Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3241 The Responsibilities of Ministers (Part 1)

Hathor once told Georgiana that Homo is a human being in a biological sense, or has "flesh and blood."

In the past, Georgiana didn't know why the French Ministry of Magic chose Saint-Germain-des-Prés, but now she remembered that there was Delacroix's former residence in that ordinary-looking living area, and he had a name in the Louvre. For The Raft of the Medusa, the ship is filled with “flesh and blood.”

This work was completed in 1819 and tells the story of 1816. A French warship was in trouble on the west coast of Africa, but the noble officers on board abandoned the crew.

After Napoleon was imprisoned in Elba, he ran back to France. Louis XVIII sent troops to intercept him. As a result, the soldiers all turned against him and the "Corsican monster" returned to Paris.

British "maritime practice", when sailors are forced to eat their own kind, similar to what happened in Queen v. Dudley and Stephens, cannibalism in order to survive was considered acceptable by the people at the time. and forgiven.

So the crew on the Raft of the Medusa also followed "sea customs"? Or would they rather starve to death than eat people to survive?

They put the corpses on the raft, which would stink after a long time, but they still had to take the corpses of their companions back and bury them, just like the Greeks asked generals who had won the battle to do?

The Venetians put St. Mark's body in pork, and the Ottoman navy who boarded the ship to inspect it did not touch the "unclean" food out of faith.

For people in the 20th century, there was no such thing as fasting, so much so that after doing so much research on Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper," they ignored the plate of eels on the table, which became a "blind spot." .

The Spaniards discovered upland cotton in the 16th century and brought the seeds back to Europe, but Americans only started planting it on the mainland after seeing island cotton planted in Santo Domingo. They never thought that there was upland cotton. thing.

Sea-island cotton and upland cotton have different water requirements. Compared with sea-island cotton, upland cotton has shorter fiber lengths, and the fibers are more tightly wrapped with cotton seeds, making it difficult to remove them with existing gins.

Originally, slavery in the Americas was in decline. No matter how cheap slave labor was, it could not match the speed of machines.

However, with the emergence of the cotton gin, it has revived. If upland cotton is to be cultivated, only under the stimulation of high prices and high demand will someone grow it and improve the cotton gin.

If an average man met a woman like Georgiana, he would have moved on to another target.

But Bonaparte was a man of firm will and would not give up until he achieved his goal. Anyway, his willpower infected Georgiana.

Thinking about it conversely, people in the 20th century were accustomed to wearing blended fabrics and thought pure cotton clothes were expensive. However, in the 19th century, pure cotton was the cheapest.

When making clothes, Georgiana asked Bertin to go to the bandage factory. Bertin probably wouldn't have looked at those cheap fabrics in the past, but Georgiana hoped that she could design a fashion that could be worn by ordinary people.

After Bertin left, Georgiana continued to study the Metatron Cube in the hut.

"Night Witch" Lilith threw Jehovah's creations into the sea of ​​blood to become "materials" and created through the sea of ​​blood. This is an intolerable blasphemy to Jehovah's creations. So what is the purpose of Jehovah's creation of the world? Woolen cloth?

She was thinking about this problem when Leila came to announce that a new guest had arrived.

This time it was Ser Merry, and his expression was more serious than last time.

"Would you like tea or coffee?" Georgiana asked with a smile.

"Why didn't you say hello first?" Sir Merry scolded.

She didn't expect Bonaparte to be hurt, let alone that she would care so much.

"Wait a minute." Georgiana said, then went upstairs and took down the map she had prepared.

She figured Ser Merry would stand out with such a big map out there...but who cared.

When she came downstairs, Ser Merry was drinking tea. He was a little surprised that she had a map in her hand.

"This map is the same as the one I gave Napoleon." Georgiana closed the door to the living room. "Don't ask me how you're going to get it out."

After Sir Merry got the map, he immediately unfolded it and then put on his single-sided glasses.

"No, not quite," said Ser Merry, looking at the picture.

"No, it must be the same." Georgiana said, "I copied it with a copying spell."

Ser Merry was too focused on the map to care what she said.

She was drinking tea alone and sulking.

"There is no mark on your map which places belong to Spain." Sir Merry said after a while, and then pointed to a place, "Here."

Georgiana was not familiar with the geography of the United States and could not clearly distinguish each state, but she knew the places Sir Merry pointed to.

"Florida?" Georgiana asked.

“In 1795, Spain and the United States signed the Treaty of San Lorenzo, which ended the border dispute with the 31st parallel north.” Sir Merry said expressionlessly, “But American immigrants continued to pour into Florida to settle. "

Georgiana knew that the Americans would annex Florida sooner or later, but she couldn't figure out why it was marked on the Cotton Belt map.

Ser Merry turned his attention to Georgiana.

"I heard that you are going to Italy recently," Sir Merry said.

"Relax with Paulina," said Georgiana.

Ser Merry considered this.

"Generally speaking, British ministers are responsible to Parliament." Sir Merry said slowly, "In other words, if ministers cannot gain the trust of the House of Commons, they will lose the responsibility of their positions, but strictly speaking, every Every minister must be legally responsible for every king's actions in which he participates."

"What are you talking about?" Georgiana asked inexplicably.

"The king's will is generally expressed in three ways, one is an order of the Privy Council, the other is an order, letter of appointment or authorization signed by the king, and the third is a proclamation and other official documents stamped with the national seal." Sir Merry continued, "For For documents stamped with the national seal, the lord of the seal is responsible, and there may even be other people who are as responsible as the lord of the seal for the act of sealing. The result is that any act of the king, as long as it produces some legal effect, At least one minister must be involved and responsible for it.”

Ser Merry and Georgiana looked at each other.

"It's not just the soldiers who can't plead immunity on the grounds of obeying orders. Georgiana and ministers are also the same. They can't plead immunity on the grounds of obeying the king's orders. Assuming that the king's behavior is illegal, ministers can advise before sealing it, and Once sealed, ministers involved could be prosecuted or impeached, and France's high courts registered the king's order, which they called a 'sacred principle.'"

"It seems that Fouche is right. There is no secret in Europe that lasts longer than 40 days." Georgiana curled her lips and said.

"Mr. Chateaubriand seems to be very supportive of the monarchy. Maybe you can discuss the possibility of a constitutional monarchy." Sir Merry stood up.

"Do you think it's possible?" Georgiana asked, looking at Sir Merry.

"Use your influence, it was often sold by the mistresses of French kings in the past."

Ser Merry said with deep meaning, rolled up the map on the table and took it away without even covering it.

Some people sell fish, some sell spices, and some sell jewelry, but when have you heard that influence can also be sold?

Georgiana smiled sarcastically, the Duke of York's mistress had sold naval positions, including the Governor of Gibraltar.

But Georgiana thought she could talk to Chateaubriand about this British rule, and she didn't know what opinions he would express.

She thought happily and went to the bathroom to put in the bath water.

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