Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 316 Three-legged Stool


Before the troll beat Barnabas' tapestry, Pomona stopped Platinum Malfoy.

The handsome Malfoy and his son are conspicuous wherever they go. Before the second defeat, many women were eager to replace Narcissa, but not necessarily after the second defeat. At this time, there was no one in the empty corridor, and he turned his head slowly, looking at her with cold gray-blue eyes, and his slender son was much stronger than him, and he really looked like a Viking.

"What are you doing here so late?"

"I thought you guys were enjoying your wedding night early, Pomona." Lucius smirked. "Where's Severus?"

"Rest." She took out her wand. "It's not easy to get here from those moving stairs, Mr. Rector, when did you become so familiar with Gryffindor Tower?"

"What a coincidence. When Dean Hufflepuff became so familiar with the Gryffindor Tower, I remember that you have always been neutral in the rumors, and you only paid special attention to Neville Longbottom's herbal talent."

Pomona looked at the jester behind the throne, she wondered how many secrets he knew.

To really climb to the top of the pyramid is not only courage, diligence and intelligence, but also calmness and shrewdness like a snake. Looking at such a shrewd albino snake, Pomona was really worried that Severus would be used as a tool by Lucius.

"I've never liked Dumbledore." The two confronted for a long time without speaking, and Lucius spoke first, "I'm sure you don't know why we know that there is a disappearing cabinet in the Room of Requirement, right?"

"Are you going to make me miserable even on my wedding night? Malfoy!"

"Normal women should be sleeping happily in the arms of the head of Slytherin at this time, instead of standing here with a wand and blowing cold wind." Lucius said with a cold face, "If it weren't for Fleur, I would have died." Forgot what a normal woman is like, you are a cold-blooded witch, Pomona, I don't know why so many people say you are kind?"

She raised her wand up.

"Are you going to let the Death Eaters in again?"

"What good does that do me?"

"Then what are you doing here?"

"To take back something that didn't belong to Hogwarts."

"The Room of Requirement has burned down and there is nothing left in it."

"If you want my information, you want to exchange something. Do you agree with my terms?"

"Deal." Pomona agreed without much thought. "What do you want to know?"

"He loves you, and you are indeed worth his risk. Lily Potter is a woman of the Order of the Phoenix, are you too?"

"No." She said coldly, "In our era, if anyone had a child with a magical creature, he would definitely wish to lock him up and never let others see him. How could he be as ostentatious as he is now? I was just in Hogg Woz asked for asylum, as did Felix."

"You're not being honest at all, Pomona..."

"Why do you even compare me to her!" She said full of resentment, "She is a woman of the Order of the Phoenix, so I must be one too? Many faculty and staff in this school have not joined the Order of the Phoenix."

Lucius didn't know what he was thinking, maybe he wanted to pretend to be as unfathomable as Severus, but she only felt that he was pretending to be deep, he was still a gorgeous peacock.

"Sprout is your real name?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Mudbloods and ordinary civilians can't have your temperament. Hibiscus is very beautiful, but she is a flower of the court. You are a certain kind of flower that blooms on the snow-capped mountains. You have to risk your life and challenge the limits of people to pick it. Everyone Whoever gets you is a well-deserved warrior, and Severus is the bravest man I've ever met, and he certainly deserves the highest reward."

"Dumbledore hasn't told me much about my past." She weighed her words. "Sprout is my nanny's last name."

"What's her name?"


"The same name as a cat?" Lucius showed an expression of disbelief.

"She used to take care of me, it's time for me to take care of her. After I went to study, her Animagus failed."

"No, you lied to me." Lucius shook his head, "Mrs. Loris is a cat."

"She killed herself, and she knew she couldn't change back." Pomona sighed, as if she really should go back and continue to lie with her "lovely" husband. "There is no successful case except Hermione."

"You haven't provided any useful information, Pomona, and it's such a boring chat."

"I'm not as great as Lily, am I? I'm too ordinary to have such an elaborate story!" she said sharply. "She protected the Savior and made Harry the first person to take the Death Curse away." , the two of them grew up together, and they were first love, and both were human beings, she also had a talent for potions, and she shared a common language with Severus, he discovered peppermint when he was still studying, maybe it was when they were on an adventure together I found out that there is nothing I can compare to her except for being beautiful, what should I do if he gets tired of me and wants to abandon me? "

Pomona became more and more sad as she talked, and finally started to cry, "I can use the status of Dean Hufflepuff. This is what you want, isn't it?"

Malfoy was stunned.

"You don't think you're good enough for Severus?" he yelled in disbelief.

"He's brilliant, isn't he?"

"Oh, what the hell, what's wrong with this world? Shouldn't being beautiful be something to be proud of?" Lucius waved his hands, "I've always had better sex with women than him!"

"He is definitely no worse than you now!"

"He is about to become a saint like Rasputin, and there are still many women mourning at his tomb!"

"You went to mourn him?"

"No, I want to dig the grave and see who is buried inside?" Lucius realized that he had slipped his mouth, and quickly shut up.

"What do you know?" Pomona asked alertly. "You know that he is not buried in the cemetery?"

"The kindness of a drop of water is reciprocated by the spring, and I owe him a lot." Lucius said after a moment of silence, "He helped me and took care of my son. When the Dark Lord asked me to find him to go to the dock, I I told him to be careful of Nagini, and then I was waiting outside and saw Harry Potter and the others enter the dock, and then there was a light from inside, and he staggered out after a while!"

"What?" Pomona exclaimed.

"He went back to the castle while no one was around. I saw that he was fine, so he went to the Forbidden Forest to find Draco. Where are everyone? I didn't know he was not in the Forbidden Forest until I met Sissy. According to the news of the fire, Crabbe died in the fire, I don’t know if he is still alive.” Old Malfoy leaned against the wall with a tired face and said, “I didn’t know that Severus was dead until the death list came out, But how is that possible, unless I see a ghost."

"The ghost is pearly white, he's black." Pomona gritted her teeth, and for the past six years she had obeyed him in order to make up for what she owed him, oh hell, he already knew he wasn't resurrected by the resurrection stone !

He pretended to be dead, and it was very easy to deceive Harry Potter with deception. He had the same eyes as Lily, but he didn't have the eyes of the Malfoy family cat or raccoon. Hit him in the vitals, but so much blood must have flowed, his robe was soaked with blood at the time.

"What did you come here to take back?"

"That's another question, what do you exchange for?"

"Information about your son." Pomona said after a moment of silence, "I'm sure you'd like to know."

Lucius raised his chin proudly, looking at people with his nostrils, "I said it first, it's your turn to say it first."

"Astonia has a blood curse, and she may die if she gives birth to a child." Pomona said blankly, and Lucius was indifferent, as if the girl was his son's beloved woman and he didn't care at all.

"As long as she can give birth to healthy heirs, I don't care what kind of person she is." Lucius smirked and said, "Every family has one or two enemies who will curse each other's offspring, but the ones who are really good at cursing are Blacks, I heard that Drake nearly cursed a Mudblood in sixth grade, right?"

"Katie Bell." Pomona shook her head. "She's a member of DA. She learned some things, but she didn't learn not to mess with things of unknown origin."

"It's a very beautiful necklace, and any woman will be tempted." Lucius looked at Pomona's neck, "Your necklace is too ordinary."

"What did you come here to take back?"

"Time-Turner, my friends at the Ministry of Magic asked me to help, and all but this one at Hogwarts have been destroyed."

"How do you know it's in the Room of Requirement?"

"This goes back to our original question, how did we know there was a disappearing cabinet in the Room of Requirement." Lucius smirked and said, "Dumbledore made a wrong turn when he mentioned to Karkaroff that there was a toilet Bend, entered this room, there are all kinds of exquisite and luxurious potties in it, although he is the principal, there are many secrets in this castle that he doesn't know, that's why he needs you two to go out to socialize, he defeated the two He is a Dark Lord, but the pure-blood family doesn't like him at all, only pure-blood traitors regard him as a leader, as long as it can ruin his reputation, the book full of rumors written by Lita Key is also supported by publication."

"What about the book by Severus? Saint or villain?"

"How do I know this? Maybe it's his secret supporter, and he is indeed very attractive, so you are attracted to him? You are a beautiful, smart, rich, well-born and popular woman, why do you think you are not worthy That vitriolic, ugly villain?"

Pomona was struck by lightning again.

That's right, why didn't she think of it before?

"Stupid Hufflepuff." Lucius Malfoy shook his head. "You've been scammed to pieces, idiot."

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