Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3240 Golden Legend (9)

St. Augustine said: My eyes like to see beautiful images and bright colors. Every day as long as I am awake, they challenge me and prevent me from having a moment of peace. They are not like the pleasant sounds that sometimes come into my ears in the silence of the world. , so that I can enjoy a moment of tranquility.

Georgiana straightened up.

Paris is much lower than Scotland, and the months are much warmer, so it's time to weed the botanical gardens.

This used to be the Royal Herbal Garden, and she found many useful plants here, such as the butterfly pea flower in her palm at the moment.

In fact, its contraceptive effect is not very good, not to mention that the principle of pregnancy in this world is different from that in the real world, and she has no physical body here.

But she still wanted to give it one last try.

She clenched her fists, as if trying to hide them, and heard shouts in the distance.

"I'll go over first," Georgiana said to the gardener.

"Go ahead, madam," said the gardener of the Botanical Garden.

Then Georgiana walked towards Bertin and "Toad".

She remembered that this short and ugly nobleman was a traveler, but why did he and Bertin come to her?

"Madam, look." Bertin opened the bundle in his arms, revealing the fabric inside.

It was a piece of velvet, changing red and gold in the sunlight.

"I just got this. I'll make you some clothes." Bertin said.

Georgiana had an idea to make this piece of cloth into a vest, and let Bonaparte wear it under a black coat. Unintentionally revealing the gold underneath, it would be very conspicuous.

"Put it back into my house," Georgiana said to Bertin, and then looked at the "toad."

"What do you want? Marquis of Lorbon."

"I heard that you wanted to go to Siberia," said the Marquis. "Can I know why?"

She looked at the little marquis.

In fact, Livi is quite short.

"Because I'm going to investigate," Georgiana answered.

"Investigating what?"

"Well..." She didn't know how to describe it.

"Is it related to this?" Marquis Lorbon took out a strange-shaped object from his coat pocket.

It looks like a flute and an eagle's skull.

"What is this?" asked Georgiana.

"The bone flute used by the Evenk people for hunting." Marquis Lorbon said, "It is also sometimes used as a tool for religious ceremonies."

"Evenk?" asked Georgiana.

"They are a nation that lives in the Siberian forest... and are relatively easy to deal with." Marquis Lorbon said with a grin, making his ugly face even more ugly.

"Oh, you've been to Siberia," Georgiana said dryly.

Then the Marquis of Lorbon introduced the Evenk man to Georgiana.

This is a primitive clan that worships shaman civilization, lives a hunting life, and lives in search of water and grass. However, they do not raise sheep, but reindeer.

Every time they migrate, they bring a tent with them, and a large pillar, which is the pillar of their tent and the totem for their worship and sacrifice. According to the Evenk people's point of view, this pillar is the World Tree, where the souls of relatives live. .

In their mythology, there are three realms: heaven, earth, and man. Shamans are chosen ones who can communicate with spirits and place their own animal spirits in trees.

"What?" Georgiana asked in disbelief.

"They believe that God is half animal and half human. In short, they believe that there is a kind of cosmic hunter called 'Mangei'. He is the opposite of the shaman's god, a big demon, a big monster, etc." Marquis Luolban said " The god of fire will drive it away, or the god of the lower world will come to the middle world, and the god of fire will be needed to drive it back.”

Georgiana might not have understood what the Marquis of Lorbon meant before, but now she probably understands.

It's not some transformation that makes the ancient trees in the Siberian forest break through the frozen soil and move, but these ancient animal spirits are attached to the trees. They think they are still animals, so they "raise their legs".

It must be painful for animal spirits to live in plants, because they are the trunks of plants rather than flesh and blood. If black magic is added to the blessing, or someone blows the "sacred tool" given to Georgiana by the Marquis of Lorbon, the consequences will be unimaginable. Yes.

The flute is made from the leg bones of reindeer, which were also sacrificed by the shamans before they fell.

The shamans stored the animal part of themselves in the trees and used the human part to complete the "resurrection" ceremony. Just like Odysseus would become angry when he saw the Cyclops eating his companions, and humans in the Golden Age did not know death. The pain, and this is the "ordination ceremony" that every new divinely chosen shaman must go through.

After the Marquis of Lorbon had finished telling his "story" and the gardeners had finished their work, Georgiana picked up the bone flute and blew it gently.

The sound was not as sweet as a flute, nor had any pitch. It sounded very uncomfortable, as if there was a newbie playing the violin next door, and what he was playing was not music at all, but noise.

Just as Georgiana was about to put down the bone flute, a clover moved.

It was not moved by the wind, because there was no wind around, and then the clover "came alive", and the grass roots left the ground and ran like a mouse.

But it didn't run far before it turned into an ordinary clover again, as if its soul had left.

"Merlin." Georgiana looked at the bone flute in her hand in surprise.

"I don't like this thing." Marquis Lorbon frowned in disgust, "Although nothing happened when I blew it."

Of course, because you're a Muggle.

Georgiana thought to herself.

But holding the bone flute made Georgiana feel very uncomfortable, so she took off her apron and wrapped the bone flute with it.

"Oh no, something was summoned, it seems to be their falcon." Lorbon said.

"You're lucky to be back with all your arms and legs," Georgiana sarcastically said.

Lorban laughed.

Then Georgiana remembered the panorama that Lorbon had donated to the Louvre, and asked about the painter.

Painters are always looking for patrons. Robert Buck is an Englishman, but like many young painters, he came to Paris to make a living.

The figure paintings he painted, whether oil paintings or gouache paintings, had no "aura", so he simply switched to landscape painting. He didn't want to paint ordinary scenery, so he came up with this kind of 360-degree panoramic painting.

But he had just finished two paintings, and when he was painting the one on display in the Hall of Flowers, the Revolution broke out, and he had to take the unfinished paintings to London, and then finish the remaining parts from memory.

Everything in this painting is prosperous and peaceful. No one is walking down the street with a long thatch. He was frightened anyway, even though no one in London appreciated his work and was unwilling to return to France.

Georgiana planned to sponsor him and let him travel around the world to paint such panoramas. She remembered seeing the work of a visionary who designed a spherical space decorated with starry sky patterns.

For people who don't like astronomy, those stars are just dots. However, this kind of panorama is much more intuitive. Being in it feels like being there, and you can travel around the world without leaving Montmartre.

She wanted to build a "Sun City" there, and the name of that amusement park suddenly popped into her mind.

Even if she were unlucky and the building was unpopular, she could go there often herself, taking Bonaparte with her, of course.

When his curiosity is satisfied, it is like taking off his clothes and seeing the real body, which destroys the pleasure brought by the illusion.

"Do you still want to go to Siberia?" Marquis Lorbon asked.

Georgiana shook her head.

"Then can I go to Italy with you?" asked the Marquis of Lorbon.

"I heard that you have been to the whole Mediterranean," said Georgiana.

"Yes, except for Corsica, I want to see it this time." Lorbon said.

Georgiana looked at him expressionlessly.

"We set off from Marseille, took a boat to Corsica and then landed in Pisa." Lorbon said.

"Have you planned your route?" Georgiana asked.

"If you and Princess Paulina don't change it halfway," Lorbon said.

Georgiana really had nothing to say. Polina might as well go back to her hometown, but what was the point of her going?

She cursed in her heart, but felt more and more reluctant to leave.

After a woman gives birth to a child, it is like being showered with root-fixing water. It will rarely "germinate" elsewhere.

Unless she planned to abandon him like Hagrid's mother.

The butterfly pea flower in her hand may have fallen to the ground, but she still remembered the boy who put the peppermint in her hand.

It was as if he had become part of her life.

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