Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2522 man on a mission (fifteen)

Barty Crouch Jr. was unremarkable in school.

It can't be said that he is mediocre, he has good grades, his father is the Director of the Ministry of Magic Enforcement, and he also participated in the Hufflepuff Quidditch team as a batsman, but he was completely attracted by Sirius Black and James. The two bright men, Tom Potter, were overshadowed.

Sirius aside, James Potter is a very good Seeker, although he is not a Victor Bloom his age, but when he wears a red jersey and chases the Snitch on a broom , looks like a burning fireball.

The Hufflepuff team, as always, did not have much desire for victory or defeat, especially after Sirius' younger brother Regulus entered the Slytherin team and served as the Seeker, everyone did not want to be injured in the game. He retreated wisely to the side, after all, it's not worth risking his life for school-level competitions.

Bella married Lestrange a few years earlier after graduating and became the most loyal Death Eater. Probably because of this, she wanted Regulus to inherit the Black family more than Sirius. Regulus has shown his admiration for the mysterious man since he entered school. At that time, Sirius had no time to take care of his younger brother. He was busy learning Animagus and making the Marauder's Map. For these He even quit the Quidditch team.

Regulus put all his strength into Quidditch, which made the competition between him and James Potter a certain danger on the court. Not only did their brooms have fast speed, Regulus would occasionally use Some of the little tricks that Bella might have taught him, and several times Jaime almost fell for them. Although James did not mention these things and deliberately provoked the brotherhood between Regulus and Sirius, the relationship between Regulus and Sirius did become weaker and weaker, especially after Sirius ran away from home. They don't say hello to each other when they meet at school.

Pomona never thought of improving the relationship between Regulus and Sirius. She was still very afraid of Bella. As long as she thought of Bella's beautiful but cruelly arrogant face, she lost her courage and had no choice but to run away. Without other ideas, how dare she spoil Bella's "good thing"?

Sirius and Bella are cousins, but they hate each other. During their imprisonment in Azkaban, they were locked in a cell not far from each other. At the beginning, Bella still provoked Sirius mentally, but later she might have no strength. The appetite is much less.

She is one of the very few prisoners who has been imprisoned for more than 10 years like Sirius and is still alive. Even if there is no torture of the Longbottoms, Bella's crimes are enough to be imprisoned in Azkaban.

According to the rules, dementors can only kiss people who are dying. Bella has lived for so many years, and the aura masters who followed old Buddy Crouch wanted to "send" her for a ride. But today is different from the past. In the past, old Barty Crouch gave a lot of privileges to righteous aura masters, such as killing on the spot, without the need for arrest and trial. Now that all these are gone, if the righteous aura master doesn't want to become a prisoner of Azkaban himself, he can only watch Bella "live and kick".

Someone also tried to use mental torture to break Bella herself, but soon he discovered that this dark woman might be worse than a dementor, and a dementor can make you feel unhappy at best.

Sirius didn't ask why Barty Crouch Jr. went with Bella to torture the Longbottoms, even though he had 12 years to spare.

After eating a full meal, Sirius sent Pomona away. The "noisy" just now should have alarmed the Aurors. If they were going to school at this time and she happened to be away, there might be a lot of trouble.

Pomona didn't refuse either. Although she brought a lot of delicious food, Sirius was still weak, only slightly better than when we first met last month.

"Have you ever thought about taking a bath for yourself?" When Sirius approached, Pomona smelled his stench, and she tried not to pinch her nose.

"How about some more shampoo?" Sirius sarcastically.

"How did you become so sloppy!" she said dissatisfied.

"I have other more important things to do, have you found Ron's mouse?" Sirius asked.

"I didn't find it, I used the Flying Curse..."

"He cannot be summoned by the Flying Curse." Sirius interrupted her.

"Why?" she said confused. "What's so magical about that mouse? The Flying Charm can summon all animals."

Sirius was silent, he stood at the door of the cave, looking at Hogwarts Castle in the distance.

"Do you remember that sentence on the Marauder's Map?" Sirius asked.

"Which sentence?"

"It's a good thing to leave." Sirius said sullenly. "That's the first sentence that came out after the map was made. It formed the walls and classrooms of the castle. It's like this is what the castle told me."

"I didn't look that closely," said Pomona. "Now Remus has the Marauder's Map."

She briefly described the process of the Marauder's Map from Harry's hand to Remus'.

"You showed up near the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom the other day to find Remus?" Pomona asked.

"It's late, go back quickly." Sirius seemed to want to say something else, but changed his words.

She didn't continue to ask, seeing Sirius now, she felt that he couldn't possibly be the dark wizard who blew up a street.

She walked down the rugged mountain road for a while, and looked back at the cave entrance, where Sirius was still standing.

"After all that you've been through, you still feel blessed to leave Hogwarts?" Pomona said in a voice she could only hear, before turning her head and continuing down the hill.

Instead of taking the path from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts, she changed back into Professor Sprout after drinking the potion, and walked into Hogsmeade swaggeringly.

Sure enough, there were dementors patrolling the street, and they kept their eyes on Pomona, as if they were going to pounce on her and kiss her at any moment.

She pretended she didn't care, and walked into Honeydukes with her head held high. After buying a lot of snacks, she returned to the castle from the secret passage under Honeydukes.

It turned out that Sirius was right, the dementors really couldn't smell, although the process of verifying it made her heart beat violently.

Then she went to take a shower in the bathroom dedicated to teachers, intending to wash off the ashes on her body.

However, when she took off the cloak, she found a hairy crab stuck to it.

"Oh, Sirius Black, it's you!" she exclaimed.

Although the hairy crabs would parasitize on the aurora and swallowtail dogs, as long as the owner took good care of them, the dog's hair would be as smooth as Draco Malfoy's hair, and it was impossible to have hairy crabs at all.

Is Sirius animagus a dog in the wizarding world after his transformation? The hairy crab seems to think so, otherwise how could the hairy crab parasitize him?

With this question in mind, she took a bath, hummed a song, and returned to the cellar refreshed.

"The gate of the castle is closed, how did you get in?"

Then a dazzling light suddenly appeared in the darkness, and she subconsciously narrowed her eyes.

"Put down your wand!" she warned.

Sure enough, the wand was lowered, revealing Snape's face like spoiled milk.

"Why are you waiting for me here?"

"What did you do?" he demanded.

"I went out for a while." As she said, she took out the big bag full of gold coins from the flannel bag, shook it in her hand, and there was a crisp sound inside.

Snape looked at her impassively.

"With this, see if you can convince Albus not to dissect the basilisk," she said resignedly.

"How did you get it?"

"Plants in the greenhouse... Items that are prohibited from being traded." She said under his gaze.

"You're a criminal," he said suddenly.

She felt angry and put away the purse, "Forget it, you can figure it out yourself."

"The skin and scales on the basilisk are resistant to most magic, including black magic, and Albus thinks it can be used to make armor." Snape said slowly, "Given that the Death Eaters have started to frequent Activity."

She clutched the purse and froze.

Snape silently took out a small vial.

"What's this?"

"You asked me to make the potion for eliminating hairy crabs."

"Oh, thanks." She took the potion, but Snape snatched her purse, counted twenty Galleons from it, and returned the purse to her.

"I can't believe it," she said in surprise. "You charge me!"

"Believe me, it's not the price for someone to ask me to dispense medicine." He gritted his teeth and said.

She was also in a bad mood and took the purse, and then the old bat strode away.

Halfway through, he also turned off the fluorescent flashes. I really don't know how he could identify the direction in the darkness.

"It seems that he is really a bat, with a sonar system." She said to herself, opened the door and walked into the office.

==================================================== ========

"Why is she still here?"

Georgiana looked in the direction of the person discussing...

"I don't know if you've heard of Mrs. Estelard." Bertin said immediately before her smile froze.

"No." She smiled.

"The king is used to her and likes her gossiping eloquence, and although Madame Pompidou knows that she secretly supports Madame Choiseul to seize her position, Madame Pompidou cannot expel her from the court, only the king can do that. "

Georgiana held back her anger and looked at Bertin with a smile, "Don't always mention Madame Pompidou."

Bertin shook his head, "In addition to being able to tell jokes, Madame Pompidou is also one of the few women in the palace who knows when and how to make a scene. Do you know who the Duke of Choiseul is?"


"He was busy with the 'diplomatic revolution' and put Madame Choiseul at court, she was only 17 years old, the king liked her and wrote to her, she wasn't sure what she was going to do next, So she asked the opinion of Madame Estrade, and another officer named Gunto, and they told her that almost no one at court would object to such a family-friendly relationship. But there was a small problem at the time , the young Madame Choiseul made the acquaintance of Count Stanwell..."

"Wait..." Georgiana began to calculate in her head.

"The Earl of Stanwell is the cousin of the Duke of Choiseul, he inherited the title of the Duke of Choiseul's father, the Marquis of Stanwell." Bertin said.

"Wow~" Georgiana exclaimed involuntarily, young people now, no, young people in the past...

"She is dead." Bertin said with a smile, "the young Madame Choiseul died in childbirth at the age of 19. After finishing his errands, the Duke of Choiseul took Madame Choiseul away from the court. Already pregnant."

"Who is the father of the child?" asked Georgiana.

"What I want to tell you is that you have to learn from Mrs. Pompidou, when and how to make a big noise." Bertin said emphatically, "Before the plan was implemented, Mrs. Pompidou saw Mrs. Choiseul, Ace Mrs Tradd was as polite as ever."

"What plan?" Georgiana asked.

"I'll tell you later, now, you have to go and say hello to her, remember what I just told you, keep smiling."

Georgiana smiled under Bertin's gaze, and then the two walked towards Mrs. de Vaudet together.

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