Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2762 Song of the Swan (10)

It was a sunny day in May, but it was dark in the broomroom, with only a little light coming in through the narrow windows.

In the silence, there was a sticky sound made by the intertwining of lips and tongues. Although it was not offensive, it still reminded people of reptiles like snakes.

Although no one will see them now, his kisses have gone from slightly jerky to more skilled, as if his tongue is not only capable of biting sarcasm.

She couldn't help being a little out of breath, her feet tensed involuntarily, but she lost the strength to stand up, and she needed him to hug her tightly to barely stand against him. Her hand, too, was limp and limp, sliding down until she inadvertently touched the cold belt buckle of his robe.

They suddenly became sober, and ended the kiss hastily. He turned his head to one side and put his chin on her shoulder, and her ears were filled with his heavy breathing.

Charlie had already left, and the fire dragons had fallen into a deep sleep after drinking the sleeping potion. Although the sound was terrifying, it was not similar to what she heard at the moment. She thought it was more like the low warning sound of some cats roar.

So she moved her hand away from his belt buckle, and the snarling died away in an instant.

"Good girl." He murmured softly, nasally, and his voice sounded deeper and more seductive than usual.

But she was not a real "good girl". She stretched out her arm, made him take half a step back, and put her arms around his neck lightly.

"Have you finished what I want?"

With a smile, the potion master took out a red crystal bottle from the deformed lizard skin pocket.

"That's all?" Pomona asked.

"Enough for you." He said solemnly, "You want so much, are you going to use it as bath water?"

But this dream potion was what she intended to drink for the kindling bush in the maze.

"I want more!" she said seriously.

But he misunderstood her meaning and planned to continue kissing her.

She turned her head to one side, dodging the kiss.

He was a little upset.

"I want more!" She took the crystal bottle in his hand, held it with two fingers, and shook it in front of him, "I want to use up all the dragon blood I gave you."

"What are you going to do?" he also said seriously.

"Secret." She said with a smile, just as she was about to leave the broom room, she was taken back again.

In fact, the smell of dragon is not good, especially after being heated by high temperature, it will feel uncomfortable to smell it close. Charlie, who often takes care of them, also has it, which makes the profession of dragon trainer only suitable for most girls from a distance, unless he is willing to wear perfume, but then the dragon doesn't like Charlie.

Animals leave their own scent on their territory and on their cubs, and mother cats will not take care of kittens if they are contaminated with human scent from birth.

The dragons transported this time are all female dragons, they are not as aggressive as the male dragons, and they only become aggressive when protecting their own eggs, but the goal of the contestants is the golden egg among those eggs.

The mermaid's singing echoed in her ears, and she didn't know if she heard it wrong, because they were not in the corridor at the bottom of the black lake now.

Although the song is beautiful, it attracts the sailors to the trap, where the merfolk will eat them.

But if there are other options, mermaids will not insist on eating human flesh like werewolves. After all, they are rational and intelligent "beasts", and humans have tried to classify them as humans.

The soft-clawed land prawns that bring doom to humans are completely useless to them, just as chocolate is deadly to dogs but a delicacy to humans.

His greasy hair was a sight to behold in Slytherin house, especially after You-Know-Who had appeared, and he was so close to a Gryffindor girl.

He wouldn't have gone to Lily with a bald head, and he forgot he knew how to make hair tonic.

He only thought of her when he was in a hurry and had nowhere to go. In fact, he could go to the school hospital to find Madam Pomfrey.

But Madam Pomfrey might be a little too old for him, Madam Pomfrey was actually pretty when she was young.

Animals have no shame, and they can do things in public that humans need privacy.

But God thinks it is shameful for human beings to cover themselves with leaves after eating the forbidden fruit.

Originally, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and after eating the fruit, there was no trace left to prove that they had eaten the forbidden fruit. They could plant it on other animals, saying that they ate it.

It was their own superfluous actions that were discovered.

Like what Georgiana is doing right now.

Her memories gradually returned from the dimly lit broom room to the small drawing room. Because it was too cold, she was wrapped in a piece of blue fox fur, and the trial judge of Ghent, Baines, was sitting at the long table. the other side.

Brussels has its own courts and judges. According to the "consistent style" of Belgium, the police and judiciary are local autonomy. The Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II tried to reform this, but encountered resistance and obstruction. Other bills and reforms he introduced also failed to pass, including the abolition of witchcraft trials.

Even though the Low Countries currently has inquisitions, unlike Spain and Portugal, secular courts can still conduct witchcraft trials, as in the 1692 Salem Witch Trials.

There were also courts in England, which even enacted the Witchcraft Act in 1775, although it was shelved in Ireland and still enforced in the other British colonies.

She can also use the loopholes in the "Carolingian Code" to let the law school act as a high court across regions, but it is difficult to predict the consequences. Luther did not expect that since the emperor sentenced him to exile through the secular court, As a result magistrates could punish criminals who violated religious laws.

She used the "Sackley Code" in Paris to deal with body theft, which was not mentioned in the current French Republic code, and because there was no objection to this treatment, it became a case of unwritten law and was recorded.

The "Sakley Code" was compiled by the Franks according to customary law. Because the code prohibited women from having the right to inherit "land", France refused to recognize the black prince Edward as the king of France, even though his mother was French.

It wasn't until the Black Prince defeated the French heavy armored knights with British longbowmen after the Battle of Crecy. This time, unlike the Battle of Agincourt, the ground was not plowed and the land was not soft. A horse whose legs don't get stuck in the mud. However, Crecy's terrain was not suitable for the play of heavy knights, and the French army suffered heavy casualties in all 15 charges. After the defeat of the French army, Britain and France signed the Treaty of Brittany. After Britain acquired a large area of ​​French land, it gave up claiming the throne. In the same year, according to the treaty, the Black Prince became the Duke of Aquitaine in France.

Breton is a Celtic language, and there are strong Celtic customs in the local area. Most of the saints are local residents. The Gacus she said to Joannis before is the 7th century in Brittany A princely hermit. Their understanding of saints is very different from that of other places. For example, there was a blacksmith who held a red-hot horseshoe and held it in front of St. Marjan, who was said to be able to cure headaches, and said, "If you can't cure this child's fever , I will let you wear horseshoes."

Saints are usually conferred after death, but St. Marang was still "subdued", and the child's fever subsided. In return, the blacksmith gave St. Marang a white hen as an offering.

It is St. Avoye who asks for the white hen. The man who prays must give it before doing anything. If the saint refuses to show grace, the Breton will be as threatening as the blacksmith. The blacksmith threatens first. Giving offerings is not in line with the "process".

The incident was entered into a notebook by a monk, which somehow made it to the library of Rouen, where it was seen by Georgiana.

The Bretons would trade with the saints based on their own interests, and the saints would ask for different rewards according to the favors designated by the believers, and each saint had his own hobbies.

Bones in Germany are decorated with gold and jewelry, but these "sacred bones" are often people with prominent status during their lifetime, not all the bones of saints, but they were sealed together by the Vatican when they were canonized in the 16th century.

The customs of each place are different. The Sakley Code was translated into German during the Carolingian Dynasty and became the "Barbarian Code". After several revisions, women in the 16th century became without inheritance rights. In "Pride and Prejudice", Mrs. Bennet is worried that she will be kicked out of the house by her nephew and wants to marry Elizabeth to him.

After the death of Charlemagne, the empire fell into a split. The Kingdom of East Francia formed the Holy Roman Empire in the 10th century. After the death of the Child King Louis, the rule of the Carolingian Dynasty in East Francia ended, but the barbarian code was still in use until Charles V promulgated it. The Carolingian Code ruled Germany for two centuries.

This code is known for its cruel punishment, but the procedural law also stipulates that capital punishment can only be used when there is solid evidence, like in the Salem witch trials, "I dreamed" Bishop jumped onto the bed of a young man in a red dress , The testimony that is coquettishly pasted on the lips of an unarmed young man is not admissible.

In the last case of the witch Anna Gorledi, the hero colluded with politicians and the church, and the hero himself was a very influential local judge. In order to frame Gorledi, he really put the poisonous needle on Into his daughter's milk bottle, it became evidence that Gorledi attempted to murder his child, and Gorledi suffered inhuman torture as a result.

It is precisely because Baron Johann von Schwackenberg, the compiler of the Carolingian code, eradicated the passages on demon possession and all traces of heretical laws from the very beginning of the code, that the Inquisition was not as good as Germany. Spain is as active as Italy.

Also because the Inquisition would confiscate property, the German propertied classes clearly disapproved of the Inquisition, but were unable to stop the Court of Fire and village lynchings.

The so-called seductresses do not necessarily refer to those alluring and charming girls.

In the eyes of the closed rural farmers, just being cute and pitiful is enough, even if she is old. When you are old, you should not put on that kind of appearance, but you should be like a kind, dignified elder who is respected by the villagers, instead of looking at each other with watery eyes and pleading eyes.

Albert Baines was able to become the president at the age of 40, of course, not only because of his ability, but also because of his strong ambition.

But she doesn't want the "witch hunt" to continue.

The wheel of history has moved forward, and it is impossible to go back as some people hope. Louis XIV and XV need obedient and "non-trickster" nobles. These nobles did not even dare to propose to Louis XVI that attacking North America is not a Good idea, only dare to whisper in the corner.

The lords went to the big cities, and they would only come back when they collected money. He didn't care about anything in the territory, so why did the villagers keep the lord?

Frederick the Great dealt with the incident of Arnold the Miller, and the people felt that he could uphold justice. He has been dead for so many years and there are still people who miss him.

Since Alisa had long wanted to give the championship to Henry, why waste the duke's time, can't he just give that skirt to another woman? Why give it to Alisa? She picked left and right, but she picked a dreamer. When she was wasted by him, she was no longer beautiful, and she couldn't get married, so what did she have to do with the Duke, anyway, Alisa didn't marry the Duke.

If she does need a dress, just say so, it's the Duke's decision to help. It was she who gave the Duke the illusion that he had hope. There were two situations between a player who went all out and a spectator who took his time. This "competition" was not fair at all. Of course the Duke would yell dissatisfaction after losing.

Georgiana did not lie. When England sent the swan over and he covered her eyes to surprise her, she was really moved.

She remembered the sunshine that day, and their chaotic footsteps. He wanted to cover her eyes, or step on her skirt to prevent the two of them from falling together. It was very embarrassing and silly for others to see.

Maybe this is why she hates ballerinas, although there is no ballet like Swan Lake in this era.

"You know why I called you here?" Georgiana asked.

"Yes," Baines said. "You want me to let the demonstrators go."

"We raised taxes without their consent, and their protest is reasonable." Georgiana said, "Even the king wants to hold a three-level parliament, so I hope you will not only let them go, but also be polite to them. The police did their damage when they arrested them, and they have to pay compensation."

"You're like this..."

"I have another mission for you," Georgiana went on.

"Is it a prison?" Baines said.

"No, that's someone else's responsibility," said Georgiana.

She also thought of the illegitimate son of the old Polish king, whose request was that the people in the forest should not be forced to leave.

In fact, during the Wars of Religion, when William I of Orange died, the Netherlands wanted France to become suzerain, but Henry III rejected this proposal.

The issue of the Netherlands diverted the internal conflicts in France, and contributed to the formation and promulgation of the Edict of Beaulieu, the Peace Treaty of Bergeracco, and the Peace Treaty of Frye. Unlike Spain, France required half of the treasury tax revenue from the Netherlands to support Japan’s continuous improvement. Fallen Empire runs.

"Then what do you need me for?" Baines asked.

"I noticed that some diseases can spread with water, even if they have turned into corpses, rainwater will seep into the ground and pollute water sources. During the Thirty Years' War, the plague raged, and the Swedes used beer instead of water."

Baines waited for her to finish.

"All the cemeteries in the city were moved to places far away from living places and water sources."

"It's going to cause a lot of protest," Baines said.

"If anyone protests, send someone to arrest them. The new prison has good ventilation and sunlight, so they don't have to worry about getting sick inside."

Baines said nothing.

"Of course you can't do it alone, so you can ask the councilors for help. Many of those cemeteries are in prosperous areas and can be developed into apartments and restaurants." Georgiana said, "The dead need more peace and tranquility."

"I'll make it official," Baines said. "Can I go and let the demonstrators go now?"

"Of course," Georgiana said.

Baines stood up.

"I hope you don't misunderstand, we are not like you, even if Brussels burns, we can't fight the fire without receiving orders." Baines said.

"I know." She smiled and said, "Even if I did something wrong, I would still be punished."

Baines looked at her.

"What are you thinking?" Georgiana asked.

"What a ruthless person the First Consul was," Baines said, then bowed to her and left the small reception room.

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