Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2307 A Date With Glory (Part 2)

The stairs of the clock tower are spiral, with a pillar in the middle, and the steps continue to rotate along it and extend upwards, occasionally passing by a window, overlooking the city's landscape.

"If .

Although the others are not as old as him, they are still pampered. They are almost out of breath halfway through the climb, especially the seventh Duke of Arenberg, who has a big belly and looks nothing like him. A "prince" who can fight on horseback.

The Holy Roman Empire originally had 51 free cities, but now it has become six, Hamburg, Bremen, Lübeck, Frankfurt am Mainz, Nuremberg and Augsburg.

This is the result of the arbitration of the newly promulgated "Subordination Act". The place where the bill was announced was the Grand Council Palace in Mechelen, and it was read by the Duke of Arenberg in the parliament. The princes who had previously submitted to the Holy Roman Empire no longer believed that the Habsburg family was capable of coordinating the distribution of the empire, so they asked France and Russia to arbitrate. Georgiana, who had been to Talleyrand's residence before he set off for Berlin, was busy, and was said to be receiving these princes. These potbellied German princes fondled his poodles and played hide-and-seek and slipper-find with Talleyrand's niece in order to coax better cities and parishes. After secularizing the territory of the church, their next target is organizations without political status, including hospitals, universities, monasteries, and "free cities". There will be no cities left.

They will fall to whoever has the overall advantage, and they will dig a piece of meat from whoever is weak. In order to seek self-preservation, the North German city-state joined the neutral camp of Prussia, even the signatories that were not originally in the "Basel Peace Treaty". The allocation was already almost complete, but some people were still thinking that the Duchess of Arenberg was about to return to her ancestral home and her title.

As Voltaire said, the Holy Roman Empire was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire.

In the "Golden Edict" promulgated by Charles IV, seven electors were established, and the Habsburg family was not hereditary. Its effectiveness actually ended in 1648, because both the Thirty Years' War and the Eighty Years' War ended in that year with the Peace of Westphalia, which recognized the sovereignty of the princes, which is Beneficial to the separatist forces.

Wolfgang means advancing wolves, as long as they become stronger, even if they don't compete for the crown of the Roman Empire, they can still control the succession of the throne.

These people are basically unreliable. Bankers such as Fugger can use money to influence the throne, so they can also use other means. Frederick the Great once exchanged Silesia with Maria Trey Sha made a deal to support her as the heir to the throne.

The "Golden Edict" had lost its effectiveness in 1648, but Maria Teresa was opposed by the princes as she ascended the throne in accordance with the "Edict of State in 1713". Her husband Franz I became emperor, and what is the basis for Franz to become emperor?

Franz inherited the Holy Roman Emperor as the Grand Duke of Tuscany, and he was also not among the electors of the Golden Edict, and the Grand Duke of Tuscany often came from the Medici family, but Franz exchanged Lorraine for In exchange for the deposed king of Poland, he obtained the title of Grand Duke of Tuscany, and the Grand Duke of Tuscany had a marriage relationship with Habsburg, so that Franz had the right to inherit the throne.

The right to elect the emperor can be transferred. After Napoleon brought Mainz into the territory of France, the candidacy of the Archbishop of Mainz was given to the Archbishop of Regensburg. Eight electors have been elected, how many new electors will be produced in this upcoming peace treaty?

The Bavarian War of Succession broke out because of the extinction of the Wittelsbach dynasty, which had two Holy Roman Emperors.

It was the Grand Duke of Bavaria who took the lead in refusing to recognize the succession of Maria Theresa. If Maria Theresa accepted the conditions of Frederick the Great, she could get the support of Prussia, but she refused, so Prussia stood Bavarian side. The United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Russia are on Maria Theresa's side.

Prussia and England are so far apart, what good is there in a military alliance?

But the King of England is from Hanover, which is located in North Germany.

The kings were busy calculating these, but they did not think that succession to the throne had nothing to do with civilians. In the past, the promotion of officers required becoming a "knight".

Prussia also gave some officer positions to the bourgeoisie for reasons such as war damage or improving combat effectiveness. There are creditworthy factory owners in the territory, and at the same time absorb deposits from doctors, grooms, etc. This is a bank model.

The vast majority of people want to go up, whether it is quality of life or social status.

But Georgiana envied Molly, even though her waist was as thick as a bucket, Arthur still called her "Molly Tickle".

She didn't want to climb up, but the people behind her wanted to go up. There was no room to hide in the narrow spiral bell tower stairs, so she could only climb up with her.

This may be the biggest difference between them. Napoleon was at the forefront, leading everyone up, but she just wanted to stop.

The journey was not long, and they climbed to the top of the bell tower in about half an hour, where they could see many machines and clocks with inscriptions engraved on the surface, through which the carillon worked.

In another place there is a tray, tied with a string, which can be lowered like a bucket in a well. Originally, she thought it was the bell ringer guarding the bell tower who fetched food from downstairs, which aroused laughter from everyone.

The tower does not have the "bell tower geek" like Quasimodo, the pallets are used by the craftsmen who repaired the clock tower to transport the bricks.

The same is machinery. Leonardo da Vinci wrote in his cover letter to the Grand Duke of Milan that he could design military machinery for him; of people use child labor instead of adults.

In the past, Pomona believed that childbearing should be encouraged, even if witches gave their children to orphanages to be raised. But Voldemort left a sum of money for Lucius to pay to the families that adopted war orphans, because he really stayed in the orphanage, even if he was treated like a servant at a relative's house like Harry, he was better than an orphan. Good hospital.

Cinderella also works at home, and her stepmother didn't send her to a monastery or something, which made her dream of a prince coming to save her while she buried herself in the cleaning.

Bonaparte walked to the edge of the bell tower and looked at Mechelen bathed in golden sunlight. Today's weather was not very good, with dark clouds, but now it looks like the clouds have parted. A beam of light shines down, forming a small Dahl effect, looks like the light of heaven.

"Admonition" when others are in the mood will be very disappointing, and gradually they will not want to get close to them. On the contrary, those who say flattering words will get more opportunities.

The more you reprimand him for not being "a good minister and a villain", the more he will go against it; some children are very obedient, and it is because they are obedient that they are easy to manipulate.

There are many things, you will know how precious you are when you lose them.

Georgiana quietly walked to his side, watching the scenery together.

"Do you think Marguerite of Austria loved Charles V, even if he wasn't her own?" asked Bonaparte.

"Yes." She said without hesitation.

"Why?" He turned to look at her.

"The female wolf will use human children as substitutes after losing her cubs. Are humans inferior to wolves?" Georgiana asked while looking at the distant scenery.

"Look me in the eyes and talk," he ordered.

She followed her instructions and looked him in the eyes.

"Repeat what you just said."

Georgiana did not do what he said at once.

"I'm afraid that the child I teach in my way is not good enough." Her heart was pounding. "What if he grows up and becomes a bad guy?"

"Women like to think wildly," he whispered.

She didn't refute.

"What did you do last night?" he asked.

She frowned at him.

"Do you think you can fool me by letting those little girls give you false testimony?"

"What do you think I'm going to do, sir." She laughed mockingly.

He didn't speak.

"You're mad at me." She restrained her smile and said unhappily.

"So you just hung out all night?" He raised his voice and said a little domineeringly.

She doesn't want to talk.

"Did you tell anyone else about my next itinerary?" he asked again.

"You still think I'm a spy?"

"You just have to answer yes or no," he said calmly.

"No." She hesitated. "It's always been me."

"What did I say to piss you off?"

She wanted to be angry again.

You see, he really forgot.

"What do you think of Roquerol?" he asked suddenly.

She glanced back, and the archbishop was chatting with the Duke of Arenberg in the other direction.

"Hard to say."

"He promised to hold ceremonies for the Knights, but did not give blessings. Do you think he succumbed to coercion by force, or for other purposes?" Bonaparte asked.

Georgiana did not answer immediately.

Ceremonies can be legalized. At a small scale, it is a wedding ceremony, where the groom kisses his "legal wife" under the blessing of everyone. At a large scale, it is similar to the inauguration of a president, where he must put his hand on the Bible and swear an oath. Jefferson's 1801 inauguration was simple, perhaps out of cost-saving considerations, but the legitimacy of his office was questioned, bearing in mind the question of the ballot.

Rituals also bring a sense of sanctity that not only fosters unity but also helps create loyalty to the new regime.

Pepin painstakingly designed the anointed coronation ceremony, just to "legally" replace the Merovingian dynasty, which was blessed and bestowed by God through the spokesperson of the world.

"He wanted to be neutral," Georgiana said. "The Crusades weren't supported by all the priests."

"You thought they were crusaders?"

"What... no!"

"It's you who canonized them. If they are crusaders, you are an accomplice." He condemned.

She almost fainted.

He probably thought he had won, and smiled with his straight white teeth.

"Have you thought about the name of the Knights?" He said in a good mood.

"Saint Catherine helps the Knights," she slipped out, though she meant to say "I haven't figured it out yet."

"Why this name?" He asked casually.

She gritted her teeth and stopped talking.

He didn't want to know the answer that much, so he went on to talk about other topics.

In fact, women not only love to think wildly, but also have many secrets.

She took the time to glance at Father Gregoire not far away, who was studying the internal structure of the glockenspiel.

He had asked, "What were you thinking?", and Albus had asked the same question, thinking she had given the plans for the maze to Severus, and Severus had given the previous Fellow Death Eaters.

He was so stunned that he forgot that he had given the Goblet of Fire to "Moody" to place it in the center of the maze.

Barty Crouch Jr. has always been very good at hiding. No one could see that the obedient top student was actually a Death Eater who also participated in torturing the Longbottoms.

He said he trusted Severus, so he gave Severus the job of "killing" him on the observatory, but didn't tell Minerva and Pomona about the plan because he didn't trust them? ? Still don't believe their acting skills?

Women are actually born actors. Maybe Maria Theresa needed a war, so she refused Frederick the Great's conditions, because nothing can consolidate the throne more than a victory.

But does Maria Theresa really think so? This is also guessed by Georgiana as a bystander, probably because Queen Maria Theresa felt that the "monster" of Prussia was more difficult to deal with.

She is a woman, but she can't figure out what a woman is thinking. Of course, it is also possible, as he said just now, that she is thinking too much.

Thinking of this, she became angry again. She was sure that he would forget, but she didn't expect that he actually forgot.

No wonder he didn't like women before he became famous, and it's no wonder Josephine was so fearless and would say "who else will love you but me".

Georgiana doesn't mind whether he is an emperor or a successful person. The most important thing in this world is a talented loser. After the Battle of Waterloo, wasn't Napoleon also imprisoned in St. Hena?

But she was so angry that she almost lost her sanity.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a strange cry, and when she looked up, she found several black spots hovering in the sky.

At a glance, it looked like a flock of birds, but after a closer look, she grabbed his arm and ran downstairs without hesitation.

Others were puzzled when they saw this, but she couldn't care less.

Should she call for an assassin at this time? But the assassin didn't necessarily go for Napoleon, but for herself.

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