Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 271 Alumni Records

London City Hall is located on the banks of the Thames, next to London Bridge. It looks like an irregular spherical shape, which looks strange in Pomona's eyes.

Relatively speaking, the British Museum is more in line with her aesthetics, but the Chinese will definitely not like it, because the British Museum has the largest collection of lost cultural relics in China. Since it is a cultural exchange, of course it cannot be in a place full of bad memories. Relatively speaking, London City Hall, a building full of "modern beauty", has become the best choice.

The weapon made by the goblin was taken away by the wizard, and because he couldn't beat the wizard, he could only swallow his anger and let his "own" things go out. The treasures in the British Museum are like the goblin's weapons. Even if you know that the owner should not be yourself, you still can't help wanting to possess the good things.

Greed is a common problem, not only for humans, but also for goblins. When greed meets greed, how to persuade the other party to accept their own conditions requires negotiation. Lucius Malfoy is good at communication and negotiation, as well as the exchange of interests. Slytherin has always been good at this. Negotiations require cunning and hypocrisy. This is not what the good boy Draco does.

Of course, interest partners are not as happy as friends who treat each other sincerely, but if you want to maintain interests, you must form an interest alliance. Marriage between nobles is a way to maintain interest relations, and the patriarch will not consider the wishes of both men and women.

It is well known that the Malfoy family is very rich. Although the Greengrass family did not participate in the war, they did not participate in the division of interests after several reshuffles because they had always maintained neutrality.

Money can't solve all problems, but it can solve many problems, just like war can't solve problems, but it can solve the people who create them. Astonia and Draco got acquainted because of their political marriage, and now they have true feelings. Astonia didn't seem to know about the blood curse, and Pomona had no way of knowing how this secret was found out by Severus, maybe it was through George's retractable ear.

A person born in a certain family will have a label. For example, Sirius Black in everyone's heart thinks that he should be sorted into Slytherin. He happened to be sorted into Gryffindor. The Weasley family also treats people with sincerity. Famous, Harry may not believe that the twins he likes so much have turned into this picture of negotiating with others for their own interests like pure-blood nobles.

The world is not as beautiful as it looks, nor is it as bad as some people see it. It’s just that some people are too naive and only see the good side but not the bad side. Arthur and Kerrity are both such people. They are guilty of the same prejudice that the pure-bloods only see the bad side of Muggles.

Weasley was called a pure-blood traitor, Arthur's own career was affected, and the employment of other children was also a problem. Bill went to Egypt, Charlie went to Romania, Percy got a position in the Ministry of Magic by betraying the family, and the twins started their own businesses. Ginny can also marry to change her destiny, and Ron's future has become a thorny issue.

Every year, Pomona conducts employment guidance. Family affairs and bloodlines also need to be considered when choosing a career. Ron's grades are not good, and he is mediocre in all aspects. Quidditch is not good enough to be a professional athlete, but he is not like Neville also did not give up his efforts. If he continued to perfunctory his life, sooner or later he would spend his whole life with his mother.

Pomona used to think that Ron was a loser and not good enough for Hermione, and now she had changed her opinion of him, and Ron was the least concerned about him compared to other siblings. He's as clumsy as Severus but brave, she can't leave Ron alone, not to mention he doesn't need much, just attention, and she has Hermione to help, Ron won't always be a loser .

"Ha, here's one." On the snowy street, Pomona found a red phone booth.

In the era of underdeveloped communication, such telephone booths can be seen everywhere. Now that we have entered the era of "mobile communication", there is no need for this kind of red telephone booth to continue to exist. The telecommunications company has demolished many of them, which makes many nostalgic British feel unacceptable. Several local councils said they wanted to keep the red phone boxes in their local area, whether or not the shared phones were removed. The red telephone box has become one of the typical symbols of London. Visitors will choose to take a photo with it as long as they pass by.

The Ministry of Magic used a telephone booth to receive foreign guests, but this telephone booth was just an ordinary telephone booth, and there was a working public phone inside. After closing the door to block the cold wind, Pomona began to rummage in the flannel bag. Every graduate Pomona has to make a graduation photo album like a Muggle school. This is what she learned from Mr. Evans. In the photo album of the 91st class, Pomona found the Justin Finch square column in the contact information.

Eton College is famous even in the wizarding world. It was a bold decision for Justin to give up Eton College and study at Hogwarts. Moreover, he was petrified once in the second year, and he still did not back down. Although he is a sycophant and has a brave side, the competition for the prefect is almost the same as the election. It was necessary to use "dirty means", but it is pity for Harry Potter. From the time he was selected as the fourth contestant to the first contest He was isolated by the whole school before the game, and he probably thought Draco Malfoy got those badges.

Cedric asked the children not to wear it. He was the prefect, but the children would of course listen to him. But the mastermind behind this incident is his dean. If you have the teacher to back you up, you don’t have to listen to the words of the prefect. Hufflepuff, who has always been low-key, made a high-profile once. Husband's honor for hundreds of years.

"Beep." While waiting for the call to be connected, Pomona looked at the snowy scene outside the phone booth. The scenery seen through the glass window of Hogwarts was very similar to what she saw before her.

George Fred is a smart kid, and they are not the same as their father Arthur, even Qiaozhi has become a father, only she still maintains her original appearance and needs to be taken care of.

Sirius was a man, and he couldn't bear this kind of life of hiding in the back and enjoying peace, especially the snot-nosed man he looked down on in the past turned out to be the head of the Order of the Phoenix. This huge status gap made him feel terrible.

He'd become irascible and always wanted to fight, and Harry hoped he'd be useful, but neither of them was strong enough to handle a Death Eater fight.

In order to become stronger, they use the Unforgivable Curse to practice. The Death Eaters are all lunatics, and only people who are as crazy as them can compete with them. That self-righteous Harry is just like James Potter. He doesn't know the Dark Lord deeply. He thought he was his opponent, who could hack into his brain. Severus should have reminded him that the Dark Lord is good at creating illusions. He thought that the appearance of Sirius being captured by the Dark Lord was actually an illusion, but he still wanted to I don't know if it's true or not. The phantom rode directly to the Ministry of Magic in London to rescue Sirius on a Thestral. The DA members went with him. They were all very loyal. Harry had enough leadership skills. The leader should be him and Hermione, but Dumbledore had other plans for Harry, so he forced Ron Weasley to become the prefect.

The Ministry of Magic, where a group of children can sneak in, really needs to rectify its defenses, and the toilet entrance used by ordinary employees is really disgusting. Just when she was in a bad mood and started to think in a worse direction, a girl in a red military uniform The teddy bear walking by outside, it is sending small cards to people passing by, looking funny and clumsy.

In the eyes of children, the teddy bear is not a disguise, but a talking bear. Their world is very innocent, and all they see is cute, not as complicated as adults.

Someone must do the dirty work to keep some people's hands clean. She is very grateful to those who protect her. She will not be as eager as Sirius to go to the front to show off. Anyway, Hufflepuff has been a waste for so many years, she She's used to it a long time ago, and now she has to do what has to be done.

"Hello?" After a while, a woman's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hello, is this the Fanglieli family?" Pomona said while flipping through the photo album, "I'm looking for Justin Fanglieli."

"Who are you?" the woman asked.

"I'm his dean, Pomona Sprout," she said flatly. "If he's home, ask him to answer the phone."

"Oh, hello." The woman said with some surprise, "I'm Justin's mother. He's hanging out with his friends in Cambridge now. Do you want to call later? Or leave a message?"

"Please tell him, I'll be waiting for him at Weasley's Trick Shop in Diagon Alley." Pomona said succinctly.

"Don't you have a mobile number?" Justin's Muggle mother asked.

"Wizards don't carry mobile phones." She said coldly.

"Okay, I'll tell him."

"Thank you." Pomona hung up the phone and let out a long breath.

When not using magic power, there is not much difference between wizards and Muggles. Once magic power is used, especially offensive power, it will damage Muggle electrical appliances, but it is undeniable that something like a phone is really very Convenience, if Harry had such an easy-to-contact thing at that time, the Order of the Phoenix wouldn't be in a mess because they couldn't find his whereabouts.

Sirius obviously gave him the double-sided mirror, why didn't that brat remember to use it to contact Sirius, and flew directly from Scotland to London in a rash manner.

Looking at the photo album in front of her, Pomona fell into deep thought. It was too inconvenient to always use the house elves to spread the word. She could make a photo address book like Dumbledore, so that it would be much more convenient to contact someone.

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