Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 218 Human Heart

Moaning Myrtle was always crying in the women's bathroom on the second floor.

She hid and cried because she couldn't bear another girl's cynicism. Later, Myrtle became a ghost and kept harassing that girl, trying to make her pay for laughing at herself. It was not until the Ministry of Magic intervened that she had to stop . Not being able to get revenge made her so sad that she kept crying and spilling water all over the bathroom.

Now Pomona, like her, is being bullied by a bully, but he looks relaxed now, like all the pressure has been released. There's an old saying that a hungry man is an angry man, and a Death Eater is always hungry, and now he looks like a good talker, before he went crazy and said he was going to name the third child Sirius Woolen cloth.

"Can I keep Lavender Brown as a research subject?" Pomona sobbed.

"What do you want to study?" He said lazily.

"How to make werewolves and humans coexist."

He sneered, "Haven't you learned enough lessons?"

"You can't kill all werewolves, there will always be someone who will learn to hide." Pomona covered herself with a quilt, "And I don't intend to make Lavender suffer as much as Lupine."

"In 1993, Umbridge drafted the anti-werewolf law. She also became the Werewolf Assistance Office, Werewolf Registration Office, Werewolf Capture Force and a series of departments to manage werewolves. That woman is a real politician." He threw up. A smoke ring said slowly, "It is this policy that prevents werewolves from finding jobs. A wizard wrote an article describing the struggle and resistance of a werewolf wizard. Do you want to write a moving essay using Lavender's story?"

"I want to find a way out." Pomona looked at the Slytherin king snake "like that basilisk that was running around the school, bursting the pipes."

"I won't let you deal with her alone." Severus actually agreed. "Who is the current Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?"

"It's vacant, that position is cursed, you forgot that there is so much vacancy that even someone like Lockhart can be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts." Pomona said what Neville told her.

"And Lupine the werewolf, Doris is really good at killing people."

"Doris?" Pomona exclaimed.

"Are you jealous?" he said with a smug smile.

"No!" Pomona denied. "You don't like pink toads."

"Who knows, I watched that squat Muggle woman for so many years." Snape said, looking at her with the most wicked expression on his face, "Polyjuice Potion is really a magical potion that can completely change a person." How come you don’t know that there is an elf as beautiful as you hidden in Doris’ body.”

"You're bloated, Severus!"

"Honey, I've already come up with a nickname before you, do you need me to remind you that there are still a few days left to hand in your homework?"

"I don't like honey, I'd be confused with a house-elf!"

"That's why I named you that, sometimes you're just like those elves." He sat up and pulled her into his arms again "Doris will be reused again, but she understands Politics is indeed not a smart girl, I need someone smart to take her place, do you think your Hermione can do the job?"

"Managing werewolves?"

"Capturing the werewolves." He corrected. "I need a wizard who knows the Animagus to lead this unit. I can't let Calvin take this department too."

"Why does it have to be an Animagus?"

"A lot of Aurors do, and it makes them think he's with them." He began to bite her ear. "I'll hand over the chosen one to you. How about you teach him?"

"It's not that fast to learn Animagus. It's easy to become a beast, but it's hard to change back. St. Mungo has many wizards who can't find their way back, and Animagus failed."

"how long?"

"At least two years." Pomona said seriously, "Sirius is the fastest."

"Damn." He lay back annoyed.

"How about letting the former members of the Order of the Phoenix take over?" Pomona said with a smile, "Do you have any instructions that I can convey on your behalf."

"Aren't you afraid that he will betray you and seek refuge with Kingsley?"

"Why did he betray? In his eyes, Kingsley and I are on the same side."

"You are such a naughty girl." He pretended to be surprised and said, "You want to be a double agent?"

"Do you trust me, my lord?" she said with a sweet smile.

"Oh, Honey, you are really mixed with poison." He kissed her forehead fiercely, "You'd better think about not letting the goblins rebel, it would be even worse if you let them collude with werewolves to rebel. "

"You got up so early?" She looked at the sky outside, it was the darkest period before dawn.

"I want to take a shower, do you want to go together?" He invited, and Pomona agreed without thinking.

"Go and drain the water."

"Yes, ma'am." He left in his bathrobe, talking so well that Pomona thought he knew someone else.

In history, there was once a goblin and werewolf partnership rebellion history. Basil Flack was the minister with the shortest time in office. After two months in power, he was forced to resign because of the goblin and werewolf partnership rebellion. His next minister, He Huai Storthgore was the first Auror. He not only suppressed the rebellion of a series of magical creatures, but also fortified and renovated Azkaban, but historians believe that because he rejected the werewolf rehabilitation plan, it eventually led to more werewolves. attack.

Corned animals will fight back, and Lupine is the most capable Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Harry has ever met, but in fact Lupine doesn't really want to return to Hogwarts.

The curse is one aspect, and the other is that he is afraid that he will hurt the students if he loses control. He didn't agree to return to the school until Dumbledore promised to provide him with a small amount of wolfbane potion.

Pomona didn't know whether Dumbledore was really short of people so that he wanted to hire werewolves, or because of other reasons, the deans of the four courtyards disagreed, and he was the only one who insisted on going his own way.

In the same year, he also gave the Time Converter to Hermione Granger through Minerva, as if giving her the chance to change her fate, but Hermione only used it to learn knowledge, and did not reverse it like everyone else Go back and do something that can change your destiny.

The desire of men is very simple. If they have the chance to do it all over again, they will generally choose to be powerful and powerful, and live a life that they did not live when they were poor.

However, if he does this, the poor and wifeless self will disappear. Only by changing the fate of the person related to him will he not touch the "rules of the game". The fate related to him is not a direct fate. It may get better, or it may get worse. Harry has gained two years of family affection, but he has also tasted the pain of losing a loved one.

Cedric's death may have made him feel uncomfortable, but it was never as painful as when Sirius died to the point of refusing to accept the reality. If Severus killed Sirius in the duel room at that time, it would be Harry Even someone with a big heart like Leigh couldn't accept that Professor Snape was a brave Slytherin.

Fate wasn't fair, and if she was as squat and fat as she had been on Polyjuice Potion, the head of Slytherin might not have gone crazy over her.

Lily still lives in his heart, a pure woman who has nothing to do with his fate, because she is already James Potter's wife.

She was picked up from under the covers by strong arms like she was a princess.

She rested her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. In fact, like Lily, she had already made a choice.

Sirius Black, that aristocratic son named after stars and surnamed darkness used to shine so brightly, but fate treated him so unfairly, just because he was imprisoned in Azkaban, that ordinary person only needs to stay for a few weeks to recover. The land of madness and destruction, while he waited for twelve years with a strong will.

The world owed him a fair trial, and Kingsley Shaker returned it to him. Even though Kingsley was criticized for letting the dementors roam the world, he still insisted on not letting those monsters return to Azka. Class guard.

Humans are really interesting.

While soaking in the warm bathtub, Pomona looked at the face that was very similar to Tobias Snape. Irene, who was taking a bath at the time, was pushed into the water by her husband. There is a warm smile on his face, which is different from this cold and expressionless face.

"They'll never understand why so many women in the world are attracted to you, Severus," she said with a smile. "Just as they'll never understand why the Mona Lisa smiles."

"What?" Severus asked, confused.

"Oh, I forgot, you're a man now." She continued to smile Mimi said, "Don't worry, honey, it's not a big deal anyway."

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