Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2481 Regent Buck

Bare-handed boxing in the 18th century was a little different than boxing with gloves in the 20th century.

In fact, let's put it this way, before John Broughton, the British boxing overlord, formulated new competition rules in 1743, it was an "arena" where contestants could not only grab, bite, tear, etc. Then continue to chase until the opponent dies. The rules formulated by John Broughton did not allow fighters to hit any part of the opponent below the waist, and they could no longer hit boxers who fell to the ground, but even so, the death rate of black market boxing was still high.

The women's boxing ring is better than the men's boxing ring, because most people don't focus on how well the female boxers fight. Under Charlotte's lace gloves is a bandaged hand. She is not injured. This is similar to the French army. They have leggings under their boots. This is convenient for marching, not only can keep the calf from being sore and tired, but also prevent swelling and pain. , and sometimes also play a role in fixing bones.

She will not ask for trouble to challenge a heavyweight male boxer. Even with a bandage, her strength still cannot penetrate the opponent's thick muscle tissue and make the opponent feel pain. There is an innate relationship between men and women. There is a big difference, but as a professional boxer, it is still very easy for an ordinary person to break two or three ribs with her punch.

After Charlotte "showed her iron fist" in the public, the strange murmurs around her suddenly became quieter. Georgiana covered her face with a folding fan made of shells and smiled, and then Charlotte Putting on the gloves, she regained her "lady" appearance.

Everyone in this world has different talents, such as Mrs. Emma Hamilton, but she had a rough experience earlier, if she hadn't met Glenwell, she still doesn't know what she would have become.

Charlotte is not as beautiful as Emma, ​​and she didn't even show boxing talent when she was a child, but she has a younger brother, and the children who play with him often laugh at him, and she bumps into him one day, and she punches him down , one of whom is the grandson of a boxing coach.

The kid went back and filed a complaint, intending to let the boxers be his own fighters. Later, his grandfather found out, and Charlotte beat him again in front of his grandfather, and then she was trained as a boxer.

"How did you meet the count?" Georgiana asked with interest.

"You don't want to hear stories about Emma?" Charlotte asked.

"I can ask about this later, but tell me about yours first," Georgiana said.

Charlotte hesitated for a moment, and then began to tell the story of "Hell's Gate" in her unique narrative style.

"Hellgate" is the nickname of Richard Barry, the seventh Earl of Barry Timothy, which means that there is no prison he has not stayed in except Hell. He is the son of Charlie Barry, the sixth Earl of Barry Timothy, Inherited the title at the young age of three, his mother left him in the care of a Berkshire vicar, and went off to find his "new world".

But when Richard was 11, his mother also died, and his maternal grandmother paid £1,000 to send him to Eton College, where he learned horse racing and gambling. He even has a racehorse of his own.

One year during the school holidays, he took his two brothers and friends to "visit" their teacher, Mr. Wargrave. This group of demons plagued all the horses for miles around, not only whipping them, making them whine in the middle of the night , In order to scare the villagers, they painted patterns on their bodies, pretending that it was caused by the devil.

The villagers were not fooled and did not punish them severely, because they paid for the garden party and generously provided prizes, and those strangely painted horses happened to be eye-catching signs.

At the age of 18, Richard "grew up", he began to dream of owning his own theater, and it was the most gorgeous and beautiful in the whole of England, but the money needed to build such a theater was not something an earl could afford.

His first thought was to build a stud farm. Richard was slender, tall, swift, not only good at swordsmanship, but also a good rider. He often rode his horse to win, but this plan was soon changed.

He hired four Indians in scarlet uniforms with silver trim and silver buttons to be his riding servants, while he himself appeared in various public places in the most elegant clothes. This included a series of theater events, banquets and hunts, during which the four footmen would blow the French horn for him.

Once he hunted a deer, then he met a friend of the prince, and then Richard began to attend dinners and theaters attended by the Prince of Wales.

Soon after, he became a member of the "brother club". In a sense, this was Fox's tacit approval, rather than what the king, his wife and all British citizens wanted to see.

He was a serious gambler. Before he made his fortune, he set up gambling everywhere. He once offered rewards all over London to anyone who dared to eat cats. At the same time, he also borrowed a lot of money, including the most notorious "Black Dick", but all this became unknown after he met the Prince of Wales. He even borrowed 60,000 pounds from Jews.

"Oh~" Georgiana gasped exaggeratedly, and Edgeworth frowned.

"Don't worry, this money is not used to repair his dream theater." Charlotte waved his hand, "It's used to repair his manor."

During the French Revolution, many European aristocrats chose to sell their artwork and furniture at low prices. Richard also bought them at this time, and the Prince of Wales was actually very interested in designing buildings, so Richard built it in his hometown. He opened a personal theater and "by the way" renovated his own manor.

Who's to say a theater designed by the Prince of Wales is bad? In order to turn his little theater into a "royal theater", he held one grand dinner after another, light cakes worth 20 pounds each, and invited London's outstanding and amateur actors to come to perform, Various performances and fireworks continued throughout the summer, and the locals could participate for free. In the second year, this small theater became a topic of talk in London.

But this year he didn't do the same tricks as last year. The earl was going to hold a masquerade ball for a week. Not only that, he also simulated a court to punish wild and out-of-control guests.

"Excuse me... what?" Georgiana asked confused.

"Maybe we can organize a similar celebration," Edgeworth said aside.

"That's not a real courtroom," said Charlotte. "The punishment isn't prison, no, there's a cage where the 'patrolmen' who keep order put people in and let them out after they've been tried and punished." Content……"

"I don't think we need to know the details," Edgeworth said again.

Georgiana looked at Charlotte, and Charlotte silently said "wild", so she understood what this so-called "punishment" was like.

At that time, boxing and hand-to-hand combat had just become fashionable, and the Earl soon became an avid spectator and gambler. However, just like playing horse racing before, the Earl raised a boxer named "Tin Woodman", who did not really have an iron skin. , but he is very big and muscular, and Charlotte's fists hitting him have no effect at all.

In the second year of the party, in addition to the masked ball and court, there was also a boxing performance. The Earl set up a gambling game at the "George and the Dragon" Inn, with a prize of 25,000 pounds. Many people left after hearing the news, including "Boxing Champion" Watson and charlotte.

"Hell's Gate" has been mixing with thieves and gangsters in London all year round, and likes to lure a stranger into his "prank". Many people know this, and Charlotte has heard of it, but that year It was a masquerade, and she didn't recognize the man in the stag mask.

Charlotte said that the earl has delicate skin and tender flesh, and his skin is indeed relatively sensitive. Only the most delicate, silky, and cold silk will not make his skin red...

"Cough cough."

Georgiana looked at the man coldly, realized that it was Duroch, and fell silent.

"Everything is fine except he made a bet on me as a target, the Tin Woodman I was talking about, not just his boxer but his bodyguard, anyway Watson didn't win the money and I didn't beat him to him."

Georgiana watched her expression carefully, she was smiling.

"You don't need to pity me." Charlotte smiled at Georgiana. "I haven't slept with anyone like him."

"You're so incomprehensible, Miss Goulding," said Georgiana, rolling her eyes, feeling her brain spinning.

"You too," said Charlotte. "By the way, I heard he's planning to build his dream theater in London. Guess where?"

Georgiana's eyes widened suddenly.

"This is impossible……"

"Charles Cross Road." Charlotte said decisively, "I heard that there is a bar there, and strange people often come and go."

As soon as Charlotte finished speaking, there were hurried footsteps behind her. Georgiana turned her head and found that it was a wet messenger.

He handed a note to Di Roc. After reading it, Di Roc glanced at Georgiana with a strange expression on his face.

She jumped up and walked over to Duroc to look at the note.

Not about Napoleon, but not much good news either.

"Go and invite Mr. Lestrange to my drawing room," said Georgiana.

"Not inviting the bishop?" Du Roc asked.

Georgiana ignored him, and sat back in her seat again. The people around who saw her gaffe and whispered were watching her cautiously, as if they had become detectives, trying to see something from her face. clues.

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