The first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox is Easter, and on that day there is an important main course of baked ham in addition to bunnies, candy-filled Easter eggs.

Easter in 2005 was on March 27, the 18th day of the lunar calendar, and it was just three days before the full moon. Compared with the Death Eaters, the timing of the werewolf attack was much easier to control, provided they had enough food to recover Stamina lost after transformation.

Human flesh and blood are the best food for werewolves, and Muggles also want to eat them. In addition, the Aurors suffered heavy casualties this time, and the demon masters will start to work again.

Silver bullets alone are ineffective against werewolves, and these bullets must be soaked in the potion of wolfsbane aconitum to kill werewolves. Goblins like to use silver to make weapons. Just like the sword of Gryffindor can absorb the venom of the basilisk, the silver bullet can also absorb the wolf's venom, so it is much easier to deal with werewolves.

At the same time, we must not be lenient when dealing with werewolves. They are very fast and have sharp minions. They can use death curses, killing curses, and black magic. Fenrir Greyback is loyal to the Death Eaters but does not take the white wizard seriously It is because he believes that the people of the Anti-Dark Arts League will not kill people, and being soft to the enemy is cruel to himself.

Because of the unfair verdicts of Azkaban and the Department of Law Enforcement, Kingsley's approval rating dropped. Calvin saw an opportunity. Anyway, it is not the first time that the head of the Auror Office has served as the Minister of Magic. Their return this time is due to turmoil. When you are uneasy, but that is the upper layer's business, the lower layer is still the same as usual.

There is a distribution center in Godric's Hollow. There are many shacks here. Compared with the bustling London, this place is simply the countryside. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a place where Malfoy would buy a house to live in.

But Godric's Hollow is known as the most famous wizarding retreat. In terms of food, wizards and Muggles are almost the same. Pomona and Hannah Albert went to the vegetable market together. A lot of small carrots and potatoes are needed to make Easter ham And cabbage, and more importantly, fresh mint juice, which can be bought in the vegetable market.

Normally Easter ham isn't eaten until Easter, and it's not yet New Years, but she needs to make something minty. This smell reminded him of that innocent and serious young Severus, he still put peppermint leaves in her palm, the man last night made her want to beat him, he became not cute at all, Why did he become what he is now! !

"I hate you," Pomona cursed through gritted teeth as she picked carrots, and Hannah Albert lingered at a trinket stand.

"Dean, can cats and racists wear accessories?" Hannah asked.

"As long as it doesn't make a sound, it's fine." Pomona said blankly. "Especially the bell and collar, which are very uncomfortable for them. Mrs. Norris didn't wear anything."

"Brother Weasley is planning to tie a bell to its tail so that its presence can be known in advance."

Pomona plans to tie one to him, so that she can be prepared in advance when he appears.

"Be nice to him, Hannah, this is the second cat I've applied for!" Pomona remembered the look in the clerk's eyes, like she was a poor woman who lived with cats.

A swallow-tailed dog needs to cast a painless cutting spell to cut off its tail, and a witch bird needs to cast a silence spell, which needs to be strengthened every month. Much stronger, use the Confusion Charm to confuse it.

Severus Snape, the youngest Head of Slytherin, was a master of the Confusion Charm, and cast the perfect silent, wandless Confusion Charm. His object of practice was Mrs. Norris. At first, the poor kitten meowed at him and tried to attack him with its teeth and claws. Later, it was cast so many spells that it ran away when it saw him.

The confusion spell is in line with his usual style. It has no color or sound, and it is released very quickly. It is very suitable for sneak attacks. The cursed person has no time to prevent it, and it can be used on people and objects. Its power is similar to that of a rifle. Powerful and difficult, you must concentrate on casting it, you can only target a single target at a time, and you must perform spells on multiple targets one by one.

Severus is a master of fighting, unlike Alastor Moody's Auror who often fights in melees, he looks very artistic, and he is not the same as Moody's desperate beast fighting style for survival.

On the battlefield, Severus may not be unscathed, he even made mistakes, and almost missed one of his own people. Similarly, Moody is not necessarily a match for Severus if it is one-on-one, because Moody's legs and feet are not as fast as the ghostly Severus.

"Dean, why are you walking with a limp?" Hannah noticed Pomona's abnormality when turning to the next shop.

"I sprained my ankle." She said deadpan.

"Would you like me to treat you?" Hannah said enthusiastically.

"No thanks," said Pomona dryly. "How about you come over to my house today? I'll teach you how to make Easter ham."

"Isn't that your reserved dish?" Hannah excitedly asked.

"The food and wine in the Leaky Cauldron is terrible, I hope you can do something about it, and I'm ready for you to take it to Harry and Weasley's house for me, the Ministry of Magic will start working tomorrow, Eat something good before work."

"Oh, my role is to be an owl." Hannah said disappointedly.

"Not everyone can learn my reserved dishes. It's your tuition fee to help me deliver things."

"Okay." Hannah agreed to the deal.

"Do you have protective equipment? Like armor or something?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"Think about it, would Tom be like this if he wore armor?"

Hannah was easily persuaded.

"I can ask my father, the ancestors should have left a lot of things in the past."

"Very good, you can also cast a confusion spell on your kitty in the future. This spell is very useful, whether it can be used on people or things."

"I never knew you were good at fighting, Dean." Hannah said with a strange expression.

"Do you think that I can become one of the deans of the four courtyards just because I am good at food magic?" Pomona took an apple from the vegetable box and took a big bite. It is up to you to explore your own path.”

"I don't need to be strong," Hannah said disinterestedly and disgusted, "and it looks stupid in armor."

It appeared again. Pomona, who has been teaching for more than 20 years, yelled in her heart, why there are always such uncooperative students!

"You need to make sure there is no such thing at home before you talk." Pomona said angrily, "How about the thing Severus asked you to think about?"

"Still thinking about it, my dad said girls shouldn't go to such complicated places."

"When did you become a good boy?" Pomona thought of how they turned Draco into a slug, and felt the need to teach her a lesson, "Do you know how Malfoy spent his summer vacation in fifth grade? His father was imprisoned in Azkaban Prison, and the Ministry of Magic led people to ransack his home. Voldemort threatened him. If Draco did not obey the order, not only his father would die, but also his own life would be lost. If it were you, Hannah Albert, what are you going to do? What's more, you humiliated him so much in public, and Draco Malfoy became a Death Eater because of several of you."

Hannah was silent.

"You can learn to fight with Gryffindor, but you can't learn their recklessness. It doesn't matter that we have been at the bottom of the trash academy for so many years, but we keep a low profile so that we can raise our profile at any time. Think about Cedric, he was selected as the third How many people were surprised when they competed for the representatives of the hegemony."

Pomona was sad again, poor Cedric, who ended his life before he had time to have his own.

"I see, Dean." Hannah whispered.

"It's good that you know, but you said something right just now, it's too stupid to wear armor in this day and age." Pomona took Hannah's arm, and took another bite of the apple "Come on, go to my house, while the That old bat isn't here, let's have fun."

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