Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 270 Spacing

For unknown reasons, there are many oriental elements in Weasley's trick shop, such as red lanterns, flying carpets, and magic fireworks in the shape of Chinese fireballs, and the color-changing giant snail and velvet have become friends.

Chinese New Year's Eve is not until next month, and London's Chinatown prefers to celebrate the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, which is another wonderful full moon night. Pomona felt that it was necessary to remind the Ministry of Magic to take precautions on that day. With so many Muggles gathering, if werewolves "preyed" it would lead to a disaster scene like the Quidditch World Cup.

But the scene that made Pomona even more glaring was when she saw Bill Weasley and Fleur, kissing under a red lantern as if no one else was there, and the children passing by all looked disgusted. Bill's face became ugly after being scratched by the werewolf. Fleur didn't care at all when she kissed him, and she looked very happy.

"I heard Draco say that you and the godfather are like this." Astonia said coldly from the side, "Always make out in front of people."

"No, I didn't." Pomona shook her head with a wry smile.

"I heard that men who fall in love with Veela are like this. During the Triwizard Tournament, Bray Barton often had dinner with people from our academy, and some people made pen pals with them. The same is true of Fleur's sister Gabriel and her boyfriend. of."

"You're not making me feel better, Astonia!" Pomona said deadpan.

"I'm not comforting you, I'm just telling you a fact." Astonia said with a smile, the two dimples looked extremely cute.

"I hate Ravenclaw," she murmured, walking up the stairs, carefully bypassing Bill and Fleur, who were beginning to be intimate again. They only had eyes for each other, which Bill had taught him. The teachers are all gone.

"George runs the store well, you can visit and learn from it." Pomona perfunctory Astonia, she wants to talk to George alone about the next thing.

Astonia had no intention of wandering around, and Pomona warned her not to use those powerful love potions before leaving.

After knocking on the door of the office on the second floor, George's voice came from inside. After being allowed to enter the room, Pomona saw a beautiful little girl sitting on the carpet, spitting bubbles like a goldfish .

"This is Bill and Fleur's daughter, Victoire." George was holding another child, who was holding on to his coat, refusing to sleep in the cradle. "Can you help me pick her up?"

"You take care of two children alone?" Pomona scolded another pair of irresponsible parents for Bill.

"It's no trouble if they're asleep."

Seeing George who was still "fighting" with the little monster, Pomona lowered her waist and hugged Bill and Fleur's daughter stiffly. She was about two or three years old, her body was soft, and her hair was similar to her mother's. The same gold, the color of eyes like Bill, she has become more and more human.

If she has a daughter too, she hopes to have black eyes and black hair, just like her father.

Veela's blood seems to have no other effect in Viktoria's generation except to make her beautiful. Furong is really a favored girl.

She put Viktoria in the cradle, which was already a little small for her, and now she was changing her teeth, those baby teeth looked like monster teeth, sharp and thin, and she pinched Pomona's neck. Holding on to the swan necklace, Pomona let her hold it. She knelt on the ground and hummed a soft song to Victor. The lively little guy gradually closed his eyes, looking like a sleeping angel.

"Who's that handsome boy?" Pomona asked George in a low voice when she fell asleep.

"My son, Fred," whispered George, too. "Let's talk from another place."

The two tiptoed out of his office, and then went to his drawing room.

"Where's Ron?"

"I let him stay at home with Mom." George walked behind and closed the door, then waved his wand. "What are you doing here?"

"Hermione is now working in the Ministry of Magic. She needs help. Send a message to Arthur. His daughter-in-law doesn't plan to work in the Department of Magical Beasts for the rest of her life." Pomona said coldly, "I remember his friendship with Amos That's right, I usually go to the house elf management office more often, and don't meddle in the affairs of the department."

"That's why you arranged for Hermione to join the Ministry of Magic?" George laughed. "To help your husband fight for power?"

"I don't want to quarrel with you, George, you can come to replace your father and assist Harry, but it is really inappropriate for him to stay in that position, so let's stop while there is still room for redemption."

At a time when other people's business is very quiet, the business of Weasley's trick shop is still booming. Honey Baron and the owner of the seasoning and joke shop once sued the Ministry of Magic to limit the monopoly of the Weasley brothers' magic trick shop, but the Ministry of Magic Rejected on grounds of insufficient evidence.

Who said dad didn't take care of his son? If Draco Malfoy got into the Quidditch team because of his father, Harry Potter also got into the team because of Professor McGonagall, but Gryffindor approved "Justice Messenger" and "Warrior". "The cloak of all actions becomes reasonable and just.

Severus really saw clearly that as long as he put on the cloak of a saint, everything he did could be forgiven, even the fact that he and Dumbledore betrayed Emmeline Vance could find many excuses.

She had volunteered to return to the Order of the Phoenix, and it happened that she was exposed, and Severus needed the Dark Lord's trust, so they gave the Death Eaters a mother of a child, a man's wife, as a gift.

She will not criticize their behavior, she is just afraid of this kind of cold calculation, how many women forget that he is a double agent because of the sentence "always like this".

He can only keep climbing by betraying his own people, even if he betrays a beautiful woman, this kind of work is extremely dirty, but someone must do it.

He's handicapped like Crookshanks, but Pomona doesn't mind his flaws because he's not a lover but a mortal, and now he's working for a better future.

Only through the tempering of hell can one have the power to create heaven.

Only bloody fingers can play the swan song in the world.

Gryffindor, who was dazzled by the victory, was no longer the Gryffindor before, full of egomaniacs who couldn't see the situation clearly.

"If my father is not in the ministry, who will keep me safe." George asked after thinking for a moment, "You? Professor?"

"You can find Harry Potter..."

"Harry would rather be an Auror than a politician, unless Ron can take over from Dad," George said. The news that Les Snape is still alive spreads to every corner of the world, and all the dirty things he has done in the past will be exposed. He will go from saint to villain directly, including his murder of Sirius Black, I think it will be fine Harry won't forgive him either."

"You blackmailed me?"

"No, I'm talking to you about the conditions, and we can cooperate only after we reach a consensus."

Pomona hesitated, should she accept this condition?

"We can try it first, and then talk about it if it doesn't work."

George smiled and shook his head.

"I have seen too many people who do not keep their integrity and do not fulfill their responsibilities after they have achieved their goals."

"What do you want?"

"Sign me an unbreakable oath."

"Enough." Just as George finished speaking, Severus' voice suddenly sounded in the room, "She's not five-year-old Ron, kid."

Pomona thought it was the sound made by the crystal ball, but suddenly a black hole appeared in the corner of the room, and it turned out that it was Snape the "Saint".

"Maybe she will agree, as long as you don't say anything." George said with a smile, "How dare you come here with so many people staring at me?"

"Let's talk in another place." He said, and saw a black shadow flash, and Pomona and George's hands were held by him, and then she felt the compression of Apparition, and it was time to reappear The foyer of Blake's old house.

"I hate this place." Severus cursed, making his way to the dining room on the ground floor where they used to hold meetings.

George followed in, and Pomona was about to follow when the dining room door slammed shut in front of her.

"Go back and watch Fred and Victoire!" he said coldly inside.

"No!" She slammed on the door angrily, "Why can George go in but I can't!"

"He's a man, you're not. There are so many people in the store, and the two children are left unattended. What should I do if they are taken away?"

"In that case why did you take me to Apparate!"

"If you have time, ask me to explain. Find a way to go back to Diagon Alley."

Pomona kicked the door hard.

This time she apparated to the door of the Leaky Cauldron, but this time it was on the Muggle side, and the pedestrians on the road were still in a hurry. Even if the Asian tsunami happened, their lives were still unaffected.

Others have suffered heavy losses and it has nothing to do with them, so why should they care?

At this time, a gust of wind blew a flyer over, and it just floated to her feet. An advertisement was printed on it. The first thing that caught the eye was a mural, a woman dancing with some kind of musical instrument. Her clothes were covered with petals, as if she was flying in the sky, but she didn't ride a broom, nor did she ride some kind of magical animal, she just relied on a ribbon to fly.

Below the painting is written a line of words.

In the year of Sino-British cultural exchanges, the grand ceremony of "Oriental Charm" will be held at the city hall. Welcome to visit.

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