Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2763 Song of the Swan (11)

Pomona came to Hogsmeade, and she specially chose a non-rest day to avoid the crowds.

"Boss, is the bat blood soup I want ready?"

"It's ready," said Honeydukes' boss, who put the bat's blood soup into dozens of small oak barrels.

In fact, he can expand the oak barrel with the space expansion spell, but this is illegal.

"Hi, Pomona." Fei Liwei who passed by the door greeted her.

"Why are you here, Felius?" she asked.

"Come to mail," Felius said. "I need owls flying internationally."

I have to say that Hedwig, the pet owl that Hagrid chose for Harry, is a good bird. It is strong and smart, and it can fly internationally.

"Wait a minute, I need to buy something else," said Pomona, and went to Felix. "Can you do me a favor?"

"What do you want me to do for you?" Fei Liwei asked.

"Write me a tune. I want to turn plant taxonomy into a ballad," said Pomona. "You know, the 'innovation' that Albus asked us to do."

"Good idea, maybe I can also make the contents of Charms into a ballad," Feliway said.

Pomona laughed. She didn't think turning the spell into a ballad would help the reciting of it.

They wave goodbye, and Pomona returns to Honeydukes.

She wanted to buy a "big gift bag" for Hagrid, not just because Hagrid helped her get the venom of the eight-eyed spider. Grapp should have not eaten sweets for a long time, and children should have sweets.



Pomona took a picnic basket and came to the Forbidden Forest, near Gropp's "residence".

Muggles use the forest as a dump and throw everything into it.

Then she heard the crisp sound of a bicycle bell.

She followed the sound and saw Glop playing with the bell.

In order to prevent him from running around, Hagrid tied a very thick rope around his waist, but this was a helpless move, because Hagrid wanted to live with humans in a hut on the edge of the forest.

"Glop," Pomona called softly.

He turned his head and looked at her.

"Your brother..."

"Hungry~~~" Gropp murmured at her, then stood up and walked towards her.

Pomona immediately took a few steps back and took out his wand.

Even if the giants are on the verge of extinction, as Mrs. Maxim said, they do not pose a threat to humans, but if they encounter a single hungry giant in the wild, even if Glop is not tall among the giants, it is better to be ready to fight.

Luckily Gropp was only interested in her picnic basket, and he sat down with a "boom" and poured the food into his mouth.

It was a bottomless pit, and the Pomona picnic basket had enough food in it for a small banquet with the Enlargement Charm.

"Hungry," Gropp said to Pomona after eating the food.

Fortunately, she has the habit of carrying food at all times, so she also threw the ones in her pockets to Grapp.

"How long has it been since you ate?" Pomona asked.

Grapp was so absorbed in eating that he didn't answer her question.

She couldn't help sighing, as if Hagrid wasn't here either, so where did he go?

"Do you know where your brother is?" asked Pomona.

Grapp pointed in one direction.

She looked in the direction Grapp pointed, and the area was shrouded in darkness and mist.

"Did he go to the eight-eyed spider?" asked Pomona.

Grapp nodded.

"Brilliant!" she exclaimed, and walked off into the forest.

As we get closer to the heart of the spider kingdom, the webs get denser and the spiders get bigger.

They also have the same ability to communicate with people as Aragog, but now they have more desire for fresh meat, and they are completely unable to communicate. Of course, they will not guide Pomona like kind passers-by.

She took out the flame-breathing potion and pointed it at a spider that was trying to get close, and it ran away screaming.

Under the gaze of the compound eyes of shiny insects, she gradually walked towards the "throne". Aragog lay weakly on the ground, and Hagrid was sitting on a tree stump reading to him.

"Hagrid." Pomona called softly, as if afraid of disturbing the "peace" of the spider world.

Hagrid stopped reading and looked at her with dark eyes full of emotion.

"Ron Weasley has been poisoned," she said softly. "He's in the hospital wing now, would you like to visit him?"

"Poisoned?" said Hagrid in surprise. "How?"

He drank Slughorn's mead, which Slughorn intended to give Dumbledore.

"He ate the chocolate cauldron with the love potion in it, which was supposed to be for Harry, but he thought it was his birthday present."

"It's just a love potion." Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief. "I thought he was going to die."

Pomona glanced at Aragog. The spider king moved slowly, as if to prove that he was still alive.

"Ron drank the Love Potion antidote," Pomona said, "but then he drank the poisoned mead, and Harry saved him."

"Seriously?" Hagrid asked, frowning.

"If you want to know the details, please go and visit yourself, I'm just here to tell you." Pomona said, looking at Aragog again by the way.

By the way, let's take a look at what happened to the professor of the Protection of Fantastic Beasts these days, and whether he was eaten by some animals.

she thought.

"I'll go, thanks," said Hagrid gratefully.

"You're welcome," Pomona replied, wondering if she and Hagrid should leave with Aragog.

Spiders had no intention of forbidding cannibalism, and Aragog would be eaten by his people.

But she chose to leave alone in the end. This way of walking would definitely alarm the spiders, and they would be at greater risk of being besieged with the weak Aragog.

If Aragog wanted to leave this "palace", then he had better find another way, and ask for blessings.

==================================================== ==============

On the way to Venice on the Big Magic Express, the train stopped briefly in Innsbruck.

She was sipping champagne and soaking in the rainbow-hued houses that could be seen through the train window.

Georgiana picked up the champagne by the tub, but instead of drinking it, she poured it into the water. The red roses floating on the water seemed to have lost their color, but the water turned red instead.

On October 29, 1485, a Dominican friar, Heinrich Kremer, went to Innsbruck to conduct an inquisition against a citizen named Lena Schublin, who was accused of It's suspected of witchcraft.

Heinrich Kramer is known for his prowess in extorting confessions by torture. When the secular courts found that they could use the loopholes in the Carolingian code to conduct religious trials, the religious inquisitions also found that they could use the "divine judgment" to "determine" women. Witchcraft, followed by torture as evidence.

But this time the situation is different. A chief magistrate from Rome, Heinrich Kramer, came. From the name, it can be seen that he is probably related to Heinrich, so in this trial, Heinrich became an accompanying guest. , Heinrich became the presiding judge.

Originally, the citizens of the small city in the valley thought they could see the superb interrogation skills of the presiding judge from Rome, but he never asked the "witch" about casting spells. Instead, he kept discussing her chastity and personal life, asking her again and again. No adultery.

Witches, of course, indulge in lust. As a result, the representative of the bishop of Innsbruck couldn't bear it anymore and announced an adjournment. The jurors were not so happy after hearing so many revelations. If the defendant really committed adultery, then some of these people must be "buried" with him. If Luna confessed more people, then he would be implicated more people.

It is no news that religious trials are used to exclude dissidents. There will be mail trains from Mechelen to Innsbruck on a regular basis. The chief judge from Rome clearly induced the witches to do that on purpose. What's worse is that they were still invited. After all, the citizens don't know whether Lenna is really using witchcraft.

When the trial began, the bishop added a legal expert and doctor of medicine. Instead of defending Lena, he questioned the validity of the trial, accusing the presiding judge of misleading the defendant and seriously violating judicial procedures. The court accepted this opinion, the criminal was sentenced by a secular court, and the accused was acquitted.

Not long after this incident, "The Witch's Hammer" came out. The author happened to be surnamed Creamer, and it described in detail what a witch is, how to identify a witch, and how to eliminate a witch.

Then time travels to Salem in 1692, and Bishop is a notorious widow who has been tried for theft and spent several weeks in jail.

A miller in the town accused her of stealing a bronze medal, which was found at her property, she said, while she was weeding in the orchard.

Judge Hassan was annoyed with her when Suzanne Shelton of "Girls" reported that Bishop, who had been a witch for more than 20 years, had a snake in her arms that lived with her leprechaun.

Then others began to take the dock, including Bishop's neighbor, a tailor named John, who said he had a protracted affair with Bishop on the night of the full moon.

Bishop was 55 years old at the time, she was haggard and dirty, and she smelled sour, but she was always beautiful during the "night visit", not to mention that Bishop and the tailor's orchard were next to each other. People have repeatedly disputed over the border issue.

That's when the sheriff showed up and testified that Bishop's penchant for haunting the bedrooms of young men, incapacitating them, was linked to a different kind of "magic."

In the process of retrial, a case from 17 years ago was uncovered. She hired two workers to demolish a wall. There were puppets in the wall. Bishop was forced to give a reasonable explanation.

Since she had overheard the "catch-22" of the 17th-century legal system, self-incrimination was not a problem. Bishop also didn't hire a lawyer, insisting she was innocent and didn't intend to take responsibility for the man's fantasies.

Then the tailor said that a devil came from the orchard, and it told the tailor that it would grant his wish, but the tailor saw at a glance that it was attracted by Bishop and planned to control him. The devil was driven away.

Bishop pleaded with those around him to clear his name, but no one wanted to. Then one day, she inadvertently looked up at the ceiling of the wooden building. A wooden board fell from upstairs and rolled on the ground for a certain distance. There was no sound at that time, and then the trial went smoothly.

Normally the girls would act in court as being cursed, moaning and twisting, but this time they were calm.

In the 17th century, the jury must judge the facts of the case based on the evidence presented in court, but in the absence of sufficient evidence, strong suspicion can also convict the defendant. This is called "reasonable doubt", and the judge will give instructions to the jury "if You believe", "if you are satisfied or dissatisfied from the evidence", "satisfy conscience", where "satisfy conscience" is borrowed from casuistry, is not the result of intuition or emotional thinking, conscience is Part of a rational being that can tell right from wrong and black from right.

A person's reputation plays a decisive role. Before 1705, the jury members were made up of nearby residents, and it was best if the person was the defendant or knew the case. The jury was both a witness and a judge. After 1705, it was not allowed People you know join the jury.

These irrelevant "evidences" were therefore linked together by "reasonable suspicion", and Bishop's charges were established without conclusive evidence.

In his closing statement, the judge said: The court does not need to prove whether witchcraft caused harm, but only needs to prove that witchcraft was performed, which is the meaning of the law.

So Bishop was not convicted of seducing a man, but of bewitching a village girl she didn't know.

When Bishop was hanged, all the nearby people came. The audience almost crushed the First Church. People were all smiles and urged her to climb up the ladder quickly. It took nearly an hour to hang her.

In the process, people get cathartic pleasure, no one feels creepy, and no one suffers from the grotesque. On the second day of Bishop's execution, five hundred "Indians" and Frenchmen raided Wells, full of shouts and gunfire, and flaming arrows. The New England settlers thought they were dragons, opening their mouths wide and devouring the villagers.

After the French Revolution, legislation in 1791 made witchcraft charges a "crime of the imagination", removing it from the statute.

The "Carolingian Code" eliminates the possession of evil spirits, and the observers don't have to see the girls rolling their eyes and foaming at the court.

In the fairy tale, Alisa was not harassed because of the protection of the little devil and the water demon, until she met the fearless dreamer Henry.

Neither the little devil nor the water demon wants to touch the jealousy and anger of humans, nor does it occupy Alisa's body like Asmotai, making her lose her husband constantly. How is it like a demon?

There is also a fairy tale about a girl with a harelip who fell in love with a passing soldier. Her mother saw it but said nothing. Until the girl became pregnant, the soldier disappeared without a trace. In desperation, the girl had no choice but to kill the unborn child.

Afterwards, she became depressed and deeply blamed herself for her behavior. At this moment, her mother jumped out and accused her of ignorance.

In order to appease the wrath of the Lord, she advised her daughter to come to the gallows and take her own life.

Waiting for the cold rope to wrap around the girl's neck, the mother who watched her daughter's death sentence with others asked her, "Do you have anything else to say to the mother who loves you the most?"

The girl with harelips looked at her mother coldly and angrily, because her mother gave birth to her as a monster, and her father left. Her mother always wanted her to die, and now she finally got her wish.

"I curse you, I will not rest in the grave! It was your hypocrisy that pushed me into the abyss."

Then the girl kicked off the wood under her feet and hanged herself in front of everyone.

Why does Alisa have to choose the handsome Henry? He can leave when he comes, what if she is pregnant with a child?

Second Salem took in many orphans who were abandoned for various reasons, and they taught children to sing nursery rhymes

Children don't know the content of the nursery rhymes they sing, how others teach them how to sing, but it is easy to remember, and Pomona is very convenient to use it to teach.

It's a pity that they are people who want to do big things, whether it's reorganizing the world or saving the world, they don't want to live a stable life like women.

Muggles are not forbidden to enter the wizarding world, but he must meet the requirements. Not everyone has "adventures". If Jacob doesn't meddle in his own business and saves Riley who is being harassed by gangsters, he will also miss the wizarding world.

Maybe that's why she drew that knight of swords.

The saddle is decorated with birds and butterflies, and she thinks of the female dragon knight Figel who dances "iron butterflies" with a steel sword.

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