Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1671 The Secret Words of the Goddess (16)

The Pompidou Center has nothing to do with Louis XV's mistress Madame de Pompidou, the ardent Muggle prime minister who wanted Paris to have a cultural center that was as much a museum as a creative hub.

The Pompidou Center places the internal structure originally hidden in the wall on the outside of the building, and distinguishes it with various colors, such as green for water pipes, blue for air-conditioning ducts, yellow for wires, red for escalators, and white for underground ventilation shaft.

Ventilation shafts are found in many large buildings, especially in confined spaces, such as underground subway stations, where there are air outlets to blow fresh air into the station.

However, there seems to be no explanation other than heating for installing air vents indoors when there are already ventilation windows on the ceiling. After all, Paris in the 19th century was very cold, not as hot as it is now. The heating in Paris is divided into central heating and self-consumption heating. The apartment buildings in the Haussman period are basically in this style. There will be cellars, drainage pipes and heating on the ground floor. The system will be set up in the cellar.

This is generally the residence of the rich. They have declined and sold the house to others. Some landlords will continue to use this heating system, and some will use electric heaters in each room. The result is that the whole building is turned on. The building just tripped, and even with central heating on, it was turned on so low that you couldn't feel the heat at all.

Public places like libraries are of course heated, and when the central stack was expanded in 1930 nothing was found underground perhaps not because there was nothing underground but because they dug in the wrong place.

Many people have dreams in their hearts, but they need financial and material resources to turn their dreams into reality, which is not available to a young man who has nothing but dreams.

At this time, he needs someone to introduce himself to the big shots with financial and material resources. Da Vinci recommended himself to Sforza, while the others got to know the lady in the salon, through similar methods like Pompidou. A lady like Madame was introduced to Louis XV.

The same is true for politicians in a democratic system. They want to tell more people about their dreams and gain more people’s understanding and support. However, this channel, that is, the media, is controlled by newspaper tycoons like Henry Shaw. They did not agree to introduce this young man to the public. The public would not know this ambitious young man, and his dream would not be realized. Instead, the old Henry Xiao recommended Henry Xiao Jr. to take that position .

Compared with his younger brother Langdon who believed in magic and the existence of monsters, Henry Xiao Jr. was such a proud son of his father that he was worthy of showing off in newspapers by old Henry Xiaoden. It's a pity that the senate, which doesn't believe in "monsters", was attacked by a monster he couldn't see, although he had the foresight to call the visitors monsters.

The white smoke condensed and did not disperse, and there were many golden light spots flickering in the fog, which looked like a sky filled with stars.

Severus took a book from the shelf, which also had dots of light on it, it was a novel by Victor Hugo called The Laughing Man, in which people, for fun, children Traffickers will operate on the faces of abducted children, turning a normal person into a monster who can only keep smiling forever.

If Quasimodo is a natural monster, then Gwynplaine, the hero of the Smiley Man, is artificially disabled. People put an eternal smiley mask on his face and become a tool for performing arts, even though he himself In the midst of infinite pain, the audience was still amused by his performance.

This is certainly a made-up story, but people like to see monsters, and will pay circus tickets to see monsters, even if the monsters look like ordinary people.

After opening the novel, Severus found that there was a ticket in the book, which looked like a bookmark, but the "star" on this ticket was not Nagini the blood curse man, but It's a manticore.

"Boss!" Gong Saiyi's voice came through the communication crystal, "Where are you?"

Severus looked around and said, "Circus performance venue."


"I'm in the Oval Hall of the Richelieu Library." Severus looked up at the metal nameplate above his head, standing under "Babylon" at the moment.

‘Have you heard the sound of destruction? '

Someone in the void seemed to be saying that it was said by a male ghost standing in the center of the spiral rotunda under the Baroque dome in the Church of Our Lady of Ankang that day. Severus remembered that the church was playing the organ at that time.

While he was distracted, Conseil apparated to the reading area of ​​the hall.

"What have you found?" asked Conseil.

Severus raised the novel in his hand, and stood by the railing on the third floor and asked loudly, "Have you read Victor Hugo's The Man Who Laughs?"

"Do you have the English or the French version?" asked Conseil.

Severus looked down and saw that it was in English.

"Many people in this library don't understand English," said Goncey. "How likely is it that you found an English book among so many French books?"

==================================================== ==============


Mrs. Loris dismisses the small dried fish that Alejandro "offers".

When the composition of the poison is too complicated, sometimes a sheep dung stone is more effective than the antidote formulated after analyzing the poison components, but the "sheep dung stone" seems unwilling to help at present. Finding things is a dog's job, poor Mrs. Loris, even if she is a cat and raccoon, she is still a cat, these humans are so whimsical, expecting her to do treasure hunting for them like a dog, not to mention that she has only experienced two cats. A terrorist attack, who knows what she will encounter later.

After many failed lures, Alejandro used the keychain of his house as a cat teaser, trying to trick Mrs. Loris into taking the bait, but he fought wits and courage with the students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for so many years How could Mrs. Loris be easily fooled, so at this moment, Mrs. Loris looked at Alessandro with absolute contempt.

"You call her master and let him figure out a way." Haji said, "I remember he seems to be in a law firm."

"You mean Filch?" Felix said.

"Do you know the phone?" Haji asked.

Alejandro picked up the phone and dialed.

"Hello." Lawrence's voice came from the opposite side.

"Put that weird old man on the phone," Alejandro said. "His cat doesn't obey orders."

"When have you ever heard a cat obey its owner's orders?" Lawrence said with a smile.

"Does a tiger jump through a ring of fire?" said Alejandro. "A tiger is also a big cat."

"Wait a minute," Lawrence said listlessly, and it wasn't long before Filchi's voice rang out on the other end of the phone.


On hearing Filch's voice, Mrs. Loris leaned over to the microphone as if he were here, rubbing her bald head against it.

Alejandro put the microphone aside and let the owner and pet "communicate", and it wasn't long before Filch even started singing.

"If you're worried." Haji gave Alejandro his phone number. "Call your relatives."

"Thank you," Alejandro said, taking the call.

The phone was connected quickly, and Monica's voice came from the opposite side.

"Where are you?" Alejandro asked.

"A cafe next to the park." Monica said listlessly, "There is an abandoned observatory opposite."

"You're not with that kid?"

"I'm not that stupid," Monica said. "Hurry up! He might think I let him go later."

After speaking, Monica hung up the phone.

At this moment, Mrs. Loris suddenly started to trot.

"Follow her!" Filch growled through the microphone. "Keep an eye on my cat, if something happens to her..."

"Thank you!" Alejandro said, and hung up the phone. They followed Mrs. Loris and ran towards the direction of the old seminary together.

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