Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 220 Manipulation

Ms. Rosmerta, the owner of Hogsmeade's Three Broomsticks, is a curvaceous and beautiful woman. The bar is extremely crowded, noisy, hot, and smoky. Almost every wizard who comes to Hogsmeade will come. Take a seat here.

In contrast, the business of the Hog's Head Bar, also located in Hogsmeade, is much quieter. The owner, Aberforth Dumbledore, is a cranky old man. There is only one small, dark and very dirty room in the bar. There was a strong mutton smell inside. The bay windows were thick with grime, barely letting in the light from outside, and candle stubs were burning on rough wooden tables. At first glance, I thought the ground was compacted mud, but when I stepped on it, I realized that centuries of dirt had accumulated on the originally stone-paved ground.

"I would never run the Leaky Cauldron like the Hog's Head," Hannah Albert said while processing the leg of lamb, "but I also don't want to be Ms. Rosmerta, who was ordered by Malfoy to turn that A cursed necklace in the women's bathroom."

"You mean you don't want to be as weak as her?"

"That's right!" Hannah said excitedly. "She has a good business, but I don't want to be as busy as her serving guests and become a waitress."

"It seems that you need to find your own style, Hannah." Pomona thumped her waist, "Let's go, let's rest for a while, what would you like to drink?"

"Pumpkin juice, thank you." Hannah said, and took out her chocolate frog picture. "Let's exchange pictures, Dean!"

"Haven't you given up yet?" Pomona laughed very "adult".

Ernie McMillan and her used to be inseparable, and the two exchanged chocolate frog cards everywhere, and Pomona had a lot of rare chocolate frog cards, and they wanted to get them from her first, so they tried their best to please , it turned out that she didn't give it to both of them, and it was "fair" if neither of them gave it.

When she arrived at her home, Pomona didn't want to keep manners like she did in school. She put her legs on the sofa like Draco Malfoy, and then ate the colorful sundae brought to her by honey. Her mood is happy again, and food is a kind of happiness to her.

"When did you fall in love with Professor Snape's dean?" Hannah sat cross-legged on the carpet opposite her and said with an ambiguous smile.

"Drink your pumpkin juice, Hannah Albert," she warned deadpan.

A woman who is dazzled by love will ignore many details. Pomona even forgot that he is a master of the silent obfuscation spell. It was not a fluke that he escaped the claw after Lupine turned into a werewolf in the screaming shack. It should be that he used the confusion spell to reduce the damage of that blow to himself.

It was also because of the confusion spell that Hermione Granger's pretend wolf howling was misheard by Lupine, who was unconscious at the time. He was no longer the Slytherin student who was frightened by werewolves when he was young. .


"Why didn't you and Ernie get together, Hannah?" asked Pomona.

"Me and Ernie? Ugh~" Hannah looked disgusted, "I'd rather be with Draco Malfoy than find him."

"You turned Draco into a slug, Hannah Albert."

"That means I'd rather find a slug than Ernie, he's just friends, and he likes Hermione Granger just to sit with her in class, he's the whole Hufflepuff The only one taking Advanced Potions."

"What?" Pomona exclaimed in disbelief.

"Ernie wanted to be an Auror, and he's always been pushy, but he was overshadowed by Harry Potter, Slughorn's favorite. I remember Harry's Potions grades were not very good, I can't believe how Harry did it. Besides he took Professor Snape's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, you know how much people hated him back then, although Hogwarts doesn't have an official Dark Arts now Defense Against Magic teacher, Harry will still go back to Hogwarts to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts from time to time, but at that time, if it wasn’t for Aurors who had to take Defense Against the Dark Arts, even Harry would not go.” Hannah full With a strange face, he said, "Now that I think about it, I still don't believe that his patron saint is actually a deer, it should be a dark creature like a bat."

Pomona recalled the scene at that time, how did she put up with his greasy hair?

"Even if it's a wanted photo, Sirius Black is still much more handsome than Professor Snape." Hannah Albert sighed, "What a pity."

Looking at Hannah drinking pumpkin juice, Pomona felt trembling all over.

"Don't say that name!" Pomona warned Hannah.

"Which name?" Hannah asked curiously.

"Sirius," she said in a low voice, "do you know how long it took me to coax him?"

"Oh, really?" Hannah Albert said with a smile as if she had caught her handle, "How did you coax him, Dean?"

"You're so mean." Pomona stuffed a mouthful of ice cream into her mouth.

When Harry was in the fourth grade, the worst thing about him was Hufflepuff, especially Hannah Albert. At most, Ernie would not talk to Harry Potter, and Hannah would pull others to block Harry's way , if Pomona was the same age as her, then she would definitely be bullied by Hannah badly. Girls in Hufflepuff also have ranks, and Hannah is the top one. Later, she became a female prefect. Mona was an invisible person when she was studying, except that her name would appear every time the test results were announced, and everyone usually treated her as if she did not exist.

"What's that in your pocket?" Hannah said, pointing to Pomona's coat pocket.

"The bird snake egg, I'm hatching it." Pomona pulled out the silver egg.

"Oh, my God, you keep birds and snakes as pets?" Hannah took it excitedly. "Can I not have cats and raccoons, but this?"

"That cat and lizi can help you find werewolves and other suspicious characters. I think safety is more important than coolness."

"I knew it would be fun to follow you." Hannah smiled all over her face. "Can I invite Ernie to join us?"

"You want him to help out at the Leaky Cauldron?"

"He can summon the patron saint, which is already much better than most people."

"I'll think about it." She didn't have much energy to say, Hannah and Ernie are real friends, and they never forget to call each other when they have fun.

"In sixth grade, Professor Slughorn had a Christmas party and he invited me." Hannah said despondently. "I saw Longbottom there. Waiters are not allowed in the school. Responsible for serving wine..."

"Don't think about that, Hannah Albert, think about Neville killing Nagini with the Sword of Gryffindor." Pomona immediately remedied Hannah's image of Neville before it collapsed" By the way, how did Ginny get invited to join the Slug Club?"

"That's because she cast the bat spell on a Hufflepuff idiot on the Hogwarts Express, and Zacharias pestered her to ask about the Department of Mysteries, didn't you know about that?" Hannah asked road.

"He hates Severus," Pomona said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Hannah was confused again.

"Slughorn, do you know how he lost the positions of head of Slytherin and potions master? They had a potions duel, the competition was explosive liquid, and Severus made him feel like he was just A schoolteacher, so he hates Severus, as long as it makes him sad..."

"Because Professor Snape's nickname is Old Bat, right?" Hannah suddenly realized, "Ginny happened to be a bat."

"That girl, Ginny is really ambitious. Who would have thought that she would end up becoming Mrs. Potter."

"Miranda Vanni also tried to give Harry a love potion." Hannah said angrily, "There are so many girls, why did Harry choose Ginny!"

"Ginny wasn't old enough during the Triwizard Tournament, but Neville invited her to be her dance partner, and she never missed a chance." Pomona shook her head in disbelief, "She also participated in Quidditch team."

"Longbottom also attended the Yule Ball that year?" Hannah asked in surprise.

"That's right, I taught him how to dance." Pomona said with a sweet smile, "Trust my eyes, Hannah, no one thinks he is as good as Severus before, and Neville is the same as Harry." , is also a golden boy, Hufflepuff lost to Gryffindor girls last time, if we lose again this time, others will really say that we are a college of fools."

Pomona sighed, it's really hard to change her mind, she's used to taking care of the coward Severus, but she's not used to him becoming a brave and strong man, she's as confused as if she's been cursed now, she What exactly happened here?

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