembarked, they all looked happy, and there was no panic caused by famine at all.

The Parisians who had endured a hard winter finally saw the boat coming. Although there was still panic buying, there were no one standing beside the crowd to stir up trouble.

The fallow land has been plowed since April. These lands are not planted with wheat but potatoes. It was almost May until the canals began to thaw. The weather this year is still cold. The price of a quintal of wheat in the Paris area is 33 francs , Calculated at 3 sous for 1 pound of wheat, it may be about 4 and a half sous when made into bread.

Paris is only a small part of France. Even if Napoleon raised enough money and did not have such a large transportation capacity, he would have no way to transport food from other countries into France.

Assuming that this kind of busy trip is once a month, it will last until the winter of 1803, but at that time the river has frozen, coupled with the flood in summer, this kind of busy trip may have to be reduced to two or even three trips a month. .

When the food arrives, we have to find a place to store it. Paris is so crowded, where can we find a place to store it?

This kind of start is not bad, it depends on whether it can be maintained.

After a brief stop, Georgiana allowed the carriage to move on. Alva is a former guard. He retired last year and didn't want to leave Napoleon. He was confused in Paris for more than half a year before being introduced by Phyllis to be Georgiana's driver.

He is more familiar with the Tuileries Palace than his own home. He drove the carriage and took Georgiana along the entrance where the staff came in and out and transported vegetables and other supplies. Georgiana quickly slipped in while no one was paying attention. into the palace.

She was not reckless, and she was so beaming that she planned to "surprise" him. Maybe the First Consul is now "playing games" with a certain delicate guest, such as the 15-year-old actress Miss Georgina.

She found Pierre Benezet, the chief steward of the Tuileries Palace, and asked him to bring her as a briefing. Then she went back to the restaurant's office and found a British newspaper on the table.

The smell of food came from next door, she was already familiar with this smell, but she was only in charge of making food before, and never worried about money, she never thought about whether the tuition fees paid by the students were enough to support such a rich family Three meals a day.

Perhaps it is because there is not enough that there are school managers like Lucius Malfoy. Normal people's homes don't always have food prepared.

She has been living in a sweet and dreamy world. Adam Smith wrote in "The Wealth of Nations" that human beings are proud to dominate the inferior and ashamed to condescend to the inferior. In many parts of Europe the peasantry is regarded as an inferior people, far below the great merchants and manufacturers.

If the law permits, and the nature of the work permits, the agricultural planter must choose the slave over the free man. What is the difference between a peasant bound to the land and a slave? They are not free.

Although the city dwellers are free, they have no guarantees, and they stop talking when they stop working. Gathering so many people in the city may satisfy the ruler's vanity, but in the event of a crisis, these people are potential threats.

Gabriel Ufral obtained the 2 million quintals of grain by means of speculation. The trade that the South Sea Company expected was to send ships to Spanish South America every year. Unfortunately, Spain was a country at that time. The powerful country rejected the British request. In order to recover its own losses, the South Sea Company fabricated a lie, saying that the Spaniards agreed to the British request.

Similarly, Liverpool's canal company made up lies in order to compete for the source of passengers and goods. They actually said that taking the train would cause abortion.

Georgiana did not believe that Britain would abandon South America and claim the right to operate some railway instead. Since Queen Elizabeth, the charter has existed in the British East India Company. 200 years ago, the charter system has been fixed in the British political system, but France has not, let alone Spain. The license is qualified, and Gabriel Ufral took advantage of this loophole to have this opportunity.

England wanted Spanish piastres, but no gold ship arrived in London, and Georgiana vaguely guessed what the agreement between Napoleon and Gabriel Ufral was.

Unless Britain launches warships to rob them, these gold transport ships will not go to London. Financial institutions such as Hansa, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Paris, etc. will receive Spanish silver coins. These countries will firmly rely on Napoleon "His Majesty", Just like Britain used gold to pay the military expenses of the anti-French alliance.

But Napoleon is not without flaws. The first is the debt of 7,500. If Santo Domingo loses, everything will be the same as the previous two guests said, and he will face financing difficulties. He has already snatched Italy, and it is impossible to snatch it again. Portugal has nothing to snatch, and he can only snatch Spain if he wants to snatch it. How much can Spain snatch?

Waterloo achieved Nathan Rothschild because of a message, and it was also because of the message that Napoleon returned to France from Egypt.

Ordinary people can't receive news from Santo Domingo, which is 5,000 miles away. Unless British newspapers are banned from flowing into France, the news cannot be blocked.

Look what a terrible tyrant the French people have chosen.

"Have you ever read "The Battle of the Ainian River?" Georgiana looked up and found that it was the first ruler in the uniform of the Chasseur. "Romans, remember that you should use your authority to rule the nations. This is your Expertise, you should establish a peaceful order, be lenient to those who submit, and subdue the arrogant by war.”

"I'm not as knowledgeable as you are." Georgiana said coldly, and folded the newspaper. "Someone is harassing me, can you help me fight him off?"

"Who?" he said with a smile.

"Your teacher, Julian Ufral, said that I am Anaïs the Immortal."

"You mean that Persian woman who spends almost her whole life thinking, but is alone and shuts herself up?" Napoleon said calmly.

Georgiana didn't bother to say anything more.

People with different stories have different opinions, and women are prone to "think too much".

"You came to me just to talk about that?" he asked again.

"I think you may need support," Georgiana said. "Lana still disagrees with your withdrawal?"

"I don't know." Bonaparte said blankly, "What about you?"

"The British said that if you give up the right to operate the railway, the observation army in Trinidad will provide assistance and let the wounded soldiers retreat to Trinidad." Georgiana said, "I think this is a trap."

Bonaparte came in and shut the door behind him.

He sat down on the chair opposite her, one arm draped behind the chair, looking unaristocratic.

"When I was in Egypt, the Black Death was the most vicious enemy that threatened the army." Bonaparte said, "Even when the patients recover and recover, they will still be negative and pessimistic. It has a very bad impact on morale. I admit that those black people courage, but yellow fever and malaria are the real threat more than Toussaint Louverture."

"Then what to do?"

"I told you, I want to rest." He said a little tiredly, "When I was in Belbeis, I once lived in an oriental military camp. Each of the Sheikhs had three tents, and They all looked Asiatic in their splendor, and I admit I was moved, but I only had one breakfast with them, and then I left, and I set up camp in a palm grove without them. Living together, the emergency military situation came soon, I left the oasis and went to the desert to rescue the besieged Kleber."

"Are you still planning to continue fighting?"

"I understand how those soldiers want to rest, but this is our fate." Bonaparte said calmly, "You asked me if it was a privilege to sleep in a tent, do you still remember how I answered you?"

"Remember, because there are documents that need to be kept in the tent."

"I hope people can be a little rational. When I saw you lying on the king's bed reading a book, I was thinking that the princess must be like you. I lay on the camp bed with my eyes open all night, listening to you breathing in it." The voice, without a trace of desire, is the same as when I was lying in the Nazareth monastery for the night. Ghana is located in the northeast of Nazareth. We went to see the place where water turns into wine, but there is no wine. Later I Arrived in Venice and saw the "The Wedding at Cana" and I kept looking for where the bride is, maybe because I've been looking at it for so long, the Art Council thought I wanted that painting and took it away Now, where did you find the new couple at the wedding?"

Georgiana shook her head.

"They are in the lower left corner. According to the custom in Venice at that time, the middle seat was reserved for the most distinguished guests, and the bride and groom had to sit at the far end. At that time, a black servant gave the groom the improved wine." He looked at Georgiana said, "What do you think this portends, fortuneteller?"

She didn't answer.

"There are many beds in the monastery, some wounded soldiers are placed, and the monks take care of them. We found good wine in the cellar there." Amerian, intending to sell a young Circassian slave girl, wearing a red cloak, whose shyness and modesty will captivate even hard-hearted people who have become numb to women's charms, I give her Putting on a gold ring and honoring her as a queen, I would pay the Armenians and hide her where no one would find her for the beauty of her."

"I'm not a Circassian, and I'm not a slave girl."

"I will free you from those slave traders," said Bonaparte, laughing, before standing up. "I don't believe in doctors, especially in England."

"What about the American ones?"

Bonaparte snorted.

"Tell me what you want to do?"

Bonaparte opened the door and left.

Georgiana looked at the office.

Perhaps only a miracle can solve this mystery.

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