Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 1673 The Secret Words of the Goddess (18)

The Saint-Sulpice Church is not around any Parisian attractions. Although the Saint-Sulpice Church is about the same size as Notre Dame in terms of size, this church generally does not appear in undetailed travel magazines.

It used to be the richest church in Paris. Without this financial resources, it would not be able to expand from a small church to the grandeur it is now. It is almost the commanding height of the Latin Quarter, and all the surrounding buildings are lower than it. Perhaps it is Because of this, the north tower of the church will be used as a telegraph tower in the era of wired telegraphs.

Not only in cities, but also in the French countryside. Sometimes tourists will see a very small village, but there will be a very tall church. Generally speaking, the church is both a landmark and a holy place, and it was originally supposed that Tibet East would be safe in the church. However, during the French Revolution, the Saint-Sulpice Church was looted. Except for the unremovable sculptures, sundials, and pipe organs, they were robbed, including the main altar, clocks, oil paintings, and various prayer rooms. , all valuables were looted.

Even the tombs in the basement were not spared. They were dug up, and countless bones were scattered all over the place. Later, some kind people sent these bones to the catacombs and stored them with the bones from other cemeteries, whether they were poor, Rich people, officials, scholars, nobles, beggars, here they can no longer tell who is who.

The Seminary is not only a school, but also the alma mater of many celebrities. If someone dares to disrupt the voice of these celebrities, they will also get the attention of public opinion. This place is much safer than the ever-changing city government and precarious churches.

Now Saint-Supiers Theological Seminary has become the tax authority of the seventh district of Paris. Saint-Supiers Theological Seminary belongs to the sixth district of Paris. There are many famous attractions in the seventh district, such as the Eiffel Tower and Invalides. Compared with the ancient Latin Quarter There are not so many scenic spots. Besides, who still goes to seminary now? What do you do after graduating from seminary?

A school that no one attends is also empty, it might as well be used as an office building by the government.

After the matter of the Navy Palace, Alejandro knew that government departments were not so easy to enter, even though the Local Taxation Bureau was not a heavily guarded place like the Navy Headquarters.

Fortunately, Mrs. Loris did not take them into the seminary, but stopped in front of a manhole cover. The streets of the Latin Quarter remained as narrow as they were in the Middle Ages, and there were no people around the church after nightfall.

In fact, the geometric figures made by Gianluca on the Paris map are not very accurate. Compared with the Saint-Germain-des-Prés Abbey, the Saint-Supiers Church is on the more accurate rose line, and the Saint-Germain-des-Prés Church is farther away from the Rose The line is still a few hundred meters away, it is just opposite the Saint-Supiers Seminary.

According to the ancient church etiquette, the church should be aligned due east and due west.

The winter solstice, when the sun shines through the window opposite the sundial and falls on the copper wire, is the shortest day of the year. As time goes by, the trajectory of the sun will get closer and closer to the altar, and the priests in charge of the church can follow the sun trace. The Sunday after the night of the full moon was Easter, and that's when they would prepare for Easter Mass.

In order to calculate this astronomical cycle, and because the deflection angles of the sun and the earth cannot be controlled by man-made regulations, the newly built majestic church has deflected the angle as a whole. In the past, the small church was facing east and west, which can be used as a reference.

The Saint-Germain-des-Prés Church is also facing the west and the east. Due to the deviation of the Saint-Supiers Church as a whole, the Saint-Supiers Seminary also shifted, and the Saint-Supiers Fountain, which was built later, also shifted. shift.

But generally speaking, the Saint-Supiers fountain and the fountain in the central square of the seminary are in a straight line. Clean water spraying from it proves that there is clean groundwater underground. Saint-Supiers is not far from Luxembourg. Luxembourg has There are many fountains, and they probably share an underground waterway.

There is a city under Paris that is completely different from the above ground. Even in clean canals, the air is not smooth. The three of Alejandro got into the sewers when no one was paying attention, and they were choked and coughed by the stale air. twice.

These underground pipelines have the same names as the streets on the ground, but there are no street lights inside, and the whole is pitch black, only the light of the flashlight and Mrs. Loris's green eyes shining in the dark illuminate their way forward.

Occasionally they passed an old waterway or two, paved not with concrete but with stone, so they could be seen at a glance, but the street names corresponding to these waterways no longer appear on the latest Paris map.

"Did you know? There are water dragons underground in Paris." Felix said at this time.

"Dragon? A large lizard with bat wings?" Alejandro asked over his shoulder.

"You're talking about a fire dragon." Felix said unhappily, "I'm talking about a water dragon."

"What difference does that make?" Alejandro gasped.

Felix simply ignored him.

"I believe in you, son." Haji said as a father.

"There are really dragons in this world." Felix turned to the queen and said to Haji.

"Yes, I have seen it." Haji said with a smile, "There are still exhibitions in the museum."

"That's a dinosaur, not a dragon!" Felix corrected.

Haji didn't care too much. He held up the flashlight and pointed the white light at Mrs. Loris who was walking in front, as if he was afraid that it would get lost.

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"This is the Navier-Stokes equation." In the cafe of the Louvre, a young man in a short-sleeved T-shirt read the novel of the Laughing Man in Severus' hands. After the equation, it says "It is a set of equations discovered by Claude-Louis Navier and George Stokes to describe fluid substances such as liquids and air."

"Aerodynamics, you mean?" asked Conseil.

"It is related, but not limited to aerodynamics, weather, ocean currents, and power station design can all be applied. In 2000, the Clay Mathematics Institute set up a $1 million prize to reward anyone who can help understand the El Niño phenomenon. Including talents in computers, to solve the Navier-Stokes equations must use computers, this field is called Computational Fluid Dynamics.”

"To put it simply, unless you're like Rain Man, you'd better leave the work to the computer." A middle-aged man next to the young man said, "What problem did you encounter, Leroy?"

Conseil smiled and did not answer.

After nightfall, there are a lot fewer tourists in the Louvre, but there are still many people working in the underground research room. There is a particle accelerator fifteen meters underground in the pyramid courtyard. This thing is not a missile, it can be launched by pressing a button.

As an antique appraiser, Gonseil has many friends. The middle-aged man is Jean-Nicolas Limbaud, a professor of history at the Sorbonne University, and the young man he found in the laboratory. come friends.

Even if they are all professors, those who teach liberal arts will not understand the equations of this kind of science and engineering, and the "tool man" who is good at non-destructive testing will not understand the intricate history of the Middle Ages.

Today’s young people are not the same as before. They dress casually. The “tool man” has a strange pattern on his chest. It looks like the logo of a rock band. The people who work in the laboratory are not like those in the movies. Must wear a white coat.

"What does that symbol represent?" Severus asked.

"Faith, can I go, Professor?" the young man asked Limbaud.

"You go." Limbaud said with a smile, and then the "tool man" put his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and left the cafe arrogantly.

"Claude-Louis Navier is also one of the 72 engraved on the Eiffel Tower." Gonceil said to Severus. "Shall we go to the Eiffel Tower next?"

"Is this man related to the 'Green Box'?" Severus asked.

"What box?" asked Conseil.

"Maybe not the green box, just a box."

Conseil looked even more confused.

"What else do you know about Claude-Louis Navill?" Severus asked. "What is the relationship between him and Michel Eugene Chevreur besides being a figure on the Eiffel Tower?"

"It looks like you guys are discussing an interesting topic, can I join?" Limbaud asked.

"It depends on what he says." Gonseil looked at Severus. "Boss, what do you think?"

Like Schrödinger's box

That poor cat, it tortured Sheldon and Pei Xiaohua, I laughed all afternoon

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