Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2921 The Language of Butterflies (11)

Before the advent of the telescope, humans mainly observed the stars with their own eyes. The famous astrologer Tycho Dodonus was also the keenest observer of his time.

One day after sunset, he was about to observe as usual when he noticed a new star, brighter than the others, shining overhead.

Since he already knew the positions of all the stars in the sky clearly, he saw at a glance that this was a star that had never existed before, so he recorded it.

People at that time believed that everything in the heavens remained the same since the creation of the world, and the number of celestial bodies would not increase or decrease, so the appearance of this new star made Tycho Dodonus very happy.

But after Galileo improved the telescope, he first greatly increased the number of stars, because the telescope can help people see farther worlds. Aristotle and Ptolemy presupposed that "eyes can reach the limit of the universe." , that is, the surrounding sky is broken, the boundary of the visible world is no longer the boundary of the real world, and even the visible world has become an island of the real world.

In addition, Galileo also observed the surface of the moon. It is not another earth like Pythagoras thought, nor did he think it was another luminous star. It has mountains and plains like the earth, and the earth is no longer It's the cesspit that collects all the heavy waste in the universe.

According to the layout of the Kabbalah tree of life, the chakra representing the "kingdom" is located in the material world, but it is not the foundation of everything. The foundation of all things is God's creativity, and the earth and man, which are composed of four elements, are located in the kingdom, and they are all created by God.

In the tempera painting located in the Florence Art Museum, the bottom layer is Adam and Eve tempted by Satan, and the top is where the saints are. The material body is easily tempted by the devil. But the earth is not a wonderful star, and people need to find evidence why God created such a huge and wonderful universe with the earth as the center.

In Pomona’s view, apart from the 48 stories, what is expressed in that egg tempera painting is the sublimity of gods and the ignorance and insignificance of human beings. Human beings are as humble and insignificant as bugs in front of a huge god. Copernicus’ theory of celestial motion at least gave mankind back the confidence to grasp the truth. In the era of Copernicus, any book that wanted to be printed and published required the approval of the church. Therefore, he wrote a letter to the Pope , he believed that the earth is not the center of the universe after reading "relevant astronomical works", and used the lunar eclipse records observed in Rome by "star catcher" and "tri-arc instrument" in 1500.

In the time of Copernicus and Galileo there were many con artists, especially related to stained glass, many of which were sold as jewelry. When Galileo saw the hawker, he was bragging about how far he could see through his glass, but no one believed him.

In 1506, the Black Death broke out in Italy again. Coincidentally, there was an abnormal celestial phenomenon of "comet breaking the sky" at that time. In addition, Pope Alexander failed to murder others, but instead drank poisoned wine by mistake. Natural disasters and man-made disasters made people panic, so some missionaries fabricated all kinds of lies, saying that the arrival of the plague was God’s punishment for the world, and that they needed to buy indulgences if they wanted to go to heaven or avoid disasters.

Copernicus and his friends deeply studied the "apparent motion" of planets, and finally found that giving the earth the same motion as planets around the sun is the only way out.

Equipment is necessary to observe the starry sky, and the president of the astronomy club who came to Pomona just now came for this purpose. When I was just in school, the notice required everyone to buy an astronomical telescope. If you just observe the general starry sky, a telescope with a medium and low magnification is enough.

But if you want to see farther, you need a larger telescope, so they proposed to dismantle the planetarium of the astronomical tower and replace it with a high-magnification astronomical telescope.

They didn't worry at all whether the base of the tower could bear the weight of the large astronomical telescope. Pomona had seen a Muggle observatory telescope, and even if the astronomical tower was dismantled, it would not be enough to install it.

What's more, compared to Tianwen, the potion competition is more imminent. The last time the potion competition was due to the war, Britain did not participate. This is the first time it has reappeared in an international competition after the war.

"You really think that?" Albus Dumbledore's blue eyes looked at her through half-moon spectacles.

"Of course." Pomona said with a smile without blinking, "What's more, Muggles are planning to launch telescopes into space. If they really want to observe, they can borrow Muggles' equipment."

Albus was lost in thought.

"And the new Muggle Studies teacher," said Pomona. "If he could teach the studies..."

"Nothing to do with Severus?" Albus asked.

"Why do you think that?" Pomona asked with a smile.

He didn't speak, and turned the ring on his finger.

"I sent Elena Aiken to him to make up lessons, and I still hope she can become Hufflepuff's student." Pomona said, "But I think the Sorting Hat is too stubborn and doesn't listen to other people's opinions at all. .”

"I didn't sort him into Ravenclaw because of his talent." The sorting hat said on the bookshelf.

"Isn't it 'wisdom' to be in Ravenclaw?" Pomona teased it.

"Other colleges also have people with great intelligence, but the key is that there are like-minded people gathered there." The Sorting Hat said, "Even if they are different from ordinary people, Irene Aiken just wants to be a happy girl."

Pomona was silent.

"You love your House," said Albus in a hoarse voice. "Is it this love that has cost you justice?"

"I still want to be fair, but you have to see the injustice we've been treated, Albus," said Pomona.

"Did he influence you?" Albus asked.


Albus fell silent.

"I don't think he has that much power," said Pomona coldly.

"Looks like you and I both know who we're talking about." Albus said quietly. "Did he do anything to you?"

"No!" Pomona denied it.

"And what about you to him?" Albus asked.

"What?" Pomona asked, raising her voice.

"You must really want to ask, why I don't let you use Disguise, but use Compound Potion." Albus said softly, "Only in this way can you completely become a human being."

Pomona was silent.

"You will release your charm inadvertently. I know it's not your intention, but the nature of your race." Albus said, "Come on, dance with me."

She didn't know how this fast-forwarded here, but she got up anyway and danced with Albus Dumbledore in the Headmaster's office.

She wasn't proficient at first, but fortunately she learned quickly and was able to follow in Albus's footsteps in no time.

"In human social activities, there are many places where dancing is needed." Albus said, "just like animals dance, mainly for courtship."

"Dancing isn't exactly for that purpose, who told you that?"

"A very old friend," said Albus, taking Pomona's hand and making her go around in a circle. "He was so worried about the survival of wizards that he even suggested that marrying Muggles to witches would reduce the number of wizards."

"Wizards can't marry Muggles yet," said Pomona. "I remember Lupine's parents being like that."

"I think this is because it is difficult for them to find a comparable opponent, and the charm produced by wisdom and talent sometimes exceeds that produced by the body." Albus said.

She looked at him strangely.

"Even at my age, it's still hard to find someone who fully understands me." Albus said wistfully, "You see, your charm doesn't do me any favors."

"Maybe it's you because you're old," Pomona said grimly.

Albus smiled and seemed indifferent, "Severus is a young man, he told me he loved Lily, and he was willing to work for me to protect her. Have you read Homer?"

Pomona shook his head.

"Although Odysseus was happy on the island of Calypso, daughter of Atlas, he still wanted to return to his human wife, you should read that book," said Albus.

"What if I don't want to watch the Odyssey?" Pomona asked.

"Why?" Albus asked.

Because Odysseus does not know good from bad!

On the way back, she thought so angrily that Calypso was so kind to him, why did he still think about his old human wife.

But as she walked down the stairs, she gradually calmed down. If it weren't for the Hydra, Hercules would be just a prince sleeping soundly in luxury.

Had Odysseus not gone back to find his human wife, there would have been no subsequent adventures.

The Odyssey is an epic different from the Iliad, an epic about "going home".

Pomona paused to look at the book Albus had lent her.

The prodigal son who turned back had to go through a lot of things to return to his old father penniless. Will he change during the journey?

Pomona raised her head and looked towards the corridor illuminated by the brazier. She faintly saw two students walking towards her.

She looked at her pocket watch, it was already past nine o'clock, why didn't the two juniors go back to the lounge?

She just wanted to warn them, but when they got closer, she couldn't make a sound.

One wore red Gryffindor robes, the other green Slytherin robes, and one had thick red hair and the other greasy black hair.

They were holding books in their hands, which was the usual state of Severus and Lily when they appeared at school, and Lily hadn't read much since they were together with James.

In fact, looking at it from another angle, Lily doesn't care what people around her think of her, she believes that Sif is a friend.

And Ben Cooper and Barnaby Lee, so what if Barnaby is the son of a Death Eater, Cooper still thinks Barnaby is a friend.

There are many dark wizards in the Black family, and James and Sirius are still "like-smelling".

"What are you in a daze for?"

A man with a deep voice said that he had many similarities with little Severus, but he didn't wear Slytherin school robes, and he didn't have the sense of loneliness that was revealed by being ridiculed and excluded, and he looked tall and majestic.

"You think Sirius betrayed James?" Pomona asked.

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a creaking sound, and a mouse ran away along the corridor behind Severus.

"Of course." Severus said coldly, "Connelly Fudge's testimony."

"It can't be because..."

"What's in your hand?" He asked looking at the book in her hand.

"The book that Albus lent me." Pomona said, holding it up. "An epic poem written by an ancient Roman."

"Not poetry?" He smiled tartly. "How did the great White Wizard become a poet?"

She looked at him and remembered another poem.

I went to the garden of love,

Saw things I've never seen before:

in the meadow where I used to play,

There is a chapel built in the center.

The doors of this chapel are shut,

It says on the door that you are not allowed to do anything;

So I turned to the garden of love,

There are many lovely flowers blooming there.

I saw there were graves,

Tombstones replaced the original flowers,

The priest in the black robe is still pacing up and down,

Bound my desires and pleasures with thorns.

"Continue to patrol, oh, I forgot to tell you something, Harry will continue to stay in the Muggle world and will not be coming back for a while." She said relaxedly, ready to walk away.

He grabbed her arm.

"What's going on?" He said without sadness or joy.

"Not necessarily going out together, just dating. I also thought that Barnaby and Liz were a couple, but they turned out to be just friends." Pomona said calmly, "I don't intend to interfere with Phoebe and Gareth's affairs, you Woolen cloth?"

He stared at her.

"I misunderstood a lot of things, and I won't in the future." She said softly, and took her hand back. "Good night."

She took the book and walked down the steps.

"Do you know what I saw in the Mirror of Erised?" He said suddenly, "I saw a rose tree with many thorns, but it was the most beautiful rose I have ever seen."

"Thank you for sharing," Pomona said.

"Are you seeing bubble pods in the mirror?" he asked.

Pomona didn't answer him, but went back to the cellar and closed the door, this time using restraint.

Although she didn't know why she had such strange thoughts, and even though she knew that some freshmen might not be able to sleep in the middle of the night, she felt that her own safety had to be paid attention to, because she didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night and find a dagger stuck in her heart.

After finishing all this, she went to wash up, read a book for a while, and went to bed. This time she didn't feel sorry for herself in front of the mirror.

It wasn't until she lay down that she realized that the candle on the dressing table hadn't been blown out. Looking at the candle in the mirror and the candle outside, they looked exactly the same. But the candle in the mirror is fake, it doesn't really shine, it's not a real light source.

She blew on it to extinguish the flames, then closed her eyes with her back to it.

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