Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2521 man on a mission (fourteen)

The black dog led Pomona all the way to the foot of the mountain. After nearly half an hour of climbing on the winding, steep and rocky path, the black dog suddenly disappeared. She walked over quickly and found that there was a There is a narrow opening in a rock, and it is difficult for adults to squeeze in unless they are on all fours like the black dog just now.

Pomona never thought that her stature, which she had not grown for many years, would actually play an advantage at this time. She walked sideways along the crack, and suddenly opened up at the end of the crack. In the dimly lit cave, a man was sitting next to a large rock. superior.

She took out her wand, just about to use Lumos.

"Don't do that," said the man by the boulder. "Someone will find out."

"Sirius?" Pomona asked.

"Yes, I am Sirius Black." The man beside the boulder stepped into the ray of moonlight shining through the gap. "But who are you?"

"Can't you smell it?" Pomona took a step back.

At this moment, Sirius looked angry, like a snarling dog, ready to attack her at any time.

The breathing of the two echoed in the cave.

"You're a half-breed Veela," Sirius said after his breathing calmed down.

"Obviously, isn't it? Whether it's a werewolf or a veela, if you want to study at Hogwarts, you have to give yourself a little disguise." Pomona said sharply.

"Do you know what you did just now!" Sirius roared, his voice buzzing in the cave. "You just...if you were caught, you would be imprisoned in Azkaban."

"I know," said Pomona quietly.

Sirius paced in the cave, his steps were impatient.

"You feel disappointed?" Pomona said coldly from the side.

"Disappointed?" He asked, frowning.

'I looked a lot like a dark wizard just now'.

She didn't say this. Among the many rumors that circulated last year, apart from what Neville said, there was another one that said that Harry Potter was actually a dark wizard, and that he would be stronger than the Dark Lord in the future. The devil planned to get rid of him when he was a baby.

When the fear reaches a limit, you will choose to escape. That doesn't necessarily mean turning around and running away, but putting all the responsibility on others.

If Harry is not allowed to enter the school, the "villagers" will have a peaceful life without fear, but why should Harry take this responsibility?

If Harry is really a dark wizard, then the fight between him and You-Know-Who is an infighting between dark wizards, and the children in the school are just innocently involved. The evidence for this accusation is that Harry can speak Parseltongue, and there is a lot of evidence in history that all wizards who speak Parseltongue are Dark wizards.

Hufflepuff has very few dark wizards in history, but it does not mean "0". Buddy Crouch Jr., the son of the Ministry of Magic's Executive Director Buddy Crouch, hides so deeply. He confessed, and no one would have guessed that he would be a Death Eater.

What Pomona did just now seemed to have taken off his disguise and revealed his true colors.

"They want to attack me." She said coldly, "Otherwise, what would I have done just now, did I shout 'Help'? Do you think there will be Aurors appearing in that wilderness?"

"No." Sirius stopped pacing. "It is because the Aurors will not appear there that I let you wait for me there."

"No one will save me, so I have to protect myself." She continued to say indifferently, "What's more, what we learned in the magic school is how to protect ourselves."

"Have you brought food? I'm hungry." Sirius said softly.

She hesitated for a moment, but still found the prepared food from the flannel pocket.

"Thank you." Sirius said, then hastily opened the package, grabbed a piece of grilled lamb chops and started to chew.

The way he eats is not aristocratic etiquette, but he eats very deliciously.

"Aren't you afraid I'll poison the food?" Pomona said maliciously.

Sirius, who was eating lamb chops, looked up at Pomona in surprise, and then burst out laughing.

"You think I dare not?" She sneered.

"We're friends, Knox, you wouldn't treat a friend that way." Sirius said confidently, "You help me, just like I didn't bite you just now, but bit someone who wanted to hurt you, not to mention Poison it, and you'd be more betraying me by telling the Ministry where I'm hiding."

He paused here, and said bitterly, "A real traitor will often pretend to be friendly, but he will never remind you that he poisoned the food."

Having said this, Sirius took another bite of the lamb chops.

Pomona looked around. This cave was really simple, but it was hidden. It would be difficult to find if you didn't search carefully.

"Can dementors smell?" asked Pomona.

"Why do you ask?" Sirius said, chewing on the mutton.

"I'm afraid that the smell on my body will attract them." Pomona sniffed the robe on her body, not sure if it still smelled like rue.

"You stink." Sirius said indifferently, "but not as smelly as me."

Pomona looked at the ragged Sirius. How long has it been since he took a shower?

"Don't worry, they don't distinguish people by smell, although they can 'smell' death." Sirius said lightly, "There, you can know when a person dies, and they will be excited every time Endless."

Pomona couldn't help shivering. This was the second time she'd heard a dementor get "excited."

"I remember Buddy Crouch Jr., they put him in the cell next to me." Sirius looked at Pomona and said, "His parents came to see him for the last time. I saw that scene with my own eyes that night. They spent It took a long time to end, like enjoying the process, and then the dementors buried his body outside the fort, and old Buddy Crouch didn't even come to retrieve his body. Do you want to be like him? No Alex?"

She said nothing, trembling all over.

"Don't go into Azkaban, even though you think you can hold on in it." Sirius took another bite of mutton "There are not many Death Eaters left with me, except Bella, although people say People in Azkaban go insane, but she was insane before she was in."

Sirius continued eating while Pomona watched.

It's possible that she was hallucinating. Sirius' laughter just now sounded like a barking dog, and its echo was constantly reflected in the cave, so her ears kept hearing that terrifying sound.

==================================================== =========

People in the court of Versailles called the court "the country".

This is not only because dignitaries gather here and form their own "microclimate", including language, moral standards and customs, but also because they surround a king who once said "I am the country".

In this luxurious palace, there are hundreds of rules that are meaningless but cannot be ignored, such as who can hold a parasol and who cannot hold a parasol; Give way to salute at the side of the road; the duchess is not allowed to sit in the armchair in the royal room; is the marquis entitled to ride in the sedan chair.

But there are always people who want to challenge these rules. A prince once asked his maid to put the prince's wallet on the mat of the palace church, and soon someone reported it, sometimes it was a word from the king, or a Paper documents can make the culprit immediately submit. If anyone breaks these rules because of ignorance, he will be regarded as very uneducated, or another word called "overstepping the rules".

If you want to sit in a sedan chair in a vast and luxurious palace, you must obtain the corresponding qualifications, or the king's dispensation. Without that qualification, no matter how rich you are, you can't buy it. Horse-drawn carriages galloping through densely populated narrow streets are of course different.

The court has to follow the rules, even if the French court is not as strict as the rules of the oriental court, foreign ministers can enter the palace and chat with the court maids.

The Western world is monogamous, only the children of the regular wife have the right to inherit, and the illegitimate children have nothing.

In the East, there is a system of monogamy and multiple concubines. The sons born to concubines have the same inheritance rights, but they must abide by the rules of orderly seniority. The "Nine Kings Conquering the Inheritance" that occurred in the late Kangxi Emperor was caused by "the order of the elders and the younger" and "the distinction between the concubine and the concubine". In order to ensure that the children born to famous concubines in the court belong to the emperor, the eunuch system was established.

The new French Civil Code stipulates that illegitimate children recognized by their fathers also have the right to inherit. Compared with punishment by wheel, using Miss Campini to be kicked out without an invitation letter is more deterrent to these decent and educated people.

This is the rule of the new court, even if it is as ridiculous as not being allowed to ride a sedan chair or hold a parasol in the palace.

These rules and endless details are suffocating, and Sirius, who likes freedom, will run away from home even if his mother cancels his inheritance rights. It's not like the Black family can't do without him, not to mention Sirius has a younger brother Regulus.

But James Potter did say a "truth": rules are for little people.

The duke is a big man outside, but in the court he is just a member of a large number of noble titles, and even the duchess was almost starved to death in the palace.

The king's favor is the most important thing. Even if Mrs. Pompidou is just a countess, she can replace the queen and preside over everything in the palace.

People have been sending beautiful women to the king. It is hard to imagine that they would not tell jokes like Madame Pompidou. To change the analogy, Georgiana dared to pinch Napoleon's nose.

The attractiveness of exploiting beauty is always fleeting, and the vast majority of the laughs in a king's life were provided by men. Of course, they are not completely afraid to make fun of in front of men. The main reason is that they dare not be in front of the king. They have too many scruples, family and hard-won favored status. Falling out of favor may even implicate the family.

Josephine is very good at being kind and friendly to people, but Bertin summed it up in one sentence: There is never a shortage of people who offer to be nice in the court, they just forget who you are soon after you lose power.

Marie Antoinette, who came from the German court, did not understand many rules and had to learn etiquette before entering the palace, but occasionally she would go to the palace to sit for a while. At this time, Mrs. Du Barry was in charge of the palace, and she asked the future princess to play the piano in front of everyone.

As a "talented woman", Mrs. Pompidou can sing with a beautiful voice. The piano is a new instrument, and Marie Antoinette can't. A musical instrument that she knows, or simply sing a passage.

Just like that, the future princess stood there in embarrassment, and there were whispering voices below.

Maybe Mrs. Du Barry did it out of prestige. Even if the German princess came, she still had the final say in the palace.

I don't know if she has ever thought about it, after Louis XV died, the queen will be changed to take care of the former concubine.

After returning home, Marie Antoinette practiced the piano every day, and the sound of her piano music always echoed in the Place de la Concorde.

That day in the Louvre, Pomona also heard the piano sonata "Moonlight" before entering this world, and saw Josephine playing the piano.

But Josephine didn't know how to play the piano while she was alive, unless she learned it after death.

There is a rumor that one night Josephine was lying on the bed that used to belong to Marie Antoinette. She didn't know whether she was dreaming or for other reasons. She saw Marie Antoinette asking her why she was sleeping on the bed. "Her" bed.

Napoleon was working upstairs at the time, and when he heard about it, he put down his official duties and carried Josephine back to his bedroom.

When the queen was alive, a woman selling cherries lay on the queen's bed and said loudly, "It's finally our turn to rest."

Who played the piano that night, and who invited them into this world?

Anyway, it wasn't Hathor, she was looking for someone to transport her "residence" into this world.

This was Hathor's mission to Pomona, but she was surrounded by people at the moment. Everyone was courting her, and she didn't need to drink Polyjuice Potion and pretend to be another to please someone, or fear girls' jealousy.

Should she feel happy?

She thought of Plato's metaphor again. A group of prisoners who were tied up since childhood and couldn't turn around sat facing the cave wall. They could only see a fire and the shadow cast on the cave wall. They all thought the shadow was real. Until a certain prisoner broke free from the shackles, turned around and saw the world outside the cave.

He was lucky, it was daytime when he came out, the sun was high in the sky, illuminating the whole world, but if he came out at night, the scenery he saw would be different.

Maybe it's the sky full of stars, maybe it's the mountains under the moonlight, or maybe it's the monsters hidden in the dark.

Now that the cave is safe, will he tell others what he saw?

Amidst the loud laughter, she glanced around, as if she saw a handsome black-haired man, toasting her.

However, he was quickly overwhelmed by the crowd and disappeared on the spot.

He changed his clothes, it was no longer the gray prison uniform, and his complexion improved a lot.

She pretended not to see it, and continued to comment on the new police uniform with the others. After all, this "dress" will appear among them like military uniforms in the future. Regardless of whether they will meet on other occasions in the future, at least they are well-dressed now. Everyone can talk freely, who would spoil the fun at this time?

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