Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1672 The Secret Words of the Goddess (17)

Aristotle once said that probability makes something unlikely happen.

"Talmud" also said, don't look for treasures hidden in the ground, because the location where the treasure is buried is random.

There was a hapless cat who was targeted by a scientist named Schrödinger, who put a cat in a closed box invisible to the naked eye, and connected the box to a unique device containing an atomic nucleus and gas installations. This nucleus has a half chance of decaying. When it decays, it emits a particle that will trigger the switch of the gas facility, killing the cat.

As long as the box is not opened, the poor cat should be in a strange state of "both dead and alive, neither dead nor alive". To determine its life and death, you must know the result after opening the box.

For example, if you like Sophie Marceau, before you confess to her, you don’t know whether she likes you or not. Maybe she is not sure about this state. At this time, her feelings for you are in the state of "like + dislike" , or the state of Schrödinger's cat. After you confess, this state will become two definite and different states of "I like you too" and "I'm sorry, who are you".

In one universe, you two are happily hugging each other; in another parallel universe, maybe you just came home from get off work and sat on the couch eating popcorn and watching a Sophie Marceau romance movie.

Although the Laughing Man was written by a Frenchman, it tells a story that happened in England.

Gwynplaine was originally a descendant of a jazz, but he was sold to child traffickers since he was a child, and he was forced to undergo surgery. He grinned from the corners of his mouth to the roots of his ears. It doesn't matter if he looks like a clown in a circus, but women are anyway. Can't accept this look.

Gwynplaine didn't know it when he was young, but later he was taken in by a homeless man named Ursus, and at the same time the homeless man also took in a blind girl Tie in the snow. To the blind Tee the world is but hearing and touch, and these two hopeless exiles meet at the bottom of life's catastrophe, and the laws of misfortune weigh upon these two, yet these two live in Paradise.

There is a large truck in Ursus. The wheels, shafts and roof of this vehicle are all painted green, but this green is not a green for the whole body, but a gradual green. It is sold in the nearby market. It is very famous in the world, and people call it "green-box", which is Ursus' home and his stage.

The "green box" has only two windows, one on the left and one on the left, a door and pedals at the back, and a chimney painted green on the roof. The driver and two gypsy women who usually drive the car sit outside. Fairy clothes attract passers-by. When it is time to perform, the left center panel is hinged down like a suspension bridge. The compartment in the middle of the large truck is not only a compartment for separating men and women, but also a stage.

The boy gradually grew up, earning money by performing arts with his strange face. When the audience burst into laughter, there was always an elegant and gentle smile on the face of the back of the stage, which was what Gwynplaine expected.

Every night they calculated together how many shillings they earned today, how many pounds they could convert into pounds, and how long before they could stop performing in the "green box" and perform on the real stage. The crude amusements of the people were Gwynplaine's means of earning a living, and he was content enough with them, though they could not be sold as richly as lords and nobles. But the boy loves the girl, and the girl loves the boy, until one day the boy knows his real life experience, that he is actually a child of a nobleman in the House of Lords.

Gwynplaine returned to a world completely unfamiliar to him. He actually had a brother, but his brother didn't love him at all and didn't expect him to come back. He was slapped by his brother amidst the laughter of the jazz A slap in the face.

Compared with the pain of flesh and blood, another kind of pain tortured Gwynplaine more: he was awake. The "green box" was gone, and the glittering upper class refused to accept him, and the world that was enough for him to live in disappeared.

Fate is a trap, Gwynplaine fell into it, he thought he was rising, and laughter represented welcome.

Awakened wisdom comes from waking up from intoxication. Gwynplaine was once wrapped in a happy and brutal storm, but he was in the eye of the storm at that time, and now he is in the middle of a hurricane, everything is torn to pieces and instantly becomes In this way, there is almost no time for transition, just like the noisy theater full of laughter, which immediately returns to silence after the audience leaves.

Gwynplaine couldn't feel it before, because he knew that there was Dee waiting for him behind the stage, but now he was sober enough to feel that he was alone, and no one would make friends with someone with a strange face like him.

Only Unseen Tee, his wife, and his nestmates.

After becoming the son of a knight, he even had other marriages. A duchess wanted to marry him. She didn't even know what he looked like at the time, but she agreed after hearing about his identity and wealth.

His smiling face mask, on the one hand, is the sympathy of the common people, and on the other hand, is the disgust of the jazz. It was as if he were floating down the river with maniacal laughter, a compass ruined in joy, no longer knowing where he was going or what he was doing.

Gwynplaine was determined to find Tee, but when he found her, Tie was dying of illness. Gwynplaine threw himself into the sea in grief. This was his second suicide. The first time he chose to jump into the Thames River, but at that time His friend, a wolf, saves him, and Victor Hugo titles the chapter in which the wolf can also act as a guardian angel.

The "bookmark" that Severus found happened to be on this page, and there were many symbols written in the margins of the page.

Fortunately, Severus was not a pure-blood nobleman who had lived in the wizarding world since he was a child. He still recognized that those symbols were not some kind of magic or astronomical symbols, but calculus equations, and they were very advanced equations. Ordinary college students are Inextricable.

Next to the equation is a string of characters and numbers of unknown meaning. After looking at it, Goncey seemed to have discovered something. He had been away for a long time.

Severus decided to ask someone for advice after thinking about it for a long time without coming up with the algorithm of this equation, and then he found that he had no way to get in touch with Gianluca.

Originally Monica stayed by his side for contact, and now she is already in the Montsouris Park.

While he was looking for the phone in the library, Goncey came back with two books in his hand, one of which was very old.

"I found this based on the code in the book, which is the call number." Gonceil said, "The rules of harmony and contrast of colors, it was written by Michel Eugène Chevreur."

"What was it about?" Severus asked.

"Psychology of colour, Chevrell was director of a tapestry dyeing workshop."

Severus looked puzzled.

"Chefleur was a chemist, a natural scientist, and made important contributions in the field of art. He lived through the French Revolution, saw executions on the guillotine, and lived to see the Eiffel Tower unveiled. His name was also engraved on the Eiffel Tower. One of the 72 celebrities on the Tower," Gonceil explained, "I think he's our next lead."

"What's the other book?" Severus asked.

"The biography of Victor Hugo, or his diary." Gonceil said, "Why no Balzac and Alexandre Dumas?"

"What else do you know about Chefleur?" Severus asked.

"Queen Victoria also wrote him a congratulatory letter on his 100th birthday, and the Mint also minted a commemorative medal." Conseil took out a commemorative coin.

"You stole it?"

"I copied it, just like your manuscript of the Declaration of Independence. The real one is with you, but which hapless ghost owns the fake?" Conseil asked.

"How would I know?" Severus said with a smile. "Do you know where I can find someone who can solve this equation?"

"I know of a place, shall we go now?" said Conseil.

"Would it be rude to leave without saying hello?" Severus asked.

"No, sir, leave it a little mysterious," said Conseil with a smile, "so that when you meet next time you will have something to talk about."

"She is of use to me, but not that kind of use." Severus said seriously, "I'm married."

"I know." Conseil said, "Marriage needs a sense of crisis..."

"That's someone else." Severus interrupted Gonseil. "I want a quiet life."

Gonseil shrugged, and apparated while grabbing Severus' arm.

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