The bell tower of St. Lumodi Church is 97 meters high. According to the formula of free fall h=1/2gt2, taking the acceleration of gravity as 9.8 m/s, it takes about 4 seconds to less than 5 seconds for a person to fall from the top of the tower. It is much faster than spending half an hour climbing up.

Of course, most people will not choose this "landing" method. However, it takes at least 5 minutes to go down the stairs in the tower without stepping into the air. This time is enough for Garuda to dive from high altitude. down, and smashed on the tower.

It will turn into a flame before it dies, and Georgiana thinks it is a kind of bomb anyway. Although the bell tower has solid stone walls, she is not sure whether it will hold up, let alone the top of the tower hastily sealed. Most of them are bricks, which can be easily bombed.

She didn't have time to explain, so she directly dragged Bonaparte down. Not long after, there was another person behind them. It was Lieven Bowens, one of the "knights" she canonized today. He was regarded as the "Knight" of Belgium. Prometheus", stole the "fire" from the British - textile technology and machinery, he wanted to build a factory in Ghent, but he couldn't have machines without workers, St. Catherine helped the knights help widows and orphans, Just the labor he needed.

Being able to escape the heavy blockade of the British and transport the equipment back to the country shows that he is extraordinary. Now that the situation is not good, he is also the first to run away.

It didn't take long for fragmented footsteps to be heard upstairs, and she was a little worried about Archbishop Roquerol.

"Go down yourself!" Georgiana said to Bonaparte, trying to fall backwards.

"They're targeting us, go!" he snarled and ordered.

She was frightened by the deafening voice, turned her head and continued to run downstairs, through the window on the tower, she saw the crowd downstairs screaming, and there were signs of fleeing in all directions.

She comforted herself, when everything is over there will be a Forgetting Curse, these people will soon forget what happened, but the burn caused by the magic flame may cause irreparable damage to the tower, which cannot be solved by the Restoration Curse .

Suddenly there was a "boom", and she felt a shock, and then a mass of flame rushed in through the downstairs window, and rushed upward due to the "chimney effect".

She quickly raised her wand, cut a path through the flames, and continued down the steps in the scorching air.

"What about the International Statute of Secrecy? They're not afraid of being seen!" Bonaparte cursed in a low voice from behind.

"That's for people like me." Georgiana said without looking back, "The gang outside will sell us for a good price after they catch us."

He stopped talking.

She didn't explain any more, she should save some effort and go downstairs, at least there would be room to use after reaching the flat ground.

"Come out, witch!" Maria yelled from outside.

"It seems that their target is me..." Before Georgiana finished speaking, she found a person not far away, holding a meteor hammer in his hand, looking very unfriendly.

"Get out of the way." Bonaparte pulled her behind and drew his sword.

She wanted to say that she could use magic on a Muggle, but when she looked back at Bowens, he had also drawn his sword.

"Belgium doesn't need a king," said the man with the bola, and he swung it at Bonaparte.

Bonaparte crouched down, dodged the blow, and the meteor hammer hit the post.

"It's the Batavian Legion," Bowens shouted. "They want Belgium to be a republic like the United States."

This was a novelty, but Georgiana didn't want to worry about it anymore, and she turned and ran upstairs again. On the way she met the descendants, who were surprised to see her come back again.

"There's someone stopping downstairs," Georgiana said.

The bell suddenly rang, and the bell was heard in the distance, and it was deafening to hear it inside the bell tower, but the strange bird entrenched outside flew farther because of the loud noise.


"What?" Georgiana saw the other's mouth opening and closing, but couldn't hear what he said.

"Who is downstairs?"

It was some time before Georgiana regained her hearing, but just as she heard the words, the upstairs clock rang again.

"It's the Batavian Legion," Georgiana said after a while.

The other party showed a surprised expression.

"Is it Piscegal?"

Georgiana knew who Piscegal was, one of the most radical royalists, but how could he have anything to do with the Batavian Legion that supported the formation of the United States?

"How many people?" the other party asked.

"Just one," Georgiana said.

He went around to the front, listened carefully to the movement downstairs, then turned to her and said, "It doesn't sound like a person."

"The guards are here, they can't run away." Someone looked downstairs through the window.

"We can't let the first ruler face the assassin alone." The group of "knights" drew their swords and shouted, "Go!"

Then Georgiana watched them "rescue them".

For a moment, she didn't know whether she should go up or down. Maria outside was still clamoring for her to go out to fight. The key was how she would go out?

At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds again, covering the sunlight that had just fallen from the clouds, and there was also the sound of muffled thunder.

Later, the thunder became more and more intense, and there was a flash of lightning.

The strange birds noticed the abnormality and started to run away screaming strangely. At this time, Maria sang a song, and the Garudas quickly quieted down, and then began to approach the tower again.

The bell tower made a loud noise again, but the birds stopped flying away.

Just when she was overwhelmed, she found some bricks left by previous workers, she floated them, and then used "thousand bullets" to target the birds.

Two of the birds were caught off guard and fell to the ground, but the others flew away.

At this time, she could hear the fighting downstairs as well as upstairs.

After a brief silence, heavy rain fell, and a bolt of lightning suddenly fell, striking the strange bird like a silver tree.

Probably because of being too close, the hairs on her body stood up.

Then two more bolts of lightning fell, and Maria cursed, "Witch, you are a coward", and then left.

Soon the movement downstairs was also quiet. She didn't rush downstairs, but sat on the steps.

After a while, Bonaparte and Augereau came up together, and their expressions looked like they were going to arrest her.

"Where were you the night before?" asked Bonaparte again.

"Walking." She said blankly, "I didn't tell anyone where you were going next."

He looked at her silently.

"I'm angry because you can't accept me."

"I've seen you turn into a monster." He roared angrily.

"It's different, I'm just like that." She said angrily, "I'm not as dignified and elegant as you think."

He didn't seem to understand what she was saying.

"Are you trying to say that's what I do?"

"I just told you, don't do that in public!" He roared, "You just drink the wine in the hands of other men, you used to..."

"I don't think I have anything to do here." The number one swordsman in France turned his head and left.

"How was I before? Tell me!" She asked aggressively.

He felt that she was unreasonable, turned his head and followed Augereau downstairs.

She sat there alone.

Muggles don't have the magical power of wizards to make objects float, but they invented propulsion systems, which are used in rockets that launch space shuttles to explore space, and used in missiles, which can be used to destroy targets, war and kill,

When Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, did he expect such a day to come?

She felt sad and tired, so she leaned against the wall and fell asleep.

"Go to sleep, when you wake up, everything will be fine."

She seemed to hear Albus say that this kind of talk is like Santa Claus, only children believe it, and she doesn't believe it.

But if you don't wake up, you will still face the same bad world when you wake up, so what's the use of falling asleep? Might as well open your eyes and solve the problem.

So she stood up again, slowly supported the wall, and came downstairs.

When she arrived, the guards were checking the people on the ground to see if there were any survivors.

"They were all poisoned," Figel said. "They didn't think about leaving alive."

Georgiana listened in shock.

"Take care quickly, and don't let their blood stain the sacred place." Bonaparte said grimly.

She felt that she couldn't bear it anymore. It wasn't that she saw death, she also participated in the war.

So she blacked out, wishing she wasn't somewhere like the Tower when she woke up.

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