Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2920 The Language of Butterflies (10)

"Come on man, grab it."

James yelled, throwing a Snitch at Harry in the pram.

Harry was very excited, patting the side of the stroller with his little hand, and looked like he wanted to stand up and grab the shiny thing, but his godfather Sirius Black got there first.

"Stop playing!" Minerva warned the two of them, "Pack up your things!"

"Yes, Minerva," James replied foolishly, before playing catch with Sirius again.

"When you get to a new place, I don't care if you don't have a change of clothes," Pomona said.

"You don't have to worry about that." Sirius said with a playful smile, "I don't live with them."

"So I'm married." James said nonchalantly.

"Married and divorced!" Pomona yelled.

They both hissed her together.

Pomona looked at the three of them, thinking it was a waste of time to expect them to look like adults, so she went next door, where Peter Petillo was packing the cutlery.

"Don't take so much," Pomona said. "It's not a party."

"But Lily said they'd all be taken away," said Peter.

Pomona was in the living room again, and Lily was packing the pictures.

"You are going to seek refuge, not move, so what are you doing with so much luggage?" Pomona asked.

Lily was taken aback and threw the photo album into the packing box.

"I don't know how long it will take us to go, so bring some extra just in case." Lily said.

Pomona looked at the photo in Lily's hand, which was taken when she and Severus were children, when they were only 11 or 12 years old.

"You hang that picture on the wall?" Pomona asked.

"What photo?" Lily said nonchalantly.

"Mrs. Potter," said Mary MacKinnon, "are all these children's toys packed?"

"Of course," said Lily, "that's Harry's favorite."

Mary McKinnon complained as she walked, "It's time to use the space expansion spell again."

Pomona looked at Lily again. Mrs. Potter was concentrating on putting the family photo album into the trunk.

"At least Harry still has toys to play with," said Mrs. Potter. "Did you know that Dumbledore had an aunt?"

"Bathilda Shabbat, she's a historian," Pomona said.

"When we get to the new place, she's the only one who can chat nearby." Lily complained.

"Don't tell me too much," Pomona said. "Your new address is top secret."

"I don't like living in hiding." Lily said angrily, "Be careful what you say."

"What's wrong?" James asked running over.

"Talking about Dumbledore's aunt? How old do you think she is?" Pomona asked James.

"I don't know, guess how old she is, Sirius," James asked.

"You'll have to ask the owner of the antique shop," Sirius said.

"Help pack your bags!" Minerva yelled again.

"Here we go," James said, planning to help Lily pack the album.

"You go to McKinnon's, they're picking up Harry's toys." Pomona said, "Don't take any unnecessary ones!"

"Come on, James, it's much more interesting over there," Sirius said.

Then James and Sirius left together.

Pomona looked back at Lily, who also looked at her silently.

She said nothing and left the room.


Pomona smoked in the office. She hadn't smoked in years, but now she was very upset.

As much as the poet understands women, she knows women best, and she doesn't know what to say when Phoebe arrives.

Phoebe had only been out once with a Slytherin boy, though her sister would have liked to have gone to Hogsmeade with her.

Generally speaking, Hufflepuff's boys and girls have a relationship, and she doesn't care about it. According to "experience", the more they stop them, the more they feel that this is a test of their love.

This is another cruelty of time. Life is a lot of repetition. Every day, we eat at a fixed time, sleep at a fixed time, wake up at a fixed time, and go to work at a fixed time. Almost everything is similar, and it is difficult to have a new experience. Even if you change your relationship partner, it is nothing more than repeating the process of the previous relationship.

Those once exciting moments, because they have been experienced, are no longer fresh.

The ordinary happiness is easy to be boring, which makes people yearn for "adventure". This is a problem that almost every couple has to face.

The purpose of learning magic is for dueling. As long as it is not too vicious, it can be sent to the medical wing for treatment.

Not so with Phoebe...

Pomona was struggling, and Minerva arrived at the office, looking equally unimpressed.

"How?" Pomona asked routinely.

"That female Muggle, she didn't cry, even though her sister was lying in the grave." Minerva said wearily, "but she was not untouched."

"Where's Harry?" Pomona asked.

"He was puzzled that the woman was still lying to him, saying that the flowers were blown by the wind."

"Did he believe it?" Pomona asked.

"Of course not, those flowers have greeting cards with Lily and James on them," said Minerva.

Pomona breathed a sigh of relief, if the savior of the wizarding world is a child who believes everything adults say...

"Albus thinks they can go ahead and adopt Harry, what do you think?" Minerva asked.

"If the ugly duckling grows up among swans, he may not be attacked because everyone knows he is young, but when he grows up, his neck is not as long as other swans, or he does not meet the expectations of other swans. , is also an injury," Pomona said.

"You're rooting for Albus anyway," Minerva grumbled, about to leave.

"I have a problem right now," Pomona told Minerva about Phoebe's problem. "Should I step in or what?"

"Even children have their own privacy. You didn't care about it before, but now you suddenly care about it..."

"I know, but I don't think it's a good idea to date a pure-blood boy."

"You know by now that Ben Cooper and Barnabi are more interesting friends than Lee," Minerva said. "And besides, the Greengrasses don't have Death Eaters, while Mr. and Mrs. Lee do."

Pomona was silent.

"I didn't interfere with their friendships, so I would advise you not to," Minerva said.

Pomona is persuaded, even though she doesn't want Phoebe to be hurt again.

When Minerva closed the door, she suddenly remembered something and took a book from the shelf.

Gold was rare and Solomon used it to build his temple. But because it was too expensive, people came up with a way to replace it. There is a pigment called orpiment, which was used to decorate Tutankhamun's tomb murals. The ancient Romans also called it auripigmentum, which means gold. Emperor Caligula smelted large quantities of orpiment in an attempt to extract gold from it, but this proved impossible.

Some pigments are ground into powder with rocks, such as the cyanite used to paint the blue coat for the Virgin, and some need to be purchased from alchemists and pharmacists, and sometimes unscrupulous vendors will be encountered. Fades or reacts with other colors and canvases.

Cinnabar red was once expensive, comparable to gold. If the jars storing cinnabar red were not sealed properly, highly toxic mercury vapor would be released, but it was also because of this that Venice obtained the method of making mirrors.

"Is that what you mean by paint, memory, and love that death cannot touch? Albus." Pomona said softly.

It's a pity that all this is just talking to herself.

"Barnaby Lee, Ben Cooper." She muttered as she put the book back on the shelf, as if she should call Liz back.

Just then there was another knock on the door.

"Come in," she said, and the office door was pushed open.

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