In the movie, Neo returns to his body from the matrix, because that is the first time in his life that he really uses his body, so he needs to do some "rehabilitation", because in reality his body is not being used. used.

The body Voldemort used for his second resurrection was not his own, but made with potion. Originally, he wanted the Philosopher's Stone to create a perfect body.

Suppose Georgiana is now in a situation similar to Neo, she is trapped in a world, but when Voldemort possessed her, she did not stink or collapse as quickly as Quirrell.

The body of an ordinary person, even a wizard, has problems of one kind or another with holding two souls at the same time, but Pomona is a hybrid magical creature...

She has always felt that Harry Potter has a lot of secrets, such as his Parseltongue. The old fool also used this as a basis for thinking that Harry was Voldemort's last Horcrux, and now she finds that there are no secrets in her body. few.

It is an indescribable process for the consciousness to really control one's body. It is so difficult to control one's own body, let alone "created".

She personally felt that if the "savior" Neo really saved the human beings in the matrix, the human beings would not be grateful to him. In the setting of the movie, the rescued objects are often children, because it is difficult for adults to accept.

Put it this way, if Neo does destroy the Matrix as planned, freeing all humans enslaved by the Matrix, not everyone is grateful to him. Especially those who had a happy and stable life, all of them disappeared as the matrix was destroyed, their homes, sunny yards and even their dogs were all gone, replaced by " The real world" is obscured by thick, dark clouds, a sunless sky. One second they may be arguing about where to go during the holidays or whether to drive there, but the next second they can only see dirty rivers and ruined buildings. They will feel that they are having a nightmare, and when they wake up from the nightmare, they will return to their original lives. Of course, at this time they will not say anything good to the "savior" Neo.

She remembered a plot where Morpheus asked Neo to choose the red pill or the blue pill, and Neo chose the red one. These "forced to accept reality" people don't have this process.

Even Neo himself has difficulty getting rid of the past and the inherent image of the matrix, which is also the reason why the matrix world built the 1990s instead of creating a world out of thin air. The purpose of machines creating the matrix world is to keep people from leaving. If it looks "fake" at first glance, then many people will choose to quit. The most basic laws of physics must still be obeyed, but nothing can be created here, and "creation" itself cannot be achieved by "machines".

The traitor's request to re-enter the matrix and make him a rich star cannot be satisfied, because what he wants is exposure. If he chooses to enjoy the "excitement" in a corner that no one knows, this may be possible. Satisfied, anyway, just write a few codes. And being exposed in the media, it is difficult for everyone to accept him as a star, not to mention that he himself forgot, and people from other resistance organizations recognize him. If one day he dies, it will be troublesome to cover up .

She suddenly found that "researching" was much more interesting than the following parties and socializing, and then she found a problem, and she actually wanted to run away.

She had never been an irresponsible person, but if Heaven was all about easy living and endless feasting, she really wasn't interested in it.

People have created the matrix, let it run the whole world, and be controlled by it at the same time, it can even determine the fate of human beings, just like a god.

But this "god" is not omnipotent, it needs "batteries" to be powered, just like humans also need to eat, without sunlight, in addition to being unable to carry out photosynthesis, herbivores will starve to death/except for nutrient solutions and the like" People in the real world don't have many other options besides food.

Of course, you can also choose not to think about these things and live simply, there is nothing wrong with that.

Harry and his classmates had a very happy time at Hogwarts. It was because of this simple and innocent happiness that they aroused their hearts to protect Hogwarts. It was the children who created miracles , turning defeat into victory just as Voldemort was on the verge of a complete victory, even though almost all the adults outside the school had given up resistance.

If Harry is really determined to save Severus, then he will remember that Arthur Weasley was bitten by Nagini, and he only needs to go to St. Mungo's to find the antidote and blood tonic. Les would not fall in a pool of his own blood.

But Harry respects and loves Albus even more. He saw Snape kill Dumbledore with the Death Curse. When Harry saw this scene in the dock, he probably felt that the "killer" deserved that end.

Harry wasn't trying to save a "sinner", so he wasn't a "savior", he was just an ordinary young man with little interest in reading, young and credulous, and almost wasted his mother's sacrifice in exchange for His little life.

Morpheus is Neo's "mentor", and "disciples" who are just getting started need correct guidance in order to reduce the chance of going astray.

Not everyone feels "liberated" is happy, and Murphys and the others know it themselves, so they focus on children.

Once a person like Voldemort stands on the podium, the harm he will cause is unimaginable. This is by no means just the job of the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

If he can't get it, he will curse it. Maybe that class is really cursed, and the professor will be changed every year.

Remus was probably the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Harry had ever met, but he was a werewolf. Albus has always ignored the words of the founders of the school, especially Salazar Slytherin, who not only let the werewolves into the school, but also the half-breed veela.

What would she be if she hadn't gone to a human school of magic to study as a human and learn their magic?

This is another choice, just like Neo chose the blue pill instead of the red pill, most of us can only see one ending, although we are curious, the other side plots are invisible .

After changing her clothes, Georgiana walked to the table and picked up the quill, but hesitated when she was about to write.

She had an instinct that Bonaparte would not be pleased if she wrote what she had in mind. Instead, she thought of Neo. The "prophet" once told him a prophecy that he and Murphys could only live one of them, and Murphys believed that Neo was the savior. In order to protect Neo, he even planned to sacrifice himself . Just when others were about to unplug Murphys' interface to protect the safety of others, Neo decided to return to the matrix and rescue Murphys.

Both cannot live, if Murphys lives, then Neo will die, and it all depends on Neo's choice.

Neo doesn't think he's the savior, though Morpheus almost makes him think he is.

As for Harry Potter...everyone thinks he's the "chosen one", so he thinks so too?

Neo didn't believe that he was the savior, but he believed that he could save Murphys. Was it because he believed in the prophecy that he planned to die generously?

This is difficult to understand and answer for a 17-year-old boy who is going to die under the encouragement of others. His only belief and mission is to defeat Voldemort, as if he was born for this.

But there are still many things in life, such as the kiss left by the heroine on Neo's lips, which is also a "signal", which is transmitted from the real world to the world of the matrix.

'Mum loves you, Harry, and so does Daddy. '

Tom Riddle chose to hate, don't go his way, Harry, and Pomona.

"Who saved you?" she said, stroking her neck, the black swan crystal pendant was gone, replaced by a very luxurious ruby ​​necklace, in Charlotte's words, she should have a crown .

Bonaparte had a lot to offer. She told him that she was a witch and she would become old and ugly if she took off that pendant, but he still took it off...

"You don't look happy," Charlotte said.

Georgiana looked at her "Josephine has lots of jewels."

"Much more than you," said Charlotte.

"Do you think Napoleon was kind to her?" Georgiana asked.

Charlotte said nothing.

"Those who cherish the 'have' and seize the 'have' with all their strength, are the ones who are unable to protect the 'have', on the contrary, those who are constantly pursuing the 'not have', the treasure is invested in them, there are Many people are willing to give everything for what they don’t have and what they want. For them, “something they don’t have” is more attractive than “something they already have.” Georgiana smiled wryly, “Your emerald What about the necklace?"

"I'm not that stupid." Charlotte sighed. "Did those bloody men break your heart?"

She didn't answer.

"You look like a poor little bullied boy now," said Charlotte. "Don't cry, honey, look at my teeth, they were broken, and I didn't cry."

Only then did Georgiana notice that Charlotte had a gold tooth.

"Why don't you cry?" Georgiana asked.

"I can't stand up when I cry. I still have games to play, and I need money to pay rent and living expenses." Charlotte said blankly.

"Then how did you become the count's mistress?" asked Georgiana.

Charlotte was silent for a while, and just when Georgiana thought she would not answer, Charlotte said.

"It's rare to see someone as thin and tender as him."

Georgiana had the feeling of being struck by lightning and the land falling apart.

"You have taken a fancy to the Earl's 'beauty'?" Georgiana said dumbly.

"With the identity of a mistress, I can also go in and out of high society and meet many people." Charlotte said.

Georgiana began to recover her ability to think. The Prince of Wales' friends were probably "Dandy's son". She looked at Charlotte again, and she was very suspicious of whether the Earl was her "rival".

"What are you looking at?" Charlotte frowned.

"How many times have you slept?" Georgiana demanded.

Charlotte raised her eyebrows maliciously, "You really want to know?"

She is alert.

Charlotte smiled treacherously, "Oh, sweetheart, do you know how many people are curious about your private life with 'Pori'?"

"Shut up!" Georgiana yelled.

Charlotte laughed now.

"Why do you always want to be cherished by others? What else is there and what hasn't been." After laughing enough, Charlotte said.

"How else?" asked Georgiana.

"I don't know. Normal people think that Josephine has so many jewelry, which means she is doing well." Charlotte shook her head, "Or do you think a good girl is a girl who doesn't talk about money?"

"I'm not that stupid," she muttered.

"I can't understand you, but you look better now, let's go!" Charlotte stood up holding Georgiana's hand. "It's time to socialize."

Georgiana was meek enough to be taken away by Charlotte.

Before going out, she looked back at the blank letter paper. The strange thing was that she never wanted to be perfunctory like those students who wanted to be opportunistic when they finished their homework.

What should I do if I can’t hand it in when the time comes?

She only worried for 0.3 seconds before being dragged away, and people kept bowing to her on the way to the theater box, as if she was a big shot.

When she came to the box, there were applause upstairs and downstairs. To be honest, she didn't know what she had done to deserve so many people standing up and applauding. However, this was just a dream. After waving her hands pretentiously, she sat down, Others also sat down one after another, the curtain of the theater opened, and with a "bang" and a flash of light, the host appeared on the stage, and the good show began...

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