Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 315 Vulcan Clears the Way

The Malfoy family used to be French. Like the ancestors of most British aristocratic families, the wizard Armand Malfoy, as a member of the Norman invading army, came to Great Britain with William the Great and captured a large piece of fine land from the aborigines. in Wiltshire, where his descendants lived for the next ten centuries.

Many people have a wrong understanding of the Malfoy family. They despise Muggleborns and break away from Muggle society, which is not the case. The clothes of the Malfoy family are even closer to the Muggles than the pro-Muggle Weasleys, and they are the upper class of the Muggle world, especially Mrs. Malfoy, and Molly still wears wizard robes.

They kept a clear line between the poor Muggles and the rich and powerful, and they didn't mind dabbling in Muggle currency and assets as long as it was profitable.

Before the enactment of the Secrecy Act in 1692, the Malfoy family was active in the Muggle upper class. Old Lucius Malfoy was an unsuccessful suitor of Queen Elizabeth. The purpose of doing knowledge because opposition and resistance to secrecy laws will distance them from the Ministry of Magic, the new power center.

They hold a disdainful attitude towards Muggles who cannot bring them jewels and power and most wizards of the same kind. The Malfoy family try to avoid the danger of intermarriage with a few pure-blood families, and avoid the same decline and turmoil as the European royal family married to Queen Victoria. In fact, there are many half-blood wizards on the Malfoy family tree, and they are not always pure like the Black family.

People in the Malfoy family like to use money to coerce others to do things they don't want to do. For example, the female boss of the Three Broomsticks, she was forced to obey Master Malfoy's money threats and obey his orders. curse.

After the end of the First Wizarding War, Lucius Malfoy escaped prison by claiming that he had been under the Imperius Curse during the Great Trial.

After the end of the Second Wizarding War, in addition to the help of Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, like Karkaroff, not only showed evidence that he was against the Death Eaters, but also helped capture many escaped A follower of Voldemort, he still lives on his ancestral property in Wiltshire.

It was a beautiful and fertile land, reminiscent of the countryside described by Jane Austen, full of sunshine, muddy paths, herds of cattle and sheep, and a garden full of roses in Malfoy Manor , such an environment is completely different from the dirty and chaotic spider's end alley.

For the sake of her son, Narcissa Malfoy mustered up the courage to come to the slum that a high-class person like her would never set foot in. She was really cornered as she said, and she had no other choice but to ask the only reliable person she could think of, and she was satisfied after Severus agreed to help, and it was Bellatri He only agreed to make the unbreakable oath when he was provoked by Max.

There was a not-so-famous secret dueling club in the 18th century, they called themselves the Silver Spears, and it was said that only wizards and witches with aspen wands were allowed to join.

Aspen wood is prized by all wandmakers for its stylish appearance like ivory and its ability to perform excellent spells. Suitable aspen wands are usually skilled or destined duelists, as aspen wands are especially suited to the use of combat magic.

Lucius Malfoy's original wand was aspen wood, but he painted it a black varnish and hid it in a silver snake headed wand. After being rescued from Azkaban, Voldemort thought he no longer needed the wand, so he took his wand away and went to deal with Harry Potter. Its performance was so bad that it blew up. Just like its owner, it has little endurance in the face of pressure.

This was not the case with Lucius Malfoy in the early years. He was a prefect of Slytherin and a member of the Silver Spear Dueling Club. He brought Severus into the club to "play" together.

During the first war, neither Severus nor Lucius participated in those murders and disappearances. Lucius was for power and jewels, and Severus was for learning knowledge. Voldemort's loyal women are different. They have a rational existence, and they work with Voldemort for profit. When they found that the Dark Lord was going crazy, they started to find their own way. Lucius took advantage of his influence on the top of the Ministry of Magic. , Severus took refuge in the White Wizard, after all, he was a poor boy with nothing.

He has no way to prove his innocence after killing Dumbledore, how can he prove that the old fool begged him to kill him? Only he and Dumbledore were there at the time, unless Dumbledore told others about the plan to prove that what he said was true.

But Dumbledore told no one, including Minerva McGonagall, no one could prove his identity as an undercover agent.

Dumbledore will ignore those who have lost their value. Pomona did not believe that the White Wizard was such a person before, but Sirius Black waited in Azkaban for twelve years, and Albus Dumbledore did not care about it at all. Without saving him, Sirius decided to escape from prison in desperation and prove his innocence for himself, otherwise he would be imprisoned for life in Azkaban and pay the price for his betrayal of James Potter and Lily.

Severus should have informed the White Wizard before the Death Eaters acted, otherwise Hagrid wouldn't have suddenly run into Godric's Hollow. James and Lily usually wear invisibility cloaks in this hermitage, Hagrid is too eye-catching Yes, and it was only on Halloween that it seemed less conspicuous, but when he arrived, the villa had been reduced to ruins. At that time, he met Sirius Black, and then he believed that Sirius betrayed Potter One family, Hagrid is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix, and almost everyone accepted his point that Sirius betrayed Potter, because Sirius is a Black, and his ancestors have been Slytherins for generations, so he is very suitable to be a double. Face spy, working for Voldemort.

The case of Marlene McKinn's farm family was turned up again. An accomplice, Trevor, was not enough to extinguish Arthur Weasley's anger for Molly's revenge. He wanted to find the mastermind.

After that photo was taken, members of the Order of the Phoenix were chased and killed by Death Eaters one by one, and suffered heavy losses. This is why Sirius was suspected of being a double agent and no one refuted him. When the hole card was revealed, Sirius made a wrong bet. Voldemort Lost to Harry Potter, the loser loses everything, starting with freedom.

Except for the old house of the Black family, everything in the Black family's manor, estate, and family treasury was emptied, and the prominent Black family fell into a slump. It used to be that the Malfoy family climbed up to the Black family. During the First War, Voldemort used his influence to achieve the marriage of Narcissa and Lucius, and satisfied a little request from his servant. The down-and-out Black family made Narcissus There was no place for Sha to go back to. Even if Lucius cheated because he couldn't bear the pressure, Narcissa would have nothing to do with her rich husband.

In terms of physical features, Malfoy is very Anglo-Saxon, while Weasley is a typical Celtic feature, and they have red hair kissed by flames. It’s just that William I entrusted the land to the Normans in the Doomsday Judgment, suppressed the Anglo-Saxon nobles, and forcibly ordered the fealty of the lord. The Malfoy family, which looks a lot like the Anglo-Saxons, is actually the Normans, that is, the descendants of the Vikings. , who can connect the slender, aristocratic Draco Malfoy with the strong and burly Vikings with horned helmets?

Since the first day of school, Draco has been saying that he wants to study in Durmstrang, which is in Scandinavia. When watching a movie, Severus immediately heard that the two were playing cards with Jack. It is Norwegians who gamble on boat tickets.

Malfoy, who looks like a pure blood, is actually not pure blood. Some people describe the Malfoy family like this. Although their fingerprints have been all over the wand of crime, you will never find a member of the Malfoy family at the crime scene. How can someone who can become friends with this family be a good person?

The music from the wedding scene continued, but she could imagine the guests must be looking for where the bride and groom were because they had been gone for so long.

She hated to beat the bad guy who was doing bad things to her. In her bedroom, he could do whatever he wanted wantonly and to his heart's content. Nothing could match this kind of relaxation.

He likes every rhythm she trembles with his body, just like the extremely coordinated notes of the trembling strings of a harp, they are very in tune. This perfect combination is like twins, which makes them different from others. close connection.

Before, she didn't have any jewelry on her body, and her body was covered with mud. Now she has a black swan crystal necklace, an ivy emerald bracelet, and a Slytherin-style ring that can summon leprechauns.

He and Dumbledore treat the "treasure" differently.

Women are easily deceived by material things. Queen Mary of Louis XVI lived a very luxurious life, only interested in balls, fashion and having fun every day, and decorating the garden. Everything she had once been obsessed with disappeared after the French Revolution.

When the minister told Mary that the French people couldn't even afford bread, Mary smiled innocently and sweetly, "Then why don't they eat cake?"

There is also an emperor in China. When the ministers said that the common people couldn't afford to eat, why didn't they eat minced meat?

When Mary was pushed to the guillotine, she stepped on the executioner's foot, and she was polite enough to say "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

It's a pity that an apology was useless at that time, some mistakes can't be made once.

Grindelwald is urging wizards not to hide their nature, and to release themselves as much as they want. Black wizards are in this style.

Leta Lestrange was a social scandal, she was ostracized by the whole wizarding world because her father used the Imperius Curse on another wizard's wife, it didn't start with Avada Kedavra and Cruciatus The same as the Unforgivable Curse, it is the Ministry of Magic that classifies it as an Unforgivable Curse, and it is unforgivable.

There are always some desires in this world that cannot be pursued, no matter how much they desire, such as immortality, and other powers that humans should not master.

Violating these restricted areas is an unforgivable felony, and God will send down punishment to punish human beings who have made mistakes.

Severus nearly died once, came back to life, and erred again, this time the gods directly punished the creature who had offended him.

Although born in the name of love, but born of sin, Helen, hatched from Leda's golden egg, disappeared after the Trojan War, but Pomona returned after the Battle of Hogwarts.

How much human men like Veela, how much human women hate this species, Salazar Slytherin is such a smart person, he knew a thousand years ago that Veela cannot be allowed to enter the school, they are just like trolls and eight-eyed spiders It's just as dangerous, but later generations don't know that a mixed-race Veela from France can drive the boys in the school crazy.

When the pure is no longer pure, burn it up with flames.

"Partis Temporus."

This spell is the fire magic that Dumbledore is best at, but why use temporary separation?

She was very confused, maybe Grindelwald would know, because he is very good at fire black magic, and the person who knows a person best is not his friend, but his enemy.

The two of them fooled around together and ruined Dumbledore's plan, and maybe that Fleur wasn't a gift from heaven to bless them.

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